
Coconut's Classes

For the second time that week, Coconut woke up peacefully. He sighed and relaxed his hold around Blue, nuzzling his boyfriend.


Blue was an early riser but last night was so physically draining that he was probably going to sleep through the morning so long as Coconut didn't wake him. So he wasn't conscious when Coconut awoke. 


After a few more minutes there was a light knock on the door. Coconut groaned. "What?"

"You have class in forty five minutes, master." Coconut recognized the voice as his head maid. "Do you need help getting dressed?"

Coconut practically moaned his discontent. "I'm not five, so no. Thanks for waking me up, is breakfast ready?"

"Almost, sir." 

"Alright. Go back to your duties, Farlen." Coconut sat up in his bed and dragged his hands down his face with a huge groan.


Blue was still sleeping. At the sudden loss of body heat, he made a strange expression and then curled up for warmth. If he had been awake to hear the conversation between maid and master, he would have laughed and made fun of Coconut. 


Coconut swung his legs out of bed and sighed, not wanting to get up. He glanced at Blue and pulled the cover back over him, deciding to let him rest more. Coconut stood up and walked into the bathroom groggily, accidentally slamming the door, but too tired to care.


Blue sat up quickly at the loud sound, looking around in confused fear. At first, he didn't recognize where he was and then he felt the warm imprint of Coconut's body in the mattress and remembered everything which explained why his butt was killing him. 


Coconut did his normal morning routine and stepped out of the bathroom, still extremely tired and didn't even notice Blue was awake. He made his way over to a door in the other wall and opened it to reveal a huge, walk-in closet.


Blue scowled at his back, heavily annoyed. "You are the loudest person." Then he shut up and raised his eyebrows when he disappeared into the closet. 


Coconut sloppily grabbed a random red sweatshirt and then a pair of sweatpants, not caring enough to try to pick a nice outfit. He walked back out of the closet. "Did you say something, Angel?"


Blue was sliding out of the bed and inching his way toward the closet, walking inside. 


Coconut shed the clothes he slept in and tugged on the new ones, face planting into the bed again and moaning into the mattress in clear annoyance of having to wake up.


Blue was touring the closet blushing at the expensive suits he found on hangers. "Coconut, can I wear your clothes?" 


"Yeah." His answer was muffled so he turned his head to the side. "There's a section in the back that probably has your size."


Blue wasn't listening anymore. He stepped out of the closet wearing a suit jacket and a bowtie he tied around his neck. Nothing else. "I think I'll wear this, what do you think?" 


Coconut opened his closed eyes and they immediately widened. "Fucking hell… you don't seem to like it when I mess you up so bad you can hardly walk, but you really want it, dont you?"


Blue snickered and smiled then turned away to actually get dressed. "But seriously, what should I wear?" 


"You pick." Coconut pushed himself off the bed. "There should be all kinds of clothes that fit you in the back of the closet."


Blue hung the coat back on the hanger but kept the bowtie on just for fun. He searched through the drawers happily and put on a warm rose colored t-shirt and blue jeans he thought were very nice. He left the closet, forgetting about the bowtie and searched for his glasses.


Coconut got off the bed and hugged Blue around the waist and swayed him softly. "We're matching, love." He said with a sleepy tone, but loving smile.


Blue noticed their color coordination and blushed. "We sure are." He pushed out of his hold, still looking for his glasses, and then he found them on the nightstand and walked around the bed for them. "I'm starving again." 


"Breakfast is ready," Coconut whispered, following him and grabbing a hold of the bowtie and yanking him close from behind. "You're still wearing the bowtie…" he mumbled huskily. 


"Oh." Blue's blush increased and he turned around to face Coconut, reaching his arms around his neck to untie it while looking at him. 


Coconut bit his lip and held onto his hips while he took it off.


Once untied, Blue raised an eyebrow. "I sort of need you to let go of me if you want me to put it back." 


"Mm…" Coconut reluctantly let go and waited for him by the door. "Angel?"


Blue neatly folded the bowtie back into the box of it's brethren "hm?" 


"When you get back from your fall break…" Coconut trailed off with a smirk.


Blur turned back around, seeing his smirk, he was already suspicious. "What?" He raised an eyebrow and hung his head to the side, one hand on his hip. 


"... maybe we can try out our kinks?"


"I thought we already agreed on that." He said, his expression serious, but cheeks a flustered red. He tried walking briskly passed Coconut but winced on his way out and stopped, leaning one hand on the door frame.


Coconut's smirk immediately disappeared and he came up behind Blue and set a hand on his back softly. "Are you okay?"


"Yeah." Blue walked off to the nightstand, once again for his glasses.


"Are you sure? I'll carry you if you want me to." Coconut's voice was completely serious.


Blue put his glasses on and leaned his hands on the nightstand. "Yes please." He said without looking at him. 


Coconut picked him up gently and carried him out the door. 


Blue blushed in embarrassment and tightened his grip on Coconut's back as he was carried down the steps and into the dining hall. "Well, you don't have to carry me everywhere." He said just as he met eyes with a maid who looked away and walked toward one of the waiters to whisper something to him.


Coconut ignored them and brought Blue down to the kitchen, setting him down on a chair at the counter, sitting next to him. They only waited a few seconds before two plates of food were placed in front of them by a waiter. Coconut thanked them and smiled at Blue.


Blue looked back at him, confused by his smile. "What?" But his contagious smile caught a hold of him.


"What?" Coconut tilted his head.


Blue deadpanned him but couldn't hold a serious face for long so he ducked his head as he broke into a smiling chortle. 


Coconut began to eat and hummed quietly to himself.


Blue turned back to his plate of food and picked up his fork, about to eat the expensive looking pro made eggs but he stopped and did a mini-shy-gulp.


Coconut quickly finished eating and grabbing some things from a maid before heading back to Blue. "Almost ready to go?"


Blue was amazed at how fast Coconut could scarf down a meal. "Um," Blue shook his head. "I can't eat this." He looked embarrassed. 


"Hm? Why not?" Coconut looked at him worriedly.


"I-I'm allergic to pepper." He sheepishly picked at the eggs with his fork.


Coconut smiled at him and put a hand on his arm. "Are you allergic to anything else?"




Coconut set his things on the counter and walked in a different room. 


Blue heard distant giggling behind him and turned his head toward the sound, which was coming from outside the room and in the hallway. He could only pick up snippets of the conversation. 

"-cleaning upstairs last night and heard them. He's very loud." A girl snickered and then a quiet male voice said something back which made her laugh again. They're voices grew louder so Blue turned his blazing red face away as he listened to them walk past the room laughing at a secret joke between them. 


Coconut came trotting back into the room with a smile and slid back into his chair. "Good news! The chef is making another plate for you without pepper."


Blue pushed the plate away. "Thanks." He cleared his throat and crossed his legs, his hands curling around the seat's rim of the stool. "What time are your classes?" He said after a suspiciously long silent moment. 


"8:30." Coconut looked at Blue hard for a second then tilted his head. "Why are you blushing so much?"


Blue looked back at him. "What? I am?" He pretended he wasn't bothered by anything. "Sorry, lost in thought." As if that made any sense.


"What?" Coconut furrowed his brow.


He looked away. "What? Nothing. How long is the chef going to take?" He rubbed his hands on his thighs, wishing he didn't have such a pale face that was prone to blushing about every goddamned little thing. 


"Should be maybe… a few minutes." Coconut shrugged and leaned back. He didn't buy Blue's excuse but let it be.


Blue sat uncomfortably for those remaining minutes and was grateful to have an excuse not to speak when his food arrived. "Thank you." He was very grateful they were fast about things. Blue quickly ate the food while making a pained expression when he pictured that maid hearing him and Coconut last night. 


"Angel? Are you okay?" 


He swallowed his last bite after ignoring Coconut and stepped off the stool. "Mhm." He made himself sound happy. "Let's go to school." He smiled, turning around with a grunt.


"Alright." Coconut grabbed his backpack from across the counter and shoved the things he got from the maid in it. While he zipped it back up and put it on, he asked Blue, "Do you need me to carry you again?"


When he saw he was already carrying a backpack, Blue felt it would be rude to ask him so. "You don't have to." He shrugged, politely implying he would like to be carried if it wasn't a problem.


"But I want to." Coconut smiled at him. "So is it a yes?"


Blue smiled, tilting his head down and looking up at him. "Yes." Putting his hands in his pockets.


Coconut hummed and scooped him into his arms again and carried him to his car. He set Blue down gently when they made it and he opened the door for him and put his hand out to help him in.


Blue rolled his eyes. "I think sitting down shouldn't be a problem." But he took his hand anyway.


Coconut shrugged and walked to the driver's side after helping Blue get in. Once they were both buckled in he started the car and drove to where his first class was.


Blue was interested in what Coconut's school would be like so when they pulled into the lot he unbuckled and stepped out without Coconut's help. "Do you have classes with any of your roommates?" He asked, closing the door. 


"Yeah, with my bandmates though. Then one with Rivet and Winx." Coconut got out of the car too and walked up beside Blue. "Would you like me to carry you again?"


Blue blushed and gave him a look. "I think I'm good. That would be too embarrassing for me." He rolled his eyes and looped his arm around his waist. "I'll hang on to you for support though."


Coconut smiled and snaked his arm around Blue. "Of course. Just tell me if you need anything, okay?"


"Okay." He smiled and rested his head on Coconut's shoulder, leaning his weight on him. Blue had never been happier. 


Coconut chuckled and started walking to his first class with Blue. Several kids recognized Blue and teased Coconut, but nothing was really mean. Someone even said something about Coconut stealing Blaize's boyfriend.


"People are really loud." Blue blushed. Making note of the chaotic behavior of the hallways and the lack of discipline the teachers had on the students. 


"Yeah. It's normally like this." Coconut expertly navigated his way through the waves of people, occasionally greeting someone.


"Hey, Yuno!" Some dude with spiked up gelled hair and a letter jacket had looked from kissing his pretty red haired girlfriend against the wall when he saw him. "Got yourself a new boyfriend?" His smile was friendly enough, but he looked like a bully-jock so Blue thought he was working up an insult or a joke. 


"Mm, sure did." Coconut pulled Blue close to him and ruffled his hair lovingly.


Blue blushed profusely and pushed himself out of his noogie and ran his fingers through his hair while giving him a look. 

"Aw, that's cute. Up for a smackdown?" 

Blue's heart struck with fear at his challenge for a fight. "What?" 

Some punk rock girl nearby overheard and she put her hands to her mouth to enhance her voice. "Smackdown!" She caught the attention of the flow of the energetic college students who crowded around them. 


Coconut smirked, unwrapping Blue's arm from his waist. "When have I not been? You're on."


"What?" Blue said again, suddenly extremely concerned. "Yuno, you're going along with this?" He grabbed his arm and turned him to face him. 

The crowd around them was growing larger and louder. 

"On the count of three." The jock said, grabbing his giggling girlfriend by the arm. 

"1, 2…"


"3!" Coconut yelled, grabbing Blue by the hips and shoving him into the wall before slamming their lips together roughly.


Blue's heart never pounded faster. At first the only expressions that passed over his face was shock and surprise. He pushed on Coconut's shoulders with all his might to let him go, not understanding what was happening. He was unsuccessful in pushing Coconut away. As he was nearly suffocating beneath his forceful kissing, he heard the crowd around him chanting smackdown over and over.


Coconut parted to let him breathe for a moment, setting his forehead against Blue's. He slid one of his hands underneath Blue's shirt to hold the small of his back and grabbed the back of Blue's neck with the other.


"Yuno?!" Blue said in between pants, downright confused.


Coconut didn't answer him, immediately smashing their lips back together and biting his lip so he could slip his tongue inside.


Blue gasped, this aggressive behavior from Coconut surprising him. 


Coconut let their tongues battle while he slid the hand that was on Blue's back down and slipped them into his boxers, fondling his ass without hesitation.


Blue arched his back and whimpered in surprise, jerking his knee up and jabbing Coconut in his abs. He turned his head away from him as he tried to shove him off. As he did, he caught sight of the couple next to them and saw they were doing the same thing. The red head and the jock were really going at it just like Coconut was trying to with Blue. It was then he understood what was happening and massively rolled his eyes. 


Coconut growled domniately and grabbed Blue's legs, lifting them up and forcing them around his waist.


"Yuno!" Blue angrily yelled over the noise of the crowd. "Put me-" he shoved on his shoulders and rocked his hips up and down as he tried to untangle himself from him. 


"No," Coconut snarled. He pushed their hips together and grabbed Blue's wrists with his hand, pinning them above his head and using his other hand to force Blue to look at him. "I want to win, Angel…" He kissed him hard again, showing no sign of slowing down or stopping.


Blue growled angrily into the kiss deciding to comply for now since there was no escaping Coconut's hold. Pretty soon, all the contact had given Blue a boner and he was growing rather embarrassed about it and hoped it wouldn't be noticeable once this was over. If it would ever be over. As they continued, Blue could hear the crowd chanting Yuno's name and Blue rolled his eyes again, biting hard on Yuno's lip. 


Coconut moaned lowly and grinded his hips against Blue's.


Blue forgot Coconut was a masochist and became even more irritated. Especially when he felt his boner enlarge at Coconut's hip action. The crowd's chanting of Yuno's name was growing louder and louder as more joined in. Then suddenly, there was a loud slap that rang through the air which made the crowd collectively gasp. 


Coconut broke the kiss and looked over at the competing couple in shock.


Blue looked with Coconut as well, forgetting about how irritated he was with him. 

The beautiful red haired girl was pulling her shirt down and glaring hard at the jock with a blush. She stormed off, shoving people out of her way. Her hand imprinted boyfriend stared after her in shock while holding the cheek she had nearly slapped clean off.  


"Trint, bro, I don't know what you did but you better fucking go after her," Coconut growled at him.


Trint glared at Yuno but did just that. As Blue watched him leave, he turned back to Coconut and shoved him harshly again, giving another stern look.


Coconut looked at him and then smirked when he pushed his hips against Blue's and felt his boner. He pulled Blue off the wall but didn't let his legs down, walking to the nearest bathroom and glaring at everyone looking. They knew better than to follow after him.


"Yuno, put me down!" He hit his shoulders and pushed to get down, wriggling and twisting, but Coconut was clutching him too tightly for Blue to slip his legs down. 


"Fine," Coconut said gruffly, making his way into a stall and locking the door behind him. He set Blue down on his feet then shoved him against the stall wall.


"No!" Blue pushed him away, and wiped his lip. 


"Don't you want some help, love?" Coconut asked with a smirk, grabbing Blue's bulge.


Blue shoved his arm and turned his blazing red face away to unlock the stall door.


Coconut pulled him back again and pushed his chest into the stall's wall. He grabbed Blue's wrists and held them behind him while he grinded against him. "Where are you going, love?"


Blue moaned and then angrily snapped at him, "Get off of me." 


"No…" Coconut continued grinding against him and leaned over to softly kiss his neck. "Sorry for being so rough earlier. I was just being competitive…"


Blue grit his teeth. "And embarrassing. I said get off, Yuno!" He thrashed and jerked his arms as he strained to free himself, stretching his neck away from his tickling lips. 


Coconut pushed his hips against him to stop his squirming and tightened the hold he had on Blue's wrists. He lightly bit and tugged Blue's ear before murmuring in it softly. "I'm also sorry that I didn't ask for permission to do that. I knew you would be embarrassed but I did it anyway. I apologize." He nuzzled into Blue's neck and sighed contentedly.


Blue gulped and focused on slowing his breathing as he rested his forehead on the stall door. "Coconut, let go of me." He begged, squeezing his thighs together to suppress the hot sensation he felt crawling in his pants. 


"No. Not until you accept my apology."


"Urgh, I don't accept your apology. I think you're only apologizing because you want in my pants." He struggled again, backing into him which sparked an idea.


"But I'm not." He kissed his neck softly again. "I'm seriously sorry."


"Yeah right. You just want to suck me off and me to do the same to you. That's why you brought me in here in the first place. Get off!" Blue pushed off with his legs, walking backward, driving Coconut into the toilet which hopefully would dig into the back of his knees and unbalance him. 


"Fuck-" Coconut fell backwards but his grip on Blue tugged him with him. He landed on the toilet with a wince and then he hissed when Blue fell on top of him.


"Ah!" Blue cried a moan when he plopped right onto Coconut's lap, feeling his boner dig into him. 


Coconut recollected himself and hugged Blue from behind. "I'm not joking, Blue. I really am sorry, I just want to make it up to you. I don't want anything in return."


Blue rolled his eyes and stood up, pushing off of him. "Tch. Hard to believe that after you grinded against me."


"Okay, maybe I'm a little horny, but can you blame me? You're hot as fuck." Coconut placed his chin on Blue's shoulder. "But really. I'm sorry."


Blue cursed at him when he yanked him down again. He jerked his arm upward, bouncing his chin off his shoulder. "Don't flatter me." The bell rang. "Coconut, let me go. You're going to be late." 


"It's fine, love. Just let me help you and then we can go. Alright?'


"No! I said no." Blue pushed and stood but he was unsuccessful and only making their cases worse- or longer. 


"I know you want it."


"No. I don't." His ears turned red. "Now please let go. This is the last time I'm asking before I get really mad at you."


"You do."


"No I don't!" 


Coconut put a hand over Blue's crotch and palmed his boner.


At this point, Blue was raving mad. "Stop it!" He squeezed his legs together and jerked his hips back, rubbing over Coconut's length. 


Coconut huffed and unwrapped his arms from him. "Fine."


Blue jumped up and grabbed his crotch with a red face before turning around on Coconut, glaring at him. 


Coconut got up and stared down at him. "I only wanted to make you feel good."


Blue's glare increased but he grabbed Coconut's shirt and jerked him toward his face so he could kiss him and then he pulled off and stared at him with a hard look before his tongue slid over his own bottom lip, tasting blood from the bite Yuno had left him during their smackdown. Then he walked away and out of the stall, wiping his lip again.


Coconut saw the blood and he sucked in a small breath, grabbing a hold of Blue's hand and pulling him back. He tilted up his head and inspected his lip carefully before wiping it again gently and looking at Blue with a sad expression. "I'm so sorry, love. I didn't mean to hurt you."


Blue sucked his lips in. "Mhm, yeah well, you've been doing just that ever since you gave me this." He glared and whipped away from him then exited the bathroom. Forgetting about his noticeable boner. 


Coconut panicked for a second. "Wait, what?" He sounded almost afraid and he ran after Blue, turning him around by his shoulders.


"It's time for class, Yuno. Not kissing your boyfriend." His voice was dark. 


"Tell me what I did wrong first."


Blue groaned in annoyance. "First of all, I did not know what the hell a smackdown was. I thought you were freaking going to fight that guy. Secondly, I don't like being thrown against a wall while a crowd watches you feel me up and down. And thirdly, I especially don't like to be dragged into a bathroom and then groped and sexually harassed. Even if you are my boyfriend." During his entire rant, he stepped closer and closer to him as he growled in his face. Then, adding a finishing touch, he stomped on Coconut's foot and turned around to storm off somewhere- he didn't know where- but somewhere. 


Coconut whimpered and shrunk backwards, completely ignoring the pain in his foot, on the brink of having a panic attack. He struggled to keep his breathing in check while he once again stopped Blue from running off. "I-I'm so sorry, Blue! I-I didn't know! Are you-are you okay? Are you hurt? Did I hurt you anywhere else?" He fussed over him before suddenly stumbling back into the wall and sliding down it with a pitiful cry. "I'm such a bad boyfriend… he hates me…" he continued to whisper-yell insulting things at himself while he held his head and had a hard time breathing. He pulled at his hair violently and kind of thrashed in place.


"Coconut, no!" Well shoot, now Blue felt downright awful. He rushed toward him and kneeled on the floor next to him, grabbing and shaking his arm. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you freak out. I'm the one that's sorry. I went overboard." 


"No you didn't!" Coconut practically sobbed, hitting his head on his knees, which he had pulled to his chest. "Everything you said was true! I'm awful!"


Blue blew air into his cheeks, about to say something embarrassing. "Yeah, well, actually, no, you're not awful because...I lied." 


"No you didn't!" Coconut whimpered.


Blue sighed. "Yes. I did." He said firmly and squeezed Coconut's hand. "Coconut, even though I had no clue what was happening during the smackdown, I still liked it. And when you dragged me into the bathroom, I was just scared of what was to come." 


Coconut's whimpers and cries lessened and he looked up at Blue with teary eyes. "...but I still scared you…"


"Tch. Yeah, you scare me a lot. As in...sexually." He blushed and ducked his head, then looked away from him, biting his cheek. 


"H-Huh? What do you mean?" Coconut rubbed his eyes a little.


Blue reddened. "Don't make me explain it." He smiled and shook his head.


"But… I don't understand."


Blue sighed and looked at him, then whispered, "You know how you feel when...do you remember when I was on top of you last night and you looked at me like...like you were helpless? That's what I mean. You're strong enough to do whatever you want to me, Yuno. It frightens me but...it's kind of a turn on at the same time." 


Coconut stared at him for a bit. "You know I would never do something you truly don't want, right?"


"I know. I know." He looked at him with truth in his eyes and they held their gaze for a moment. 


Coconut smiled weakly at him. "Thanks. I'm sorry… for… freaking out… again…"


"No, no, it's ok. I don't care. I was being overdramatic." He didn't think so but he said so. Knowing he could have overreacted far worse. "Hey, you've got class." 


Coconut put his legs down and pulled Blue onto his lap, breathing in the smell of his hair and ignoring his reminder. "I love you…" he mumbled.


Blue wanted to snuggle into him but he didn't. "I love you too, but Coconut, we have to go." He squirmed in his tight grip again. "You can't do this in the hallway." 


Coconut smushed his face into Blue's shoulder and stayed there, showing no sign of moving.


Blue groaned in annoyance. "Fine, I guess you're just going to be late to your class." 


"Okay." Coconut's voice was muffled and he hugged Blue tightly.


Blue rolled his eyes but hugged back anyway for as long as Coconut needed, though he was embarrassed about doing it on the floor of the college. 


Coconut's eyes were closed, and the warmth from Blue was starting to make him feel sleepy. Not that he cared if he fell asleep in the hallway.


It had been about three minutes. Blue turned his head and whispered in Yuno's ear, "hey, are we going to class or no?" 


Coconut only hummed tiredly, almost asleep.


"Yuno, answer me. You can't skip class." 


Once again, Coconut didn't answer. His breathing was even and his hold on Blue loosened considerably.


Blue recognized the sound of his breathing so he pulled away from Coconut. "You're sleeping? At the school? On the floor?" 


Coconut grunted and suddenly hit the back of Blue's head. "Quiet… nap time…" he mumbled in annoyance, somehow still asleep.


"Ouch! Hey!" Blue's hand rubbed the back of his head and then he grabbed Coconut's face, turning it side to side. "Wake up, Coconut." His voice was stern.


Coconut forced his head to stop turning and stayed still for a moment before leaning forward and kissing Blue out of nowhere.


Blue was surprised at first but then rolled his eyes and kissed back before pushing him off and standing up. "Come on." His voice was irritated. He offered a hand to pick him up. 


Coconut was still slumbering and without his hold on Blue to keep him up, he slumped against the wall with a frustrated moan.


Not believing he was asleep anymore, Blue grabbed Coconut's arm and dragged him across the cold tile floor, but he was heavy so he didn't get far. Blue dropped him and leaned back to pop his now aching spine. Not to mention it had hurt like hell for his ass to pump his legs backward like that. 


Coconut groaned as he was dropped on the floor and opened his eyes drowsily. He looked up and, seeing Blue above him, asked groggily "Angel?"


Blue bent his knees. "Coconut. You're passed out on the floor of the school. Get. Up." He grabbed his arm and tugged to help him.


"Ugh." Coconut hauled himself up and smacked his face before looking at Blue. "What time is it?"


"Tch. You were hardly even sleeping for five minutes. Coconut it's 8:30. Come on, you're late for class. 


"Ack, fine." Coconut grabbed Blue's hand and pulled him along, picking up his long forgotten backpack and calmly leading them to his class.


"Do you even remember anything that happened?" He hurried to catch up with him and grunted in pain. 


"What do you mean?" Coconut slowed down so Blue would have an easier time staying by him.


Blue looked at him like he was crazy. "Do you remember the smackdown? Or anything?" 


"Of course. How could I forget?" He gave him a smile.


Blue rolled his eyes. "Ok. I don't understand how someone can fall asleep in seconds on a school floor." 


"Because of you."


Blue at first looked at him as if he had made a lame joke but then smiled. He leaned on him again, his arm around his waist.


Coconut stopped at his classroom's door. "Ready?" He squeezed his hand softly.


"Your class, not mine." Blue smiled. 


"Alright." Coconut grabbed Blue and picked him up like a princess before kicking the door open. "Ay! What's up everyone?!"


Blue made an expression of shocked surprise. "Coconut, what the f-" he silenced when he saw the laughing faces of Coconut's classmates staring at them. 


The professor looked away from the whiteboard and chuckled. "Hello, Yuno."

Coconut waved a little. "Sup. I was taking care of something after I won a smackdown."


One of the guys in the first row Blue recognized as an onlooker of the smackdown, said something that made Blue's face erupt into a blush. "Yuno scored himself a blowjob." 

Blue shoved off of Yuno and ran his fingers through his hair with a screaming blush. "No, that is not what happened." He was thankful his boner had disappeared. 


"Yeah. A shame, really," Coconut chuckled. He grabbed Blue's hand and pulled him up the stairs to the back of the room and sat down, bringing Blue with him.

His classmates said their hellos and the professor continued what he was doing, pushing up his small glasses.


Before Blue sat down, he turned around on Coconut and whispered harshly in his face, "Coconut, that was embarrassing." 


"Yep. Sorry 'bout that." He pulled him into his lap suddenly. "Don't move too much," he whispered huskily into his ear.


Blue growled his disapproval but decided to be nice so he stayed silent and still while sitting on top of him and watching the professor with a hard look he hoped the teacher wouldn't assume was for him. 


Coconut rested his chin on Blue's shoulder again and sighed happily. "Thanks, love."

The professor turned around and gave the students a friendly smile. "Alright everyone! You already know what we're doing and I expect you to work on your projects over fall break. If you don't, it's not my problem, but you still have a week after we come back. You can have the rest of the class to work. Or whatever, I don't really care." He walked away and sat down at his desk, opening his laptop and putting in headphones as the class erupted in noise.


"So? Are you going to work on your project?" Blue turned his head to say quietly in his ear-not quite whispering. 


Coconut snorted and dug around in his backpack for a moment before pulling out a large roll of paper. "Of course I am."


"What is it?" Blue tried moving off of him.


"Stay," Coconut commanded. He placed the paper on the table and unfurled it carefully. It was a beautifully crafted painting of a flaming ship being attacked by a dragon and thrown around by stormy waters.


"Whoa. Did you do that?" 


Coconut smiled. "Sure did. Winx helped me and I've spent several weeks on it… but I think it's worth it."


"Sure was." Blue stared at it, amazed by the detail. "It looks like you're done." 


"I still have a few more little details to add, but other than that, yeah." Coconut ran his hand over his project gently.


"Do you need me to move so you can do that?" 


"Mm… unfortunately, yes."


Blue did so and sat next to him. "Well, go on. I want to see how you paint." 


"Wait here for a moment." Coconut got up and walked into a room connected to the class.


As Blue waited for Coconut, one of the long blackhaired girls a couple of rows below Blue turned around and greeted him.

"Uh, hi." He looked at Coconut's painting and fiddled with his hands. 

The girls turned around, grabbing the attention of her tan-skinned friend. "You're like the band's pet now, right?" 

Blue blushed and rolled his eyes. "Excuse me? No. Nothing like that. That was just a joke." 

The two girls looked at each other with a smirk and then back at Blue. "We know you and Yuno are fucking. So are you like being paid to stay with them or did they actually kidnap you? Also, are you kissing up to Yuno and the band members so they'll let you go? That's real slutty."

She was talking as if she was just kidding around with him. Blue glared at her. "Is that what people think? N-no. That's not at all what's happening. Yuno and I are just dating now." He turned his head away, hoping Coconut would be back soon.

The dark skinned girl gave her friend an unconvinced look. "So what's he like in bed?" She asked. 

Blue closed his eyes and rested his elbow on his knee, rubbing his face with that hand. He sighed. "Please stop talking to me." He grumbled. 

The blackhaired girl giggled and they returned to their projects. 


Coconut walked back with a few paints and brushes and plopped down in his seat. "Anything happen while I was gone, Angel?" he asked while getting all his supplies ready to start working.


"Yeah, some annoying girls bugged me but that's about it." He groaned. 


Coconut smiled at him. "They didn't bother you too bad, right?"


"...I'm only worried everyone else thinks what they think about me." Blue was watching what he said just in case they were listening. 


"What do they think about you? And please… don't lie." 


"Why would I lie?" He hesitated and then lowered his voice to a whisper and nervously told him, "they think I'm sleeping around with the band members because they think I'm the band's pet or whatever."


"They think you're a whore?" Coconut asked kind of loudly, surprised and looking offended.


Blue's face reddened at how loud he was and then looked around to see if anyone had heard them. Several heads had turned but the girls were sitting stiffly, consumed in their work. "Uh, that's what they were meaning to say, yes." Blue said quietly. 


"Well they're wrong! You are not a whore in any way and I refuse to let you even begin to think you might be!" Coconut seethed.


"I-I never thought I was! I was just concerned that's what the rest of your school thinks. Lower your voice." Blue was silently begging for Coconut to shut up because now half the class was listening to them. 


Coconut looked up and around, glaring at everyone silently before his gaze met Blue's again and his look softened. "Sorry, it's just… I don't like it when people use that word or words like it to describe someone before they get to know them at least a little."


"Yeah, well, of course." Blue sheepishly turned away and set his elbows on his knees again, rubbing the back of his neck with both hands nervously while looking at his shoes.


"Are you okay?" Coconut asked quietly, leaning down and putting a hand on his back.


Blue shook his head no.




Blue wanted to tape his mouth shut. God, he was so loud. Blue sat up and whispered in his ear. "Because everyone heard you." 


"Oh." Coconut glanced away sheepishly. "Sorry… I'm just used to being loud."


Blue kissed his cheek. "Yeah, you are." 


Coconut smiled, turning back to his project and starting to add the final details he had been talking about. 


Blue leaned over Coconut's shoulder to watch him paint. After a while, Blue's lip was hurting so he slid his tongue over it, feeling the small gash Coconut had left and then thought about how it happened, which made him aroused. Blue closed his eyes as he imagined Coconut's lips on his again and quietly moaned. 


Coconut stiffened and his lips parted in surprise. "An-Angel?"


Blue opened his eyes. "Hm?" He wiped his mouth again. 


"Y-You just moaned in my ear…" he whispered.


Blue blushed and leaned back. "Sorry." He grunted and folded his hands over his boner to hide himself. 


Coconut bit his lip and started cleaning up his paints, carrying them back into the other room to put them away.


Luckily, the girls ahead of Blue didn't dare turn around again so Blue was free to wait uncomfortably for Coconut's return. 


Coconut rushed back into the room and carefully put his painting on a drying rack, making a mental reminder to grab it after his classes. He walked over to Blue, grabbed his bag and then Blue's wrist, pulling him out of his seat and dragging him out the door with a wave at his professor.


"Where are we going? Your next class early?" 


"No." Coconut looked down the hall and when he saw nobody he led Blue into the nearest bathroom then shoved him in a stall, locking the door and dropping his bag.


Blue's face flushed and his crotch throbbed. "Seriously, Coconut? After what I just told you not even an hour ago?" He glared at him, balling his fists at his sides.


"Mm… but either you really want to piss me off, or you want my help, little Angel," Coconut growled seductively, stepping toward him.


Blue took a step back. "What are you talking about?" 


"I'm talking about what happened back in my class." Coconut backed him up against the wall and trapped him there with his arms, leaning close and moving his mouth next to Blue's hearing hole. "When you moaned in my ear," he whispered in a deep voice.


Blue leaned against the cold bathroom wall and released a shaky, short sigh and then regained his composure. "That wasn't what you think it was, I was just...thinking." He ran his tongue over his bottom lip again as he made eye contact with Yuno.


Coconut smirked and leaned closer to his face until their lips were centimeters apart. "Thinking about what?"


Blue didn't say anything as he focused on controlling his breathing and then he opened his mouth to say something but instead leaned forward the centimeter that was needed to close the gap between their lips.


Coconut huffed warm air onto his lips and smirked at him.


"I was thinking about this. You. Kissing me." His eyes were puppylike. 


"Or were you thinking about going further?" Coconut brushed his lips against Blue's while he spoke, teasing him.


"No. Just kissing." Blue closed his eyes and sighed. Then he rested his forehead on Coconut's shoulder and then scandalously slipped his hands beneath Coconut's sweatshirt, feeling up his abs and then pecs. "Please let me go?" 


"Don't seem like you want me to."


Blue growled and then pinched Coconut's nipples, looking up at him. "Wrong answer." 


Coconut bit his lip and looked down at him. "How so?"


Blue pushed roughly on his chest, stepping forward threateningly. "We're not doing this right now. Not in your school bathroom." 


"Yes. We are." Coconut shoved him right back against the wall.


Blue gave him a stern look and remained eye contact with him for a long time before his expression lit with an idea. He smiled sweetly at Yuno as he persuaded him. "Yuno…" he tilted his head. "I promise to give you something extra sweet if you can wait until after your classes." 




"What?" Blue looked surprised. "Why?" 


Coconut slid down Blue and unzipped his pants. "I don't want anything."


"But I don't want anything either!" Blue popped up his knee, kicking Coconut in the chin and then rezipping his jeans. 


Coconut hissed and gripped his chin. "What the hell? You obviously have a boner."


"No. It's not obvious. I'm lucky to have a small dxxx."


"You're not small." 


"Yes, I am." He gave him a look that said there was no unconvincing him. "How much time until your next class?" 


"I'm serious, Blue. You aren't small." He stood up with a sigh. "I just wanted to give you pleasure. Why are you so against that?"


"Because, Yuno." He said, using his real name too. "Doing things like that in a place like this is embarrassing. We can do those things back at the- wherever we're going after this as long as it's not in the bathroom of some public building." 


"You let me do it at the wrestling match. Plus, it's the middle of class. No one will be here."


"Hmmmm." Blue whined a moan, trying to decide whether to be tempted or not. 


"You don't have to give me anything in return. I'm only getting rid of your boner. And I can do it however fast you want me to." Coconut rubbed his hips.


Blue sighed. "Fine. So long as nobody-"

The door to the bathroom swung open at that moment and Blue shut up. His cheeks blushed red at the sound of heavy footsteps walking past the stalls and into the next one. 


Coconut completely disregarded the man and dropped to his knees silently, unzipping Blue's jeans again. The man began his business while Coconut began to palm Blue through his boxers.


Hot arousal mixed with embarrassment traveled up and down Blue. "Yuno. Don't." He mouthed and sternly glared while growing extremely hard beneath his touch.


Coconut didn't even look up and pulled his boxers down, wrapping a hand around his length.


Blue gasped and then smacked a hand to his mouth. 

The shuffling in the stall next door ceased and the toilet flushed. 


Coconut looked up at Blue and licked the tip with a smirk.


Blue bit his knuckle as he released a soft whine. His length was an angry throbbing red. 

The man in the next stall made his way toward the sinks. 


Coconut wrapped his lips slowly around Blue's length, all the while keeping eye contact.


Blue bit hard on his hand and squeezed his eyes closed as he grunted. 

The washing at the sink came to an end but Blue didn't hear any footsteps. 


Coconut slid his head further down on Blus's length and closed his eyes, moaning quietly onto him.


Blue put his other hand on Coconut's head, applying pressure to his forehead to push him away as he bit harder into his hand to keep from moaning, breathing heavily. 

The footsteps were loud and fast. The man pounded on the door. "Alright, open up. I know what's going on in there." 


Coconut pulled off Blue's length slowly, dragging his teeth along the way. He wiped his mouth and then started giving his boyfriend a handjob instead. "Calm your shit Jerald."


The man yelled, "as, c'mon, Yuno. This is inappropriate and annoying behavior. You kids better stop this before I turn you in. I'm sick of coming to the bathroom and walking in on this nasty crap."


"Yeah." Coconut rolled his eyes. "Get out of here, Jerald, and stop ruining our day."


The man huffed and grumbled curses. "I swear, Yuno. If I find you in here again doing this, I won't be so nice." 


"You're never nice."


The man slammed the bathroom door shut. 

"Who was that?" Blue grabbed the hand he had been biting in pain, seeing teeth marks. 


"Janitor," Coconut explained shortly. He pumped Blue's length with his hand faster and then suddenly took him into his mouth again.


Blue's hands fell against the wall and he tipped his head back, moaning. "Please just make it quick." 


Coconut hummed and pushed his head down as far as he could, letting Blue hit the back of his throat and reaching a hand to softly fondle his balls.


Blue cried out almost painfully. "Yuno." He moaned already breathless. "Hurry up." 


Coconut glared up at him and sucked hard.


"Oooh," Blue looked down at him in time to see his glare. "What?" 


Coconut growled on his length and closed his eyes again, wrapping his hands around Blue to grab his ass and start forcing him to thrust into his throat.


Blue gasped and hunched in pleasure, his hands falling on Coconut's back and gripping his sweatshirt. "So close." He whispered after a bit. 


Coconut looked up at him and poked a finger at his hole, moaning onto his length at the same time.


Blue inhaled sharply and exhaled a loud moan as he blasted into Coconut's mouth, his body convulsing with pleasure. 


Coconut waited until he was done to pull away and swallow, wiping his mouth again. "There. Feel better?"


Blue's chest and shoulders rose and fell as he breathed quickly, his back hit the wall and he slowly slid down it as he clutched his wet self. 


Coconut looked at him and squinted. "Are you okay?"


Blue nodded slowly and stood on his feet again as he put himself back together. Zipping up his jeans, he was still breathing heavily. He walked past Coconut and out the stall to the sinks. 


Coconut watched him leave with a conflicted expression. "Hey… Blue?"


Blue cleared his throat as he washed his hands, even though he had barely touched his genitals. "Yes?" He took a deep breath which was the last of his quick breathing fits. 


"I know I said I didn't want anything in return… but…" Coconut rubbed the back of his neck, still on his knees. His boner was easily noticeable and anyone who looked below his waist would see it. "I… can't go to class like this."


Blue angrily flicked his wet hands of water droplets and turned around, closing the stall door again. "Get up." 


"A-Ah… okay…" Coconut got off his knees and watched Blue curiously.


Blue dropped to his own knees, wanting to get things over with. He slid Coconut's sweatpants down swiftly and quickly pulled out his hard length. Rubbing fiercely and looking away in embarrassment.  


Coconut tried his best to suppress his moans but a few quiet ones slipped past his notice while he tangled his fingers into Blue's hair.


Blue's hands were still wet from the sink so Coconut's large length was soon slick enough that Blue didn't bother putting it in his mouth. Instead he fondled his balls bashfully. "How long will this take?" He asked quietly, not once had he looked up at him.


"Mm… depends." Coconut bit his lip when he looked down at him and closed his eyes tightly. 


Blue massaged Coconut's precious parts with his right and gripped tightly with his left, sliding up and down, creating a friction that was burning Blue's hand. "Because, I don't want you to come in my mouth."


"F-Fuck… then where am I going to come?" Coconut tilted his head back and moaned louder.


"The toilet bowl. Turn around!" He stood up, seeing the warning signs of Coconut's building to an explosion. He turned Coconut around, still holding him.


"Ah! Shit!" Coconut put his hands on the wall to stabilize himself while he hunched over, panting heavily from pleasure.


"Geez, Coconut, calm down. I haven't even put my mouth on you." Blue rolled his eyes but pumped faster, letting go of his length and giving his balls a squeeze with the same hand.


"Y-You never have to-" Coconut clenched his jaw and suddenly jerked his hips forward as he came with a small hiss of pleasure.


Blue held onto him by his base but looked away while he discharged. Once he finished, Blue let him go and turned around, unlocking the door. "Now I have to wash my hands again." 


Coconut snorted in amusement, pulling his sweatpants and boxers back up, following after Blue. He kissed his boyfriend's ear softly. "Thanks, Angel." 


As Blue washed his hands his lips twitched in a quick smile. He lathered his hands with extra soap and then finished up. 


Coconut washed his hands next to Blue, drying them off around the same time. After they were both presentable, Coconut wrapped his arms around Blue from behind. "I love you."


"Yeah. I do too. You I mean." He shrugged out of his hold, walking toward the door. He wiped his hands on his jeans because he didn't like to dry his hands on the gross paper towels: They made his hands smell weird. 


Coconut pouted slightly. "That was cold."


Blue grumbled something inaudible back as he left the restroom. 


Coconut huffed gruffly and followed after him reluctantly. 


Blue turned around, face only serious. "Where to?" 


"My singing class or whatever."


"Singing?" Blue brightened. "That sounds entertaining." He snickered and then remembered he was a good singer so making fun of him wasn't going to work. "I'm disappointed you haven't sang to me yet."


Coconut smirked discreetly and grabbed Blue's hand, pulling him to his next class.


Blue gave him a look for not answering him. "What was that?" 


"What was what?"


"You- the way you- you just smirked and turned away! Cocky little…" 


"Sorry." Coconut brought them to a stop in front of a dark classroom and let go of Blue's hand so he could dig through his pockets.


"Uh, Coconut. There isn't anyone in there." Blue obviously stated.


"Yeah. Because we left my last class early and this next one is the first of this class today." Coconut finally got what he needed and used the key he fished from his pocket to unlock the locked door.


"And just exactly how do you have a key?" 


"Friends with the teacher," Coconut answered bluntly, opening the door and turning on the lights. "Make yourself at home." Coconut went into another room and ruffled through some things.


Blue called after him, "That still doesn't explain why a teacher would just hand you a key to their room." Blue shook his head and then a microphone connected to a stand caught his attention.


"I like to practice without anyone around," Coconut called from the other room before walking out with an acoustic guitar.


Blue had his hands around the microphone and breathed heavily into it. "LUUUKE, I AM YOUR FATHEEEER." His dramatically slurred whispers echoed through the room and Blue smiled dorkily.


Coconut nearly dropped his guitar in surprise but he burst out laughing. "Damn it, Blue!"


Blue smiled and then lifted his eyebrows and smirked at him, whispering sexily into the microphone, "Oh, Yuno." He bit his lip while smirking. "You're sooo sexy."  He moaned and then broke off into a snicker. 


Coconut gave him a lighthearted glare. "You know, this is exactly why I'm always dragging you into bathrooms to suck you off."


Blue blushed and rolled his eyes while stepping away from the mic. "So what do you do in this class?" 


Coconut shrugged. "Mostly practice singing and performing, I guess. We also learn what our voices go best with and sometimes we learn instruments." He gestured to his guitar.


"That sounds like fun. Hey, play me something." He suggested with a smile and climbed over the bleachers to sit on the second to lowest one, leaning his feet on the last row with his elbows on his knees, arms folded as he leaned over. 


Coconut chuckled softly. "What did you think I was doing, love?" He walked over to where he was sitting and sat on the lowest row, a small bit away from Blue's feet so he would have room for his guitar.


"I don't know. To be honest I assummed you were going to shove me in here so we could have sex." He shrugged.


"I'm not that barbaric," he smiled, strumming a few times and tuning it to perfection.


"You're brother is. Half-brother. Adopted brother. Whatever he is." Blue internally swooned at his princely smile.


"Whatever he is indeed." Coconut checked a few more things before smiling at Blue again. "Ready?"


"No, I kind of like just looking at your smile." Blue rested his chin on his fist, admiring him, for once looking down at him from above.


Coconut laughed lightly. "Thanks, love. But I assure you, I'll be smiling the whole time, and so will you."


Blue rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Whatever." His fist muffled his voice.


Coconut cleared his throat and readjusted his position, glancing up at Blue one last time before he looked back down at the strings and began to play, not yet singing.


Blue widened his eyes, recognizing the chords. He was speechless for a second. "C-Coconut, did you-" 


Coconut smiled and nodded. "I told you you'd be smiling…" he murmured.


Blue purposely frowned and raised his eyebrows. "Well I'm not." he folded his arms, the ends of his mouth disobeying him and twitching upward as they struggled to hold the opposite expression of what he was naturally feeling.


Coconut rolled his eyes and focused back on the song, reaching the beginning and taking a deep breath before starting to sing Blue's favorite song beautifully.


Blue blushed profusely as he watched Coconut sing the romantic song. Especially when Coconut replaced the word girl with boy. Blue hadn't expected to feel so emotional in this moment but he remembered listening to this song while writing a paper, or doing chores, or riding the bus, everytime he listened he sadly thought it was unfair he was never going to have anyone he liked think of him back in this way for obvious reasons. Over the years he had come to accept the fact. Blue ran his hands up the sides of his face while a giant smile spread across it and then he covered it with his hands to hide it. 


Coconut continued the song and looked up at Blue with a soft, adoring smile, his eyes filled with nothing but love.


Blue shook his head and moved his hands beneath his glasses to cover the rest of his blazing face. He smiled into his hands and listened from behind them, waiting for him to finish.


Coconut finished singing with a smile on his face the entire time and when he strummed the last note, he looked up at Blue's blushing face with another charming smile. "Did you like it, Angel?"


Blue didn't answer. He instead turned his face away and took off his glasses, wiping his eyes quickly and then putting them back on. 


Coconut set his guitar down quickly and scooted up beside Blue. "A-Are you crying? Did I make you upset?" He held Blue's shoulder with concern.


"No." Blue sniffed, smiling widely. "I'm not crying. And no. Not upset." His voice was soft. 


Coconut's face relaxed and he gazed at Blue lovingly. "Did I make you so happy you cried?"


Blue kicked his leg. "No, I told you, I'm not crying. Baka." He mocked an anime tsundere. 


Coconut chuckled lightly, disregarding his denial. "You're definitely crying." He wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him into his side, nuzzling into his hair. "And I don't think you know how happy that makes me."


"No," Blue said. "No, you don't know how happy this makes me. Did you remember when you asked me what my favorite song was and I told you that I wouldn't have told you if you were someone else?"


"Of course. I could never forget a single moment with you." He smiled.


Blue was bursting with sad happiness. "Well, I wouldn't tell anyone else because I was so embarrassed to like a song like that even though I've liked it for a long time. It's always been painful to listen to even though I love it so much because, well, because I never thought someone would think that way about me. Another boy I mean. So for you to sing it...that just...sort of made a dream come true. For me anyway."


Coconut hugged him against his side. "It's always a pleasure for me to make your dreams come true, love."


Blue wiped a fresh tear from his eye and then grabbed Coconut's face to kiss him hard. He pulled off after only a second to say, "see if you had sang me that song just a day or so ago or even just a couple hours ago, it would have been a lot easier for you to get in my pants."


"I don't want it to be easy to get in your pants." Coconut smiled and rubbed his cheek. "You're special. I appreciate that you stop me so much. When I'm not horny is when I show the most love." He chuckled sheepishly.


Blue was looking at him with a love-charmed expression, his heart was throbbing so hard that he almost broke into tears again, "God, I'm in love with you." He whispered before kissing him again.


Coconut kissed back but pulled away shortly after, setting his forehead against Blue's and gazing into his eyes. "Me too. I love you so much, I don't have anything to compare it to."


"Shut up and just keep kissing me." He grabbed his face and smashed his lips to his. 


Coconut rolled his eyes but went with it and kissed him back, gently pushing him backwards onto the bleachers and holding the back of his head so it wasn't uncomfortable.


Blue moaned and then pulled off with a smile to say cleverly, "You know if you had just sung that song right before the smackdown, I would have had no problem." 


"I wanted to sing it to you while we were completely alone."


Blue moaned into the kiss and rocked his hips into Coconut's. His hands scrambling up and down his back as he pushed him closer.


Coconut groaned and pushed his hips down into Blue's, grinding over him harshly. He parted from Blue and kissed down his jaw to his neck, leaving wet kisses all over it.


Blue exclaimed at the same time that he moaned, "Oh, that reminds me!" He suddenly snapped. "Quit leaving so many lovebites, they're very noticable." 


Coconut whined. "That's the point!"


Blue rolled his eyes and scoffed but let him have at it. 


Coconut smiled against his neck and let up on his kisses, instead muttering how much he loves him on his skin, grabbing a hand and interlocking their fingers.


Blue sighed and smiled lovingly as he looked at Coconut. He smoothly slid his hands up the sides of his face and brought him forward to kiss his lips. 

That's when the bell rang and the door opened, students entered the classroom, chattering loudly. 


Coconut's head snapped up and he gasped, scrambling off of Blue and pulling him up too.


Blue was heavily annoyed that class had to start now when they were so engaged in loving each other. Blue immediately wrapped his arms around Coconut, kissing up his neck while still smiling, surprisingly not caring people had noticed them by now. 


Coconut rolled his eyes but snaked his arms around Blue's waist and pulled him closer, nipping his ear.


Blue giggled and turned his head away. "That tickles." He whispered. 


Coconut chuckled and pulled away. "C'mon, love. Class is starting."


Blue hummed a twitterpated sigh. "But I'm not done with you yet." He laid his chin on Coconut's shoulder, his mouth facing his ear and his arms around his waist. 


"Fine." Coconut let him do whatever he wanted while the students filed into the class and sat down. There weren't too many kids so there was a lot of space between them all. The teacher walked in after then and shut the door. The teacher stood at the podium and smiled at them again. "Alright, since tomorrow is fall break, we will not be doing anything, so feel free to practice, or ask if you need anything."


Blue was surprised. "Really? Why did you even have to come to class today if you're not doing anything anyway?" 


"For my guitar." Coconut nuzzled into his shoulder. "So I could sing to you, duh."


"Oh, right." Blue blushed. "So do you have any more classes? Can we just go if you don't have anything else to do?" 


"Yeah." Coconut gave Blue a smile. "I don't have anything else."


"Then can we get out of here and go back to your house? Or the dorm?" They touched noses. "I don't have anything else to do either." He gasped as he remembered and pulled away. "Crap. I do have something. I completely forgot." 


"What is it?"


"Uum, I have to finish my project. Remember? I said I had all of today to finish it? Right before break starts." He stepped off the rizers. 


"Oh, okay. We can head back to my mansion then." Coconut put up his guitar and went back to Blue's side.


"But I left all my things at the dorm." Blue said as they left the classroom. 


"Then we can go get them, since you're living with me anyway."


Blue smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Then he grabbed his hand and hurried out of the building. "You know, you should have taken my offer in the bathroom. We could have had a nice afternoon together." He smirked. 


"It's fine." Coconut smiled and followed him. "I'd rather just spend time with you before you leave."


Blue wrapped his arms around Coconut and kissed him hard again, moaning sweetly. 


Coconut moved his lips against his and couldn't resist smiling.


Blue backed Coconut against the outside school wall, still fiercely kissing him. 


Coconut hummed and wrapped his arms around Blue, slipping his hands into the waistband band of his pants.


Blue squeaked in surprise and pulled away from him with a stern look. Then he rolled his eyes and pulled him toward the parking lot by the hand. 


Coconut huffed but let himself be tugged along by his boyfriend.


Blue let go of Coconut's hand and entered the car himself. 


Coconut followed suit and got in the driver's seat, starting his car and driving towards his dorm.


Next chapter