
Grow Old With Me

On the way back to the dorm, Blue grabbed Coconut's hand again. "Wait, I just remembered. We should pick up the last of my things from my old dorm on our way back." 


"Oh, yeah. Then we can also tell Mason that Ellie can move back in with him." Coconut smiled at the thought and changed his route to Blue's dorm.



Once they made it to Blue's dorm, Blue wasted no time in going in and packing up his things, leaving Coconut with Mason in the kitchen.


Coconut smiled at Mason. "Hey, man, guess what?"


Mason gave him an irritated look and sighed. "What?" He picked out a cup from a cupboard, tipped it toward the light shining through the window and put it back, picking up another and doing the same thing before rinsing it and then filled it with water. Then took a sip.


"Ellie can move back in with you!"


Mason spit the water in the sink and turned on Coconut quickly. "What?" Surprised. 


"Yeah! Since Blue's moving back in with me, Ellie can take his room, or… sleep in your room. Whichever you like," Coconut said with a teasing smirk.


"Did you talk to the school?"


"The principle, yeah."


"Why did you do that?" He yelled, put his hands to his head and messed up his hair. 


"What do you mean? Didn't you want to be able to live with Ellie again?" Coconut looked confused.


"No! Yes! No!" He couldn't make up his mind. "I-I don't know! I didn't think you would actually talk to the school!" He was pacing. 


"What's so bad about that? They already knew you two were together. That's why they split you up." 


"So, they moved Ellie back in even though they knew that we were in a relationship? Yuno, we're not dating anymore. He broke up with me." 


"I talked to him about it. He still loves you, and when I talked to him about moving back in with you, he asked me if I really thought he would say no."


"Are you sure?" He looked ticked, and leaned his hands on the table. "Because the last thing he ever texted me was: sorry for everything, I guess we can't really be together any more so this is me breaking up with you." He repeated the text impressively well from memory since he had read it a million times.


Coconut gave him a sad smile. "Look, I know when my best friend is lying, okay? Just give him another chance. The school won't separate you again." He rolled his eyes. "I basically bribed the principle."


"But...I don't even know if I'm ready to see him again. When is he coming back?" 


"Well, I haven't told him yet, but he'll probably have to get his stuff together. Maybe you could  ask him on a date so you two can catch up?"


"Whoa. A date? You move too fast." He shook his head no. "There's no way. He'll be mad at me anyway because I didn't keep in touch with him even before he broke up with me." 


"Well, you two are probably always busy. I can talk to him, I'm sure I can get him to agree. You have to at least try." 


"Hold on Yuno, have you not once wondered if I want to get back into a relationship with him?" 


"Pfft. No. You obviously still like him."


Mason narrowed his eyes at him and shook his head. "What did you tell him? I'm hoping you didn't utterly humiliate me without realizing it."


"Oh, he seemed grateful that I was going to ask. Blue told him that if he didn't get back together with you, then our relationship would crumble. Trust me, if Ellie didn't want to be with you, I'd have known."


Mason sighed and nervously scratched his neck. "Fine. Then when is he coming over?" He blushed.

Blue stepped out with two suitcases of his belongings. "I'm ready to go."


"For your date? Hm… how about… 5 PM tomorrow? Yeah, sound good? Great!" He turned to Blue, not even letting Mason respond. "Let's go."


"Wait! You arranged a date for us? What's happening?" He followed them to the door, calling after them as they walked toward the car. 


"He'll meet you here at 5 pm tomorrow! Bye~!" Coconut waved with an evil smile.


"What? But where?!" He was angry now. 

Blue asked where to put his suitcases and then complained about how fancy sports cars have slow seats and not enough space. 


"Um… just shove it in the trunk and then hold the other one."


"Is he coming here? Where am I supposed to meet him?!"

Blue did as he said and then hopped in the car and waited. 


"Just be at your dorm at 5 tomorrow! See ya!" Coconut smiled at him and got in his car, driving off before Mason could question him again.


"Bye Mason!" Blue said out the window with a smile and then rolled it up. "Poor guy, I should have noticed more of his signs of depression. He's snappier than usual and he stays up extremely late. I've never even seen him laugh. I'm glad you're getting them back together. It seems you're always helping someone out." 


"Well… no one ever helped me when I was younger so I figured if no one helped me, I could help others in my situation."


"I'm in love with you, Coconut." He smiled at him fondly.


Coconut smiled. "Me too. I love you, my little Angel."


He laughed out of sheer joy. 

Back at Coconut's and now Blue's dorm, Blue headed into the dorm with his suitcases. 


"Do you need any help, love?" 


Blue looked over his shoulder and handed him a suitcase. "Yes please," he said while smirking. They carried past the couch where Alex and Rivet were sort of watching something. 


Rivet looked up and immediately smirked evilly. He elbowed Alex who looked over and also got what he was thinking. 

"Ah! Make me come!" Rivet moaned loudly, throwing his head back. Alex had to stifle his laugh and then he took a deep breath.

"Oh, I will." He growled huskily. Rivet made eye contact with Alex and burst out laughing.


Blue froze and reddened immediately, ducking his head in embarrassment and muttering a curse toward them then disappeared down the bedroom hall toward Coconut's room.


Coconut scowled at them, showing them his middle finger then running off after Blue. He could hear the two laughing behind him.


As Blue blocked that from his memory, he set his suitcases on the floor and kneeled in front of them, unable to stop the flow of memories from last night rushing back to him and then what happened in the car earlier that day. He was growing hard just from the memory of Coconut's hands on him and the things he would whisper in his ear. He shook his head and opened his suitcase to start organizing his clothes.


Coconut carried Blue's second suitcase into his room and locked the door behind him, viciously annoyed at Rivet and Alex.


"Where am I going to put my clothes?" 


Coconut walked up to his dresser and opened a few drawers. "You can put them in here and half of my closet is open too."


"Thanks." Blue stood up, blush still covering his entire face. "I'm going to take a shower first." 


"Can I maybe… join you?" Coconut asked cheekily.


"Of course." Blue said nonchalantly while walking into the bathroom. "But don't think I'm going to give you anything in there." He started undressing and turned on the shower. 


"Yeah. Sure." Coconut walked in after him and pulled off his shirt and pants.


"That better not have been sarcastic because I'm serious." He turtled out of his shirt and let his pants drop. Then he turned around to face Coconut as he pushed off his boxers. "You made me so sore that I could barely walk." He sternly told him.


Coconut chuckled and pulled Blue's head close to him so he could kiss the top of it. He shimmied out of his boxers and smirked at him. "You'll get used to it, Angel," he purred before checking the water and then stepping into the shower.


Blue playfully glared at him and rolled his eyes, ignoring his insides wobbling and then stepping in with him and claiming the waterfall of the shower raining on him. "Just don't hog my shower. Just remember It's a privilege for you to be here." He cockily said and ran his hands through his own  hair.


"Pfft, yeah." Coconut pressed up against his back, leaning over him so he could get his hair wet too.


Blue smiled, leaning backward into him and then reaching for the body wash, he applied it to himself. Blue tipped his head back, turning it to the side and kissing Coconut on the cheek.


Coconut hummed happily, nuzzling into Blue's head while his hands slid down his boyfriend's body. "You're so pretty," he mumbled.


"Hm. Really? I don't think so." He joked but pretended to sound like he was sincere. Honestly, he was self-conscious about his appearance but not too seriously. 


Coconut frowned and grabbed Blue's hips, turning him around suddenly. "Well I think so. And you should think so too." Coconut ran a hand through Blue's hair and then put a hand on his cheek. "I love your hair and how bright and soft it is… I love how beautiful your eyes are when you're happy… your smile is adorable, it makes me smile every time you do… I could go on, Angel."


"Please do." But he didn't give him the chance to because he was already kissing him aggressively. 


Coconut moved his hands to Blue's back and pulled him close, tilting Blue's head and prodding Blue's lips with his tongue.


Blue opened his mouth with a soft gasp, wrapping his own hands around Coconut and spreading water and body wash up and down it. 


Coconut let his tongue tangle with Blue's, sliding his hands further down his back.


Blue kissed him harder and drove him backward from his ferocity. He pushed himself closer to Coconut, feeling his rod enlarge against his.


Coconut moaned softly into the kiss and grabbed Blue's ass roughly, shoving their hips together again.


Blue parted from kissing him, taking a break to breathe. "Damn it, for once can I take a shower without us doing this?" He pushed out of his hold and smothered his hair in shampoo. 


Coconut whined. "You always have to go and get us both hard then stop." He pulled Blue close again and rubbed his erection against him.


Blue rolled his eyes and groaned but pressed himself against Coconut's erection. "Great, now you're going to be barking and whining at me like this for the rest of the evening." He walked backwards into Coconut to rinse his hair beneath the showerhead's spray. 


Coconut huffed, rubbing his hands up and down Blue's sides. "If you aren't going to help me, then you should hurry up and get out of this shower before I fuck you senseless," he warned lowly.


"No way." Blue snapped and glared at him from over his shoulder. His glare flinching as he blinked when water dripped into his eyes. "This is my shower and I took it because of you in the first place." He grabbed his ass cheeks and parted them, still leaking. He winced. "It's been driving me crazy. I feel like I'm on a period or something. It sucks." 


Coconut rolled his eyes. "You're the one who wanted me to come inside you. Come here." He grabbed Blue again and turned him around. "I'll help you get it out."


"What?" Extremely confused and a little afraid, Blue squirmed against him. "What are you going to do?" 


Coconut raised an eyebrow. "What do you think?" He pushed a finger against Blue's entrance as a hint.


Blue gasped and pushed away from him immediately. "I said no." He knew how important consent was to Coconut. He turned around after giving him a firm glare and then running his hands through his hair with conditioner. "I'll...do it myself." He blushed.


"It'll be easier if I help, love. I know what I'm doing." Coconut rubbed a hand down Blue's back soothingly.


Blue shivered. "You just want some action….but fine." He tilted his head up and rinsed his hair again. 


Coconut rested his hands on Blue's hips and set his chin on his shoulder, waiting for him to be done. "Just tell me when you're ready."


Blue sighed and in embarrassment hung his head. "Just do it." He squeaked and pressed his hands to the wall of the shower, bending outward just slightly.


"Okay. It'll feel a little weird, alright?" Coconut pushed a single finger into him and wiggled it.


Blue gasped. "I already know how it feels, Coconut. This isn't the first time you've done this to me." He grunted. 


"It's a bit different though," he warned softly, adding two more fingers, figuring Blue was stretched enough to take them.


Blue was about to moan but remembered Alex and Rivet making fun of him so he weakly 'mmed'. "How?" His voice cracked in a squeaky high-pitch.


Coconut answered with his actions. He used the three fingers he had inside him to scoop out some of the liquid by curling his fingers and running them against his inner walls.


"Oh my-" Blue broke off into a groan. This was too much for him. He squeezed his legs together as he hardened. "Yuno!" He snapped but he didn't move.


"Just bare with me, Angel," Coconut whispered, repeating his action but pushing his fingers in deeper and curling them harder.


Blue yelled and then jumped into a straight stance, turning around on Coconut. "Nevermind. Don't help me." He held his shaking backside. 


"Angel, I didn't mean to hurt you," Coconut said apologetically, assuming that's why he didn't want his help. "I'm just trying to make you feel better."


"I don't want you to. It's too much." He panted.


"I didn't mean to cause you so much pain, love," Coconut whimpered guiltily. "I'm so sorry."


Blue huffed in annoyance. "It was a good pain." 


"Oh." Was the stupidly adorable and clueless answer Coconut replied with.


Blue glared at him because of how stupidly adorable he found him. He walked toward him with a frustrated and embarrassed look on his face until they were only inches apart.


"Angel?" Coconut asked curiously, tilting his head.


Blue reached past him and turned off the shower. Standing in his face and staring at him for a moment before turning around to leave the shower.


"Angel, did you get all of it out?" 


Blue grunted and didn't respond, leaving the shower. 


"Love? Look, I'm sorry, okay? I just wanted to help you… I'm sorry."


"No. Don't be sorry. It's just over. I'm not mad or hurt. I'm fine." He frustratedly grunted into his last word. And ran his hands quickly through his hair as he looked in the mirror.


Coconut whimpered and ducked his head, getting out of the shower without saying anything. He got a towel and started drying off, avoiding looking anywhere near Blue.


Blue noticed Coconut was using their only towel. He turned around and tugged on it. "Hey, share a little." 


Coconut handed him the towel and left the bathroom without a word.


Blue noticed his strange behavior and after drying off his hair, followed after him, wrapping the towel around his waist. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked softly. "I'm sorry I'm not in the mood to have sex right now." 


"Nothings wrong," Coconut answered quietly, grabbing some clothes.


Blue rolled his eyes and huffed. "Great, now I'm the one apologizing. You don't seem like nothing's wrong." He leaned over and picked out boxers and cozy pajama bottoms. 


Coconut didn't reply as he pulled on his clothes.


Blue finished dressing, although he was still topless, and then hung the towel to dry in the bathroom. He was feeling sad Coconut wasn't behaving like his usual self. "Are we still going to order a pizza and cuddle? Because I was looking forward to that." He said as he left the bathroom, hoping what he had just said would brighten Yuno's spirits. 


"Yeah, sure." Coconut grabbed his phone. "Where do you usually get pizza from?" he asked emotionlessly.


"Um. I don't usually get pizza from anywhere. Hey." He whined and approached him, wearing his glasses which he had just put on. "What's wrong? Tell me." He pouted.


"I already told you. Nothing's wrong."


Blue squinted at him. "Bullcrap." He grabbed Coconut's arm and cocked his head with a small smile. "Am I going to have to kiss you to make you feel better? Or cuddle with you?"


"No." Coconut pulled his arm away and sat down on the bed, still looking at his phone.


Blue made a hurt look at him. "What? But I thought you would like that? Did I say something wrong?" He thought about their conversation in the bathroom.


"No. Just leave it be, Blue. I'm fine."


Blue clenched his fists. "Fine. If that's how you want to be." He picked up his suitcase and began sorting his things in the dresser. Angry with himself for getting so prickly in the shower. He scraped his memory to find something he had just said that bugged him. 


Coconut ignored Blue and ordered the pizza, pausing the call for a moment to ask, "What kind of pizza do you want?" to Blue.


"Anything." He sighed. "Cheese." He angrily stuffed the once empty drawer full. 


Coconut ended the call after he ordered and put his phone down with a sigh, laying down on the bed sadly.


Blue heard him and turned around, staring at him suspiciously. Then he closed the dresser drawer and crawled onto the bed, leaning over Coconut. "Tell me why you're sad." 


Coconut frowned and looked away. "No."


Blue furrowed his eyebrows, growing frustrated. "Why?" 


Coconut sighed again. "I… I don't want you to be uncomfortable…" he mumbled.


"Coconut, being uncomfortable around you is beyond my thoughts associated with you. I'm never uncomfortable when you touch me or when you're with me."  


"Well you always seem like you are."


"What? I do? I'm not. I'm just cautious and hesitant because I...I've never had someone do these things to me. But I wouldn't want anyone but you to." He frowned. "I'm sorry, how would you rather have me behave?" 


Coconut whipped his head back towards him. "No! I don't want you to change! It's just… you always stop me when I do things like… that…" he gestured to the bathroom. "And I don't know what I'm doing wrong."


Blue blushed and smiled. He hung his head and shook it. "No, Coconut." He chuckled. "I was just embarrassed because of the state I was in. And I...I didn't want to do what I did last night...you know? I was pretty ridiculous." 


"What do you mean? Nothing you did was ridiculous last night."


Blue scoffed. "Not even the…" His blush was a deep shade of red. "The sounds I made?" 


Coconut looked at him weird. "What? No. You sounded sexy as fucking hell."


Blue the red on Blue's face crept down his neck and into his ears. "Oh. Well...Alex and Rivet didn't seem to think so." 


"That's what this is about?" Coconut asked, giving Blue an unimpressed face. "I can't believe you let them get to you." He rolled his eyes.


"Wha- well, I…" He turned away from him and sat on the edge of the bed. "Sorry, I've never had sex before so I thought they were making fun of us because I sounded ridiculous."


"They were only teasing. You didn't sound ridiculous, you were just loud." Coconut pulled Blue close to him again. "Don't worry about it, Angel. I think you sounded amazing."


"Thanks. So you're ok now? Done being upset with me? Because I want to cuddle." He leaned into him and laid the back of his head on Coconut's shoulder to look up at him. 


Coconut chuckled. "Fine." He wrapped his arms around Blue's waist and nuzzled into him.


Blue smiled and closed his eyes then whispered. "I don't want you to ever be upset with me again. It was scary."


"Sorry, love. I didn't mean to scare you." 


"It's ok. And...I'm sorry for all the times I've been upset with you. I just want to go back to normal. Let's watch Netflux."


Coconut purred and pet Blue's head softly. "Could we maybe… Netflux and… chill?"


"Yes. Finally." Blue scrambled away from him and slipped his legs beneath the covers, sitting with his back against the pillows and smiling excitedly at the tv. "I haven't just chilled or watched Netflux in ages."


Coconut snorted in amusement. "Do you know what Netflux and chill means, Angel?"


Blue froze and then looked at him weirdly. "What do you mean? Course I do. We're watching tv. Aren't we?" He leaned over and grabbed the remote off the nightstand after looking around. 


Just then, the doorbell to the dorm rang and Coconut sat up. "That's probably our pizza. Look up what Netflux and chilling is while I go pay."


Blue gave him a confused look but pulled out his phone and did so. Turning on the tv as he did. "'Netflux and chill' is an internet slang term for casual sex."


Coconut walked back into his room with a box of pizza in his hand and closed the door behind him. "So, you know what it means yet?"


Blue turned his head and deadpanned. "Of course." 


Coconut got back on the bed and smiled at him. "Your answer, then?" He asked with a smirk, setting the pizza box beside them.


Blue blushed. "I thought that we were just going to cuddle and watch tv together." He crossed his arms and pouted. "Besides, we already did that today anyway. Aren't you satisfied yet?"


"It was just a suggestion," Coconut shrugged.


"Tch. It'll probably happen on it's own anyway." He rolled his eyes and reached for a pizza slice, kneeling and leaning over the box so as not to make a mess on the bed. "What's so special about having sex with me, anyway? Won't you grow tired of me?"


"I could never grow tired of you. As long as you keep making those sexy noises, I'll have sex with you till we grow old," Coconut growled in his ear before grabbing his own slice of pizza.


Blue blushed and choked a little. "I guess I'll make sure to moan louder then." He winked and then switched on Netflux. He finished his slice of pizza and then slid off the bed to wash his hands. 


Coconut smiled and ate the rest of his slice before closing the pizza box and setting it on the nightstand, following after Blue.


As Blue washed his hands, he saw Coconut approaching from the corner of his eye. 


Coconut bumped shoulders with Blue softly. "What do you want to watch?" He asked while waiting for Blue to finish washing his hands so he could have his turn.


"Uuh, I don't know. I used to watch Amigos and The Workplace with Char a lot. I don't mind. Anything. I could even go for a slasher right now. I could watch anything in your arms." He smiled at him as he dried his hands.


"Then you can go ahead and pick whatever while I wash my hands. Shoo," Coconut said playfully, threatening to touch Blue with his greasy hands.


Blue laughed and jumped away from him, grabbing the remote and sitting with his legs criss-crossed on the bed. After a while he leaned on his hand as he sifted through movie titles, unable to make up his mind. Then he found a stupid looking romance comedy and thought he would turn it on just for laughs but secretly he was a little interested in it. 


Coconut dried his hands off and strutted back into his room, jumping onto the bed and tackling Blue over with a laugh.


Blue yelled in surprise and then joined his laughter, wrapping his arms and legs around him. 


"Are you by chance… ticklish?" Coconut asked with an evil smile.


Blue gasped again and lied, "No." He said, unwrapping himself from around him and struggling to get away with a smile.


"Oh, you totally are!" Coconut laughed, grabbing Blue's sides and violently tickling him without any mercy.


"No! No!" Blue's laughing was loud and boyish, he kicked his legs and pushed against Coconut, desperately trying to get away from his torturous fingers. 


Coconut continued his onslaught with no sign of stopping.


"Why?!" Blue yelled. "I'm dying!" He cried tears of joy. "Please!" He giggled.


"Tell me I'm the greatest person in the world!" Coconut demanded with a smile.


"You're the greatest person in the world! OK! OK!" 


Coconut laughed softly and let go of Blue's sides. "Fine."


Blue sucked in large breaths of air and laid on his back in exhaustion, still smiling. "Thank you...No, how dare you!" He reached for him, trying his best to tickle him with the same amount of ferocity. 


Coconut chuckled in amusement and easily shoved his hands back onto the bed. "Sorry Angel, but I'm not that ticklish."


Blue huffed. "That is not fair." He strained beneath his hold. "Now, let me up. I want to watch the movie."


Coconut rolled his eyes fondly and got off of him, turning around and throwing an arm over Blue's shoulders. "What are we watching?"


Blue leaned into him and rested his head on his shoulder. "Some lady just moved to france. Her apartment neighbor is a hot vampire. I don't know. It sounded funny." He was watching it for the popular guy actor who played the dark and mysterious vampire but he didn't tell Coconut that.


"Alright then." Coconut got comfortable then pulled Blue closer and leaned his head on his shoulder. "You know, Angel, you seem to like romance quite a lot."


"Yeah. Always have. Don't you?" He leaned his head on Coconut's head. "I love love. But not as much as I love you." He pecked his forehead.


Coconut smiled and got even closer. "I don't dislike romance, but it's not my first choice. I love horror though. But not as much as I love you," he teased.


"Well of course you love me more. Don't forget I can be just as scary as those horror movies when I'm angry so don't push me over the edge." He joked.


"I think you're cute when you're angry." Coconut snuggled into him.


Blue scoffed. "Really? I think I'm ferocious when I'm angry. Char's brother nearly wet his pants when I yelled at him." He said high and mightily as if that was something to brag about. Blue smiled and said loudly suddenly, "And here comes the star of the show." He was referring to the handsome actor on screen sipping blood from a wine glass who had his vest torn open revealing pale abs.


"Oh… you wanted to watch this movie because of him." Coconut smirked and dragged his teeth across Blue's shoulder. "Would you be as attracted to me if I bit you?"


Blue blushed. "I'm far more attracted to you already." He smiled and shivered. "And I'm cold. Can you maybe drink my blood beneath the covers?" 


Coconut huffed and pulled the covers up before suddenly biting into Blue's shoulder.


"Ah!" Blue gasped in surprise and then laughed. "I didn't think you were serious!" He retreated under the covers and snuggled into Coconut's arms, intertwining their legs. 


"You should start believing me more often, love," Coconut chuckled, holding Blue close to him.


Blue kissed his neck and rubbed his crotch teasingly against Coconut's. 


Coconut moaned quietly. "I thought you wanted to watch this movie."


"I am watching the movie. I'm just doing this at the same time." He smiled against his neck and wrapped his arms around him. 


"Sure, sure." Coconut snaked his hands down to Blue's ass and squeezed it. "Whatever you keep telling yourself."


Blue made a small sound of pleasure and rolled his hips against his. He pushed on Coconut's shoulders, turning him onto his back. Blue kissed him as he moved himself into a straddling position. 


"I thought we'd get at least halfway through the movie before this," Coconut said with a small smirk, squeezing Blue's ass again and grinding their crotches together.


"Me too. But you know how I am. I love romance." He whispered breathlessly and picked up the pace. 


"A-Ah… fuck…" Coconut groaned and kissed Blue hard. When they parted he asked hesitantly, "D-Do you… w-want to top?"


Blue smiled. "That's ok, Yuno. Let's save that for some other night. I don't want you to be so nervous about it." Blue slid his hands down his chest and pulled Coconut's pants down, nuzzling into his boxers while staring up at him with a smirk.


Coconut smiled down at him lovingly. "Thanks, Angel. You don't know how much that means to me."


"I just want you to feel good." He palmed his boner. "Would this make you feel good?" He cocked his head with a sneaky smile.


Coconut moaned but tried to scowl. "Wh-What do you think?"


Blue chuckled and slowly pulled down his boxers then started small by giving him tiny brushes up his length with his tongue. 


Coconut sucked in a shaky breath, tangling his fingers into Blue's hair with one hand.


Blue opened his mouth and practically swallowed him whole. After dunking a few times, he popped off for air. "I have a question." 


"Y-Y-Yeah?" Coconut asked breathlessly.


But before he could ask, Blue's phone rang. "Just a second." He wiped his mouth and then reached over Coconut for his phone on the nightstand. 


Coconut pouted but didn't say anything to interrupt.


Blue answered his phone and straddled Coconut again, feeling him hot beneath his pajama pants. "Hi mom," he nervously answered. 


Coconut nearly choked but forced himself to stay quiet.


Blue found this situation humorous so he kneeled- legs on either side of Coconut's waist- and took off his pants and boxers, tossing them to the side. "It has been awhile, hasn't it?" He joked with his mom and sat on Coconut again. He rocked on top of him and for a second pressed the phone to his chest, swung his head back and softly moaned.


Coconut stared at him like he had grown another head. "What the fuck are you doing?!" He growled in a whisper.


Blue smirked and chuckled then put the phone to his ear again. "Sorry, what was that, Mom? Oh. Yeah, I know. Uh...that might not work out. She told me...she is visiting her parents too? Maybe some other time."


Coconut glared at him and waited patiently for him to be off the call so he could yell at him.


"Really? Me? That's some news. Ok. Are you? Uh...yeah, love you too." He ended the call and set his phone down before crawling toward Coconut and rocking his hips against his again, leaning over him. 


"What was that about?"


"My mom said they got the call about me switching dorms but she didn't say much about that. Then she suggested I bring Luna to my Uncle's wedding but I said she was busy. That's it. Oh, and they're coming to pick me up tomorrow evening." Blue kissed up Coconut's neck. "I'm so happy you made this possible."


"Wait, you're leaving tomorrow?" Coconut asked, pushing Blue back so he could look him in the eyes.


"Only for Fall Break. Remember? You can survive without me till then, right?" He looked at him, concerned that he was concerned. 


"I-I guess…" Coconut furrowed his brow and looked away.


Blue grabbed his face to turn it back toward him. "Hey, it's going to be okay. I won't be gone for long. Fall break lasts a week right? Well, I won't even be gone for that long. At most, it'll be three nights without me." 


"O-Okay…" Coconut looked at him. "You promise?"


"Yes. I'll even try to make it back sooner than that. Once my uncle's wedding is over, I'll head home. I mean here. And that's Thursday night so that means you'll sleep without me tomorrow and the day after."


"Alright." Coconut seemed to calm down and gave him a small smile. "Thanks."


Blue kissed him in reply. "I love you." 


"I love you too." Coconut smiled widely at him. "Now, where were we?"


Blue chuckled and deepened the kiss while rocking against him again. "I had a question." He ceased his actions.


"Ah, yeah. What was it?" 


Blue stopped rocking and instead laid on top of him, nuzzling into his neck. "The dream you had this morning. I heard you talking in your sleep. What was it about? Besides Maven telling you to move on I mean." 


"Huh? What do you mean?" Coconut tilted his head.


Blue leaned on his hands and looked down at him. "I know you were dreaming about me." 


A small blush wormed its way onto Coconut's cheeks. "Oh. Uh, yeah."


"So?" Blue raised an eyebrow. "What about?" 


"That's… embarrassing..."


"What?" Blue was surprised. "Come on, you can tell me." He smiled, touching noses. 


"No, no," Coconut shook his head. "I refuse."


"Why? It can't have been something that will scare me off." Blue snickered. "Actually it sounded like a wet dream." He grinded.


Coconut looked away shyly. "I-It was…"


Blue chuckled. "That's nothing to be embarrassed about." He turned his head to face him again. "I can make it come true." 


Coconut only stared at him with a flustered expression.


"Do you want me to?" He rubbed against him harder. "I'll do anything." He breathed. 


"I-I-I guess you can…" Coconut whispered embarrassingly.


"Tell me what you want me to do to you." Blue smirked. Relishing Coconut's flustered state.


"I-I don't know!" Coconut burst out. 


"Well what was I doing to you in your dream?" He teased, cocking his head. 


"Something you probably wouldn't do in real life. Which is why it was a dream."


"Tch. Try me." Blue raised his eyebrows. "I promise I wont think it's gross." 


Coconut blushed hard. "No way. Sorry, Angel."


Blue pouted. "But I'm so curious. Are you ever going to tell me? Please?" He begged.


"Nope. Nope." Coconut shook his head.


Blue huffed. "Fine then." Blue rolled off of him and grabbed his pants, pulling them on without underwear. "I guess we're done here." He teased. 


Coconut whined but didn't voice his complaint.


Blue sat with his back against the pillows, arms folded as he watched the movie. 


Coconut watched in silence, though he was completely distracted with other thoughts.


Blue laughed at the jokes the movie made and then when one character was introduced to the other, Blue said, "oh that reminds me. My mom also said she was going to introduce me to someone important for my career path. Something about an internship which is exciting for me." 


"You'll be away even more?" Coconut asked suddenly.


Blue froze. "Um...no I don't think so. If I am offered the internship, it would probably start at least until after I finish a year of my college law class. And even then That's early. But I am top of my class so I guess it wouldn't be a surprise…" he bragged.


"Will you be far away?"


"Well, most...internships for aspiring lawyers are typically...in New York." He winced. "But again, it probably isn't even what I think it is. My mom only said she wanted me to meet with someone, probably just someone who was willing to pay for my being there. It's probably a teacher at the college who is going to give me a scholar or something for more years of law school. I don't think I'm going anywhere soon though because I still have to finish my years here anyway." 


Coconut nodded in relief. "Okay."


Blue watched the movie in silence for a few minutes. "Do you visit any family over breaks like these?" 


"No. I'm usually too busy, actually." Coconut shrugged.


"Busy? Really? You haven't done anything but mess around with me all weekend." 


"Yeah, that's because nothing huge came up. My company actually calls me out a lot for meetings and negotiations. Boring stuff, really, but I have to go. That's why I make the most of my time when I have it."


"Watching Netflux isn't really making the most of your time. How do you juggle school work?" That reminded Blue of his own work. "Which reminds me! I have to work on an assignment." He leaped off the bed and opened his suitcase, grabbing his laptop and sitting on the bed again, opening it.


"Ugh." Coconut groaned. "Really? Now?"


"Yes." Blue logged on. "Since you wouldn't tell me what your dream was about." He smirked.


Coconut huffed and crossed his arms. "Fine."


Blue looked at him pleadingly and laughed. "Come on! I'm dying out of curiosity!" He shoved his shoulder. 


Coconut shook his head again. "You're so inexperienced you probably wouldn't know what it is anyway."


"Tell meeee!" He whined. "Tell me or I'll never have sex with you again." He immaturely pouted. 


"You'll come crawling back!" Coconut childishly replied.


"No I won't!" Blue defended, red in the face and then clicked around on his laptop before getting off the bed and grabbing his books to look at his notes. 


"You know you will." Coconut stood from the bed as well and grabbed a small sketchbook and pencil.


"No I won't." He caught Blue's attention and so he kept an eye on him as he worked. The tv distracted him easily as well. "Do you draw?"


"Yeah. Sometimes." Coconut sat back down on the bed and opened to a blank page.


"I wanna see." Blue leaned over with a smile. 


"Ah, well, I guess. I mean I'm not as good at it as Winx or Jackie but if you want to." Coconut handed the sketchbook to him hesitantly.


Blue eagerly flipped through his drawings with tiny impressed facial expressions that passed over his face quickly. "Damn, Coconut. Talk about aesthetic. Wonderful."


Coconut flinched in shock. "Really?"


"Yes." He slid a finger down a page, tracing the lines.


"Oh." Coconut only watched Blue as he looked through his sketchbook. "You think I'm good at drawing?"


"Coconut, I think it's obvious to anyone that you're great at drawing." He smiled at him. 


"Thanks," Coconut said softly, looking away with a small smile.


"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a very interesting court case to write about." He passed back his sketch book and then returned to typing on his laptop.


"Oh. What're you supposed to be writing about?" Coconut asked as he opened his sketchbook again and began to draw.


"It's a made up example of a lawsuit. I have to find clues and defend my client. It sounds like fun but It's really just a giant paper I'm writing. There's a lot of evidence I have to organize to build a defense too. Hey, what do you do for your job? Aren't you head of a giant company?"


"Agh. It's complicated. I do a lot of things, but since I'm still in college the vice CEO tries to keep things running as smoothly as possible." Coconut went silent for a moment while he focused on his drawing. "Oh, and if you ever need help with your… law… stuff, I have a lawyer friend who I can get you in contact with. I've also been in several court cases too. People sue my company all the time, though I don't usually deal with them, sometimes I have to."


"I can't imagine you at a board meeting or in court. Especially not after how you behaved in my classes." He chuckled. "I can, however, imagine you in a suit though…" He smiled and raised his eyebrows at him.  


Coconut chuckled lightly, not looking up from his sketchbook. "Yeah. Most people don't take me seriously because I'm a college kid, but I usually try to behave myself during meetings and stuff. They don't ever like my attitude but I'm good with words, so they hardly ever can actually get to me."


"Just like Winston Churchill. And Hamilton." He paused. "You are a lot like Hamilton." Blue sighed wistfully. "Will I ever get to see you in a suit?" 


"One day." Coconut smirked and glanced up at Blue, then back down at his drawing.


Blue worked in silent buzzing thoughts until the movie ended. He shivered. "It's cold in here." He rubbed his bare arms.


"Really? I think it's fine." Coconut looked up at him and stared for a bit then once again went back down to his drawing.


Blue raised his eyebrows. "What was that look?" 


"Nothing," Coconut replied, concentrating hard on his sketch.


"Nothing." Blue snorted and rolled his eyes then climbed off the bed and looked through Coconut's drawers for something cozy. 


Coconut hummed softly and watched Blue rummage through his clothes while he flipped to another blank page. 


Blue wiggled into one of Coconut's sweatshirts. He turned around, pulling it over his head and then checked his phone. "It's 12:30. We should do something." 


"Don't you have that court thing to do?" Coconut asked, glancing up at Blue constantly.


"I've got until tomorrow to finish it and I'm almost done. Come on, let's go somewhere. Have lunch." 


"But we already ate pizza." 


"I'm just trying to think of something to do." He walked around to the nightstand where the box was and grabbed another slice, hungry again. 


"Stay still," Coconut commanded suddenly.


Blue froze while almost taking a bite of pizza and then turned his head to give him a weird look.


Coconut continued drawing while looking up at Blue every so often.


Blue understood what he was doing and smiled. "I'm touched I can finally fulfill my dream of modeling." He joked and struck a dramatically sexy pose.


"Stay like that. Don't move." 


Blue laughed and did his best to hold still. "Really? This is picturesque? Pajama pants and a sweatshirt?" 


"Just wait." Coconut continued sketching and using Blue's pose as a reference.


Blue impatiently waited. After awhile he asked, "Are you done yet? You better not have made me look ugly on purpose." He joked.


Coconut rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm done. You can come see if you want." Coconut flipped back to his first drawing.


"Yay." Blue smiled and jumped onto the bed to see.


Coconut showed him the drawing fondly. It was a nice sketch of Blue holding onto Coconut from behind while Coconut himself held up a small toddler. A little family.


Blue's smile melted into an expression more amazed. He grabbed the sketch and held it tentatively, staring with sad eyes.


"Do you like it?" Coconut asked quietly.


Blue's heart throbbed. "It's what I've dreamed of having for a long time. I can't express in words how much I like it….but...I don't think I can have it."


"Of course you can," Coconut whispered soothingly. "In time."


"There's no way I can have this with my parents not knowing about it." 


"That's what I mean. In time, your parents will know. It's inevitable, Angel. But by then, you'll be okay with that." Coconut wrapped an arm around him and pl pulled him close, kissing his head gently.


"You think we can live like this? Together? You think we're actually going to grow old and have kids?" 


"It's what I want. More than anything."


"Me too." He fell into him staring at the drawing and smiling sadly.


Coconut smiled lovingly into his hair and rubbed his arm comfortingly. "Love?"




"Don't be sad."


"I'm not-" He sighed. "Hm." He turned around and buried his face into his chest, glasses getting in the way. 


"Just forget about your parents, Angel. Right now, they don't matter. When the time comes, I'll be with you. Okay?" Coconut lifted his chin so he could look him in the eyes.


"You'll be with me? For what?"


"For everything." Coconut smiled down at him.


Blue kissed him hard and grabbed his shoulders, dropping the sketch book in his ferocity.


Coconut muffled a small moan. He kissed back for a moment before pushing Blue off him a little and picking his sketchbook back up. "Don't you want to see what you posed for?"


Blue kissed him again before asking in confusion, "What?"


"I drew that before you posed." He opened to a different page and showed it to him. "This is what you modeled for."


Blue reddened and hit his shoulder playfully while smiling widely in embarrassment. "I didn't even pose like that!"


Coconut smirked. "I know. I drew most of it from memory, but I just needed to get your body right."


Blue blushed brighter and then pushed on his chest. "Pervert." He muttered while smiling.


"But you love me," Coconut responded teasingly, putting his sketchbook down on the nightstand.


"You're a cute pervert I will admit." 


"Yeah?" Coconut flipped them over so that Blue was lined underneath him.


"Yeah." He smiled. "Hey, I said no sex until you tell me what your dream was about." He said sternly.


"Okay." Coconut shrugged and got off of him, grabbing and opening his sketchbook, then acting as if nothing happened.


Blue frustratedly pounced on him. "Heeeey." He whined. "Please just tell me." He buried his head into his neck and shoulder. 


"I already said no."


Blue groaned. "You're so mean." He pushed off of him and left the room. 


Coconut got off the bed and followed after him. "Angel? Where are you going?"


Blue didn't respond and walked into the soundproof room where they kept their instruments and record player. 


"Blue~!" Coconut whined. 


Blue slid a record onto the player, ignoring Coconut and instead bobbed his head to music. Then he turned around and looked at him with a smile. "You said you would dance traditionally with me."


Coconut raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Alright, but you have to keep up."


Blue laughed and took Coconut's hand, letting Coconut lead and twirl him to the beat of the music.


Coconut smirked, pulling Blue close and twirling him a few times before suddenly dipping him. "Having fun?"


Blue blushed and smiled widely. "Yes. But I still haven't forgotten about that dream so I'm still unhappy with you." He looked away, smiling. 


"You seem pretty happy to me," Coconut purred, pulling him out of the dip and swinging him around a few more times before settling into a soft sway for a moment.


Blue's happiness was apparent, that was for sure. "You weren't lying when you told me you were a wonderful dancer. How did you learn?" 


"One of the nicer ladies at my orphanage taught me and some other kids. There wasn't much else to do anyway." Coconut shrugged with a smile. "I practice with Rivet occasionally."


Blue felt jealousy twinge inside of him when he imagined him dancing like this with someone else- especially someone like Rivet. "Tch." Blue rolled his eyes. 


"What?" Coconut asked.


"Nothing. You're amazing, that's all." 


"Hm. For a second there I thought you were jealous." Coconut smirked at him and brought him even closer so their faces were inches apart. "Am I right, Angel?"


Blue's body heated, red spreading across his face. He lifted his knee and popped him in the gut, which Blue forgot would hurt him more than Coconut. 


Coconut only let out a puff of air. "One of these days you're going to actually hurt me, love."


"Just be glad I wasn't aiming for your crotch." He scowled. 


Coconut pouted. "But then I wouldn't be able to fuck you as efficiently."


Blue's entire face went ablaze. "You're really asking for it, Coconut. Besides, you might not ever get to fuck me again if you don't tell me what your dream was about." He smirked.


"Hmph. Then I guess we're never having sex again," Coconut said stubbornly.


Blue growled. "I guess so." 


Coconut sneered at him playfully, pulling him up and stopping their little dance session.


Blue made sure he was the first to leave, and then he ran back into Coconut's room as fast as he could, leaping over the side of the couch. 


Coconut looked after him questioningly and followed more slowly after turning off the record player.


Blue closed and locked the door to Coconut's room again and then took off all his clothes.


Coconut walked to his room and when he couldn't open the door, he deadpanned. "Angel. Why the fuck do you feel the need to lock the door before I come in?"


Blue laughed like a snot-nosed kid. "Don't you have a key? Why don't you just pick the lock if you want in so bad?" 


"Because it would be easier for you to just…. Hm, I don't know… unlock the door?"


"Tell me what your dream was about." He called as he slipped beneath the covers nude and picked up Coconut's sketch book to flip through it. 




"Fine then. Guess you're not coming in."


Coconut huffed loudly. "You're mean."


"No, you're mean." 


"How am I the mean one?" Coconut whined.


"Because you wont tell me what your dream was about! So you can't come in!" 


"Fine. Then what are you doing in there?"


"Just chilling." Blue said casually and smirked. 


"Uh-huh." Coconut sat down against the door.


After a minute of silence, Blue was growing disappointed and lonely. "Yuno! Are you still there?" 




Blue huffed. "I'm bored!" He put Coconut's sketchbook down. "Damn it. I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me."


"Let me in."


"Not by the hair of my chin! You're going to behave like a wolf, aren't you?" Blue gripped the covers. 


"You know this story ends with you running back to me, right?"


"Pfft. No way. If you really want in here, just pick the lock. I'm too comfortable in your bed." He leaned back and turned on the tv.


Coconut scoffed and got up from the floor. "Fine, but when I get in there, you're gonna get it."


"Oh no, I'm so scared." Blue mocked and rolled his eyes while flipping through Netflux.


"You should be." Coconut walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bobby pin that was lying around. When he walked back to his room, he knocked on the door. "This is your last chance, Angel."


Blue smiled. "It's cute you think you can intimidate me. It's not like you'll be able to unlock it anyway."


"Oh, really?" Coconut smirked and kneeled so that he could pick the lock. After Seyton was too lazy to try and describe how to pick a lock, Coconut turned the doorknob and opened the door, shoving the bobby pin into his pocket. "What about now? Believe me?"


Blue's head snapped toward him, surprised. He gasped. "I didn't think you would actually-"


"Pick the lock? I told you, Angel, you should start believing me more," Coconut purred with a cocky smirk.


Blue blushed and sunk farther beneath the covers. "So what? Are you gonna get me?" He teased.


"No. I said you would get it."


"What?" Now he was confused.


"Since you trapped me outside my room and made me pick the lock, I think I deserve a little reward."


Blue's blush increased and he brought the covers to his nose. "That's not how it works. After you break into the tower you're supposed to save the princess." He whined.


"I thought I was the big bad wolf?" Coconut asked teasingly with a smirk.


"Well that means you're supposed to eat me." Blue said nervously. 


"But are you opposed to that?" Coconut licked his lips and closed the door behind him.


Blue whimpered as he grew hard. "I'm naked and lying in your bed, does it really seem so?" 


"You're naked?" Coconut's eyebrows raised. "Thought you said no sex?"


Blue glared at him and regained his composure. "That's right." He cleared his throat and sat up, folding his arms. 


"Mhm." Coconut rolled his eyes and approached the bed.


"Stay back!" Blue warned. 


"Why?" Coconut tilted his head and crossed his arms. "Give me a good reason and I will."


"Because I want to know what your dream was about. Please? I'll do anything." He pouted.


"Anything?" Coconut smirked.


Blue blushed and rolled his eyes. "Yes. But tell me first."


"Ack. No." Coconut uncrossed his arms and yanked the covers from Blue's grasp. "Wasn't a good enough reason."


Blue gasped. "Coconut! I'm cold! Please just tell me." He groaned and reached for the covers.


"Nope." He tugged the covers further off.


Blue growled and held his legs to his chest. "Why?"


"Why do you need to know so bad, anyway?"


Blue laughed. "Because no one has ever had a wet dream about me before."


"Still. Why?"


"Because I want to know how I can pleasure you better."


"You can learn those things from experience."


"Come on, you don't even want to bring your fantasy to life?" 


"Not at the expense of my embarrassment."


"What is so embarrassing?" Blue shivered. "Can't be any more embarrassing than how I feel right now." 


"The answer is no, Angel."


Blue scowled and then sighed. "Fine." He looked away. "Now I'm going to be wondering for the rest of my life."


Coconut watched him for a moment. "Think of it this way, Angel. If you stop pestering me about my wet dream, I won't bother you about yours."


"What? My wet dreams?" He blushed. 


"Yeah. In the future, I won't bother you about them."


Blue scoffed. "I've never even had a wet dream."  


"Well, trust me. You'll have one."


Blu blushed at him and then grabbed the covers. "What's that supposed to mean?" 


"Nothing." Coconut shrugged with a smirk.


"Hey. You were supposed to eat me." He grabbed his arm and yanked him down.


"Eat you out?"


Blue blazed. "N-not necessarily. Just...love me." 


Coconut smirked and climbed onto the bed with a predatory look.


Blue scrambled away with a small nervous smile. "J-just. Don't be too rough." 


"What's "too rough" for you?"


Blue rolled his eyes, now trapped against the headboard. "You know very well what I mean, Yuno." 


"It was a serious question, Angel," Coconut hummed while hovering over him.


"Well then how am I supposed to answer that? I meant e-exactly what I said." Blue stuttered, flustered.


"My question was how rough is too rough?"


"I-I'll let you know." He wasn't feeling cold anymore. 


"Hm. Alright." Coconut leaned back to pull off his shirt and slid out of his pants and boxers.


Blue closed his stuttering mouth and bit his lip as he watched Coconut undress, his length instantly straightening.


Coconut threw his clothes elsewhere and smirked at Blue while he shoved his legs down. "No need to be shy, Angel."


Blue nervously chuckled as he spoke. "A-I-I'm not shy." He leaned back on his hands.


Coconut looked up at him with an eyebrow raised. "Really?" He circled a finger around Blue's length.


Blue whimpered a sigh. "Yup. I mean nope." 


"So… are you saying you're shy?" Coconut wrapped his whole hand around him suddenly and harshly, immediately starting to roughly jerk him off.


Blue moaned in surprise. "You're ignoring what I said about being rough." 


"What do you mean?" Coconut asked, tilting his head innocently. "I don't remember you saying anything about what was too rough."


Blue's face heated. "I want to kiss you, Coconut." He sighed. 


"Call me Yuno and I will."


"But Coconut is such a cute nickname, Yuno." 


"But I want you to say my real name."


Blue smiled. "Will you pretty please kiss me, Yuno?" He exaggerated his politeness.


"Why yes of course, my little Angel." Coconut smiled and leaned up, placing a soft kiss on Blue's lips.


Blue wanted more so he leaned forward and kissed back harder.


Coconut pushed into him and tilted his head, licking Blue's bottom lip gently.


Blue grabbed Coconut's head, opening his mouth and shoving them together as he grew stiffer in Coconut's hand.


Coconut purred quietly and tangled his tongue with Blue's while he increased his hand's speed.


Blue wrapped his arms around Coconut and pulled him in closer, humming his satisfaction into the kiss.


Coconut broke the kiss and slid down Blue's torso, leaving a trail of kisses and small marks.


Blue threw his hands and head back, breathing hard and enjoying the moment. 


Once Coconut reached Blue's crotch, he licked a long stripe up the side of his length, looking up at him with a smirk.


Blue groaned. "Don't tease me, I won't hold out long enough.' 


Coconut didn't respond and took Blue into his mouth all at once.


"Oh!" Blue grabbed his head and ran a hand through his long strands of hair. 


Coconut moaned onto his length and looked up with his eyes.


Blue bit his lip, restraining himself from bursting when Coconut looked at him. 


Coconut kept eye contact with Blue while he raked his teeth up him lightly and then shoved his head all the way back down, sucking hard.


Blue yelled as he shot into the back of Coconut's throat. "I'm sorry!" He dropped his head on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. "I can't last long with you doing things like that to me." He panted.


Coconut swallowed and pulled off of him, wiping his mouth a little. "I don't expect you to. But don't go thinking we're done, Angel." He crawled on top of Blue again and bit his neck roughly.


Blue moaned like a wounded animal. "You're such a wolf." He turned his head toward his face and connected their lips again. 


Coconut kissed him fiercely before replying. "Maybe I am."


Blue chuckled. "Honestly, by now I wouldn't be surprised if you're a werewolf because I learn something new about you everyday. Big surprises too like, you're a billionaire, you're head of a company, you're kickboxer, singer, and soccer player, what are you going to say next?"


"I'm a pornstar," Coconut said as seriously as he could.


Blue's smile instantly snapped to a shocked expression. "What?!" What was funny was he actually believed him because it would explain quite a few things.


"Is it that surprising?" Coconut asked with a shrug, barely able to contain his laughter.


Blue stared at him longer in shock. "Are you serious?"


"Yes." No.


Blue shoved him off and stepped off the bed, picking up his clothes and putting them back on.


Coconut scoffed and grabbed his arm, pulling him back onto the bed.


"Coconut, let go." His tone was blatant and tired.


"Nope." Coconut practically tore off Blue's clothes again, but didn't do anything after that other than nuzzle into his neck.


"Stop." He growled. "Were you joking? You were joking, right?" He glared at him, trying his best to push him away.


Coconut refused to move and only chuckled huskily. "Yes. It was a joke, love."


"I fucking knew it!" Blue jammed his palms into Coconut's shoulders, trying to force him off. "You think you're sooo funny." He grumbled, still glaring. 


Coconut wrapped his arms around Blue's waist and whined loudly. "I was only messing around, Angel. Don't get all upset, it ruins the mood."


Blue huffed in anger. "Oh, don't you dare do that. You're the one who ruins the mood by upsetting me." He continued to glower at him. "I don't even feel like having sex anymore." 


Coconut pouted and whined again. "Nooo…" he weakly protested, laying his head on Blue's chest and listening to his heartbeat.


Blue sighed. "Don't make me feel bad. Get off. Let's go do something together." 


"But I'm comfy." Coconut looked up at him slightly, his ear still against his chest. "Let's take a nap."


"Damn it Coconut, you're so cute that you get away with everything. Fine."


Coconut smiled adorably and hummed. He rolled onto his side and tugged Blue to lay with him.


Blue sat up and pulled the covers over the both of them, laying by Coconut's side. "Cuddle me to sleep C- Yuno."


Coconut made a cute sound and pulled Blue closer so that his back was to his chest, making sure there was no space between their bare bodies. He nuzzled into him again and breathed out a content sigh.


"You have classes tomorrow, right?" 


"Yeah, I guess," Coconut mumbled.


"Tch. You guess." He rolled his eyes. "Well I don't, so I want to go with you because I want to procrastinate. But also because I like you."


Coconut smiled against him and tiredly answered. "You're free to come along if you want. And guess what?"


"What?" Blue lifted his head to take off his glasses, he reached toward the nightstand but he was too far away so he lazily dropped his arm, still holding the glasses.


"I can show you affection at my school." Coconut grabbed Blue's glasses and put them on the nightstand behind him then went back to cuddling into his boyfriend.


"Thank god. Just don't be embarrassing about it." He closed his eyes. Melting into their comfortable position.


"Trust me, Angel. PDA is so common at our school that no one would even care if we were about to have sex in the hallway." Coconut rolled his eyes with a small scoff.


Blue laughed. "That better not be what you plan to do with me at your school tomorrow." 


"No, I'll just make sure you have fun. That's the whole premise of our school."


"Fun." Blue said it like it was unknown to his tongue. "College is about building your future. Not partying. Your school sounds scary already. Letting newly hatched adults do whatever they want." He raised his eyebrows even though his eyes were closed. 


"Yep. Most of the careers that our college supports are ones you have to be independent for. Like singing or painting. You have to be able to make a name for yourself, and since sometimes that doesn't work, the jobs don't pay all that well, but the students are usually always happy with what they're doing."


Blue didn't respond. Having trouble imaging what that environment would be like. He felt exhaustion's sag and soon fell into a heavy nap.


Coconut purred softly and snuggled into him, doing his best to not wake him up. He played with Blue's hair for a few more minutes until he fell asleep as well, mumbling a small, "Love you."


Blue's only response was the rise and fall of his sleeping. 


Next chapter