
Watch It!

As Bella walked into Joan's bedroom, she couldn't help but wonder why she had had that sudden flash again. This time Dan had been dressed in that same costume but had been laughing wildly at something she had said. 

What did Dan have to do with her? Why was she seeing these things? Bella wondered as she looked down at the ring. Maybe if she could find out what powers the ring possessed, then it could help her answer her questions, like the psychic's ring had done years ago. Maybe if she was able to sneak out of work, she could go in search of the psychic lady before her date with Dan. 

"Pheeew! I was able to convince her not to say more than a few words to him and, most importantly, not to mention anything about you too," Joan said as she walked into the room, 

"Is everything okay? What are you thinking about?" Joan asked curiously when she realized that Bella wasn't paying any attention to her. 

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