
"Let's Do It!"

Immediately Richie and his fiancée left the restaurant. Ben quickly took off his apron and ran out of the restaurant. He couldn't wait to tell Bella the news and share his idea with her.

She had been looking so sad and had refused to speak to him or step out of the room after their mother dragged her out to do the dishes.

Immediately he got to the house, he ran into her room, "Guess what?" He asked Bella, who was still lying down in the same position she had been in when he left for work that morning.

"I'm not interested," Bella told him as she lay gloomily on her bed, contemplating her future. If only she could see a bag of money on the floor somewhere or someone could just mistakenly transfer a tremendous amount of money to her bank account, then her life would change for the best, Bella thought.

"I got you a job," Ben informed Bella.

Bella looked at him, "Are you saying that to cheer me up?" Bella asked with a scowl.

"When have I ever lied to you?" Ben asked, making Bella lift a brow.

"Do you really want me to start recounting all the lies you've told me? Cause I will," Bella promised, making Ben scowl at her. It was like watching herself scowl.

"I'm being very serious. I got just the perfect job. Well, maybe you've not exactly gotten it yet, but I'm sure you will get it. All you have to do is show up for the interview," Ben promised.

Bella looked at him, and when she saw the seriousness on his face, she decided to give him the benefit of doubt.

"Another interview? I'm tired of interviews! I'm sure they're going to reject me already," Bella said, shaking her head.

"Why are you giving up already when you haven't even tried? You didn't even ask me who you are going to be working for or what the job entails," Ben said with a disappointed frown. He had expected her to be very excited about the news of him getting her a job.

"What is the job about, and who am I working for?" Bella asked disinterestedly as she took out her phone to play the candy crush game.

"You'll be working as a personal assistant. And guess what? It's not just to any mere person. It's an actor! You will be the personal assistant of a very great actor!" Ben said excitedly as he jumped beside her on the bed.

"Why are you saying crazy things? When did you ever get such a connection?" Bella asked with narrowed eyes. Maybe this was just one of those his silly pranks, and she had been stupid enough to fall for it.

"I'm very serious," Ben said and went ahead to tell her how he had overheard the conversation between a guest at the restaurant and his girlfriend.

"Really?" Bella asked, beginning to gain Interest in the subject.

"Yes. Now guess who the actor is?" Ben said with a big grin.

"Brad Pitt?" Bella asked, sitting up to look into his face excitedly.

"I forgot he is the only actor whose name you know," Ben said with a sigh.

Bella hardly ever watched movies, and the only few ones she had managed to see were all movies in which Brad Pitt had starred in.

"Well, you'll be working for Dan Williams," Ben offered.

"That reminds me, the man at the restaurant asked me to call him," He said, reaching into his pocket to take out the card which he had kept like a treasured item.

"Dan Williams? What is that?" Bella asked with a yawn.

"Are you following what I'm saying at all? Dan Williams is an actor and a singer. He is very famous with so many fans, of which I am one," Ben said with a grin making Bella roll her eyes.

"So what am I to do? Does he know I'm a tomboy?" Bella asked.

Ben scratched his head as he looked at her awkwardly, "Well, not exactly. It is a male-only sort of job. But I figured since you don't like dressing like a girl, you could pass for me and take the job. All you have to do is use my credentials," Ben said with a shrug when Bella looked at him incredulously.

"That is a criminal offense!" Bella yelled, hitting his arm angrily.

"Did I tell you it is a live-in job? You finally get to move out of this crappy house like you call it. And then you get a personal car too. I can assure you that just three months' worth of salary might cover your gender reassignment surgery," Ben said, making Bella's eyes widen.

"Why didn't you just say so from the start?" Bella snapped at him, hitting his arm again.

"What about it being a criminal offense?" Ben asked with a grin.

"No one is going to tell them. Besides, we look too much alike, and if he so much as suspects a thing, we could just swap places," Bella said in a hushed whisper.

"Funny how fast your brain works in solving problems. I'm proud of you," Ben said, ruffling her hair affectionately.

Bella smacked his hand off her hair before looking at him seriously, "Are there any other requirements aside from being a guy?"

"I hear he has very strict rules and all of that, but I'm sure it isn't something you can't handle," Ben said with a smile.

"Wait! What about my hair? It is longer than yours," Bella asked with a frown.

"You finally get a chance to cut it as you have always wanted to," Ben told her with a wink.

"Mom would kill me. You know she is the reason I still have this stupid long hair in the first place," Bella said as she pulled her hair gently.

"It is pretty simple. Tell her you got a new job that requires your hair to be short. You have to also tell them it's a live-in job somewhere far away, or else they might decide to pay you a visit," Ben told her in a whisper.

"Mom would kill us if she found out about this," Bella said with a grin.

"When have we ever been scared of dying? So are you ready to give him a call?" Ben asked with a grin as he flashed the complementary card before her eyes.

"Let's do it!" Bella said enthusiastically.

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