

"We'll need to take all of your statements," the police officer comments firmly, guiding us out of the storage unit. I nod grimly before pausing, turning back towards him.

"Does this mean Jake and Tobias will be free to leave?" I ask, my body heavy with exhaustion. It's the only burning question playing on my mind.The officer simply stares back at me with no emotion, purposely taking his time to answer.

I continue to search his face, desperate for him to answer me. Moments pass and eventually, he releases a sigh.

"We'll know more once we investigate into this further and get statements from all of you." He mutters unhappily under his breath, walking past me.

My hand shoots out, landing on the officers arm in an attempt to stop him in his tracks. His eyes drop down to my hand and he slowly raises his head. His eyebrow raise in surprise however I will myself to hold eye contact with him.

I'm not going to back down, not now.

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