
Chapter 126 - Delicious Food

Throughout his life, only now can he taste that kind of food.

He could not believe that he was there, away frim the dangerous evil new queen, while when he was in Bolanaire land he did nothing but to follow the command of the former queen then and so did the new queen.

He has been obedient since then, and he has no happiness of his own.

Montecarlo is happy to watch the festivities take place and to be entertained by what he sees. He didn't think about the Bolanaire in a while.

But later, while he was eating, he was startled when he felt that the leaf he ate had already no effect.

Tuscan noticed him who was sitting next to him.

"Are you okay?" Tuscan asked.

"I'm just worried," Montecarlo replied.

"What are you worried about?" Tuscan nodded.

"I feel like the leaves of the leaf that I ate are disappearing," Montecarlo said.

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