
i hate play boyz

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Chapter 1fresher's

Guys it's break at long last am happy.Since morning we have being sitting here as if we are slaves,they didn't even give us water to drink. perpetual, let's go get some food in the cafeteria,OK let's go I said.What's going on guys why is everybody gathered here I asked perpetual. Didn't we come here together,why are you asking me?she said.

I took a step forward to see what was happening and to my surprise it was a fight going on between a senior and a fresher. Perpetual I don't think we can have a peace of mind over here let's go somewhere else I said. Why? she asked,she was curious to know what was happening. It's a fight I said.

We bought some snacks at a nearby shop which was close to the school and head back to the auditorium were our orientation was held.Soon it was break over,the host of the program welcome us back from the break. He said he was disappointed in us.I have never seen any batch like this before he said. How can you fight with your Senior on the day of your orientation. He told us the rules and regulations once more again and said they will strictly go according to it.Let go shopping perpetual said, for what I asked. Ah didn't you hear what the professor said. What?I asked.she knocked my head and said don't be silly,are you trying to say you didn't hear what the professor said? we will start going to class on Monday,so the rest of the days are ours.OK then yes.let's go shopping tomorrow.

Let's go home now,I don't want to miss the final episode of The Family I said. We reached home around 3:40.I went upstairs to take my bath whiles perpetual went to the kitchen to prepare some food for super.Come down Stephanie,the food is ready.OK am coming can you give me some minutes. What? am staving and you want me to wait for some MINUTES!! she said angrily.OK am sorry for saying that am coming downstairs right away.

I made my way downstairs at once,perpetual is just like my sister.She is one and half years older than me.We were friends since childhood and we are still friends.

What are you thinking about she asked. Nothing, won't you pray the food is getting cold I said.Perpetual prayed on the food, soon we were done with the meal.I will do the dish I said. Then am going to bath perpetual said.I packed the plate used plates to the kitchen and wash them clean.

Stephanie, Stephanie,perpetual call out loud. What is it?I ran upstairs to perpetual room.She was standing on her bed.What is it ?I asked. There,there.Come on perpetual tell me what is wrong. There is a wall gecko in my room.Is that why you are shouting. Yes she said. Go to my room,I will stay here and kill the wall gecko. Are you OK now? I asked.Yes she said.

Perpetual spent the rest of the night in my room till morning because she was scared that there was another wall gecko somewhere but she doesn't know. Stephanie are you done.Yes let's go.Walmart ,we are coming we both said.

We stopped a taxis to send us to Walmart shopping mall.It took us 16minute to reach the mall.Went into the mall and pick snacks, drinks, and all the necessary things we needed.We went to the clothing department and select some dresses.This will look good on you I said,then I will go try it on and see how it will look on me.She went inside to try the dress while I went to check some male clothes. You will be wondering who I wanted to buy the dress for right?it for my brother he will be celebrating his birthday next week.Wow this brown jacket is nice I said to myself. I was about to take it when a guy from nowhere appeared there and took the jacket.

Me:I took it first


Me:it's mine

Him:but it's in my hands

Me:give it back

Him:try and get it if you can.

Hey,I hate nonsense I said. Oh really I thought you like nonsense he said.Give it back I said, No he said.Don't you have manners? huh, I wanted to say another word when I heard my phone ringing in my purse.I took the phone out to answer,it was perpetual. I have even forgotten about her and dealing with this jeck.

Perpetual:Stephanie,where are you?

Me:At the cloth department,how does the dress look on you


Me:OK then met me at the entrance


Hey jeck,my sister is waiting for me give me the jacket.Are you a deaf, am not giving this jacket to you, by the way you are beautiful.What's your name he said.I saw Perpetual walking towards the entrance so I walked fast to catch up with her,i didn't even reply him and just walked away.

What did you get for your brother Perpetual asked. Nothing I replied. Why?do you think we will be able to come here when lesson starts.This the only chance to get something for your brother Perpetual said. Actually I wanted to buy a brown jacket for him but some jeck with no manners took it from me.

let's go home you know we got a lot to do today I said. What about the gift Perpetual asked. I will just give some money to him,I know he won't like that but I don't have any other option.

Hi girls can I give you a ride home.Perpetual that's him,the jeck that took the jacket from me I said in a low tone.Don't say that don't you know who he is? But he is the one that took the jacket I want to buy for my brother from him.Shut up Stephanie.

No thank you, we will take a taxi home Perpetual said giving him a full smile.Hey,tell your brother I will get him a nice jacket which is more expensive than this one he said and drove off. My brother won't accept anything from you so don't waste your money jeck I said loudly enough for hear.

Perpetual:do you know what you have done?


Perpetual:Don't you know him?


Perpetual:He is the President's son and I have heard he will be coming to our school.

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