
Chapter 19: Wandering

In which there is wondering, baking, and confessions.

Sara woke to a pounding on her door. She rolled over and pulled the pillows over her throbbing head, but the knocking did not cease.

"Stop pounding and come in already," she called weekly. The door opened and footsteps seemed to thunder across the floor and she could see from beneath her pillow as a tray was placed on the small table beside her head. She turned her face up to her visitor. Balin smiled down at her.

"Hello lass," he greeted softly. "How's yer head?"

She moaned. "I feel like I headbutted a semi truck," she said but when she saw his obvious confusion she amended, "It hurts a lot."

"I reckon it does," chuckled Balin. "Bifur says you claim to have drunk only on one other occasion, and it did not end well for ya."

"That's one way of putting it. What happened last night?" she asked, now trying to sit up and instantly regretting it for the throbbing behind her eyes increased tenfold with movement.

"It seems that Fili and Kili, with the aid of Bofur got ya to eat many of the sweet cakes which were doused in elvish wine. Not knowing of yer finite tolerance the others didn't think to stop ya until Bifur noticed."

"That sounds just like them," she growled into her pillow. "I should have suspected them trying something like this."

"I would not worry too much about it lass," said Balin, his eyes glittering with mirth. "Between their new titles and the extensive workout that Thorin put them through early this morning, I doubt they will try it again anytime soon."

"Titles?" asked Sara dubiously.

"Let's just say that while intoxicated ya christened them some new names the others are not likely to let them forget anytime soon"

"What else did I do last night?" she asked dreading the answer.

"Nothing to be ashamed of lass," said Balin "When Dwalin found what the boys had done he made them bring ya back here to sleep it off." Sara breathed a sigh of relief, but at the back of her mind she felt she was forgetting something... something to do with… but that was ridiculous. She shook her head to dispel the thought and instantly regretted it. Balin must have seen her grimace.

"Here lass, drink this." He held out of glass to her. "Oin suspected ya would have a dragon of a headache." He helped her to sit and she took it from him sniffing at the contents and gagged. "Aye, it's not the most friendly of concoctions, but according to Oin, it will clear away any hangover, though we have never had the chance to test it in the case of elvish wine." Sara sipped cautiously at the mixture, but when it proved to be as vile as it smelled she tipped back her head and swallowed it down as quickly as possible. It was thick and slid down her throat like a slug. She shuddered in revulsion before handing the glass back to Balin. "Yer not the only one to need one of these today," he said. "Most of the company required the same and we have not yet found Bofur." He placed the tray full of food on her lap. They talked for some time as she ate and he left with the tray when she had finished. Slowly she got out of bed with the thought of a bath, but when she reached the tub she found a dirty towel crumpled at the bottom. Vague and blurry memories of last night begin to swim to the surface of her mind and while in the bath she let her mind wander in an attempt to sort out just what had happened after fili had returned her to her room. Sara swore she could remember seeing Thorin's face though she could not think why that should be. She also seemed to remember the faint smell of pipe tobacco. Sara had smelled it several times in camp on the evenings when Thorin had joined the others who were smoking pipes and there was also another scent that she could not quite place.

The storm in her head had calmed and dulled to manageable headache though it still felt heavy as she pulled on her jeans and Hogwarts shirt. She checked her phone to find it was almost 4:30 pm. She had slept a surprisingly long time, but despite this she found she was still tired. This she attributed to Elrond's caution regarding her returning strength; the elf lord would hardly have expected her to go out and get drunk her first night out of the infirmary. She lay back on the bed now, arm draped over her eyes and was almost asleep when there was another knock on the door.

"Come in," called Sara. She sat up to find Fili and Kili entering through her room. They stood regarding her. Sara got out of bed and opened the curtains allowing more light into a small room and turned to face them, a scowl on her face.

"What do you two want?" she asked folding her arms and watching them from across the room. They look to her contritely, but Sara was not so quick to yield. She could imagine why the boys were here but was not about to make it easy for them. "Well?" she asked not moving.

"We came to see how you are," said Fili taking a step forward.

"Balin said you were not doing so well when he came to see you earlier," added Kili.

"No thanks to you," said Sara unyielding. "I told you that I don't handle alcohol well."

"You can say that again," said Kili quietly. She shot him a look and he held up his hands. "Well you don't," he defended.

"But you are rather cute when drunk," said Fili placating.

"Despite your new name, filly of the blond mane?" she asked. Fili's face soured and Kili stood beside him trying not to snicker. "What's so funny to you kiwi the beardless?" Kiwi huffed looking away from her. It was quiet for a moment and then Fili broke the silence.

"Look we really came to apologize to you. We should not have gotten your drunk last night and we're sorry." Sara didn't say anything still standing there watching them.

"Sara," said Kili. "We really are sorry. We didn't think it would affect you so much." She was still silent. Fili sighed and turned and grabbing Kili's elbow.

"Come on," he said quietly. "Let's go." They were almost to the door when Sara spoke.

"Do I get to call you filly and kiwi whenever I want?" They stopped and looked back at her. Fili came to stand in front of her a hopeful look on his face.

"I suppose that's fair," he said.

"But do you have to add the beardless bit?" asked Kili grimacing.

She looked at him thinking. "Only if you ever do it again," she conceded. "Deal?"

Kili sighed "Okay. Are you coming to dinner?" he asked reaching for her hand.

"I'm not sure," she said. "Balin brought me quite a large meal when he visited, so I'm not really hungry just now. To be honest I'm still kind of tired."

"Still?" asked Kili disbelieving. "We were up at seven this morning."

"Only because uncle came and forced us to spar with him," said Fili flicking his brothers cheek. "Had he not I'm sure we would still be asleep under the table."

"True enough," grinned Kili, lacing his fingers together behind his head. "Still," he shrugged. "That's a long time to sleep even if you were drunk."

Sara snorted. "Maybe for you. The last time I drank I slept much longer. Regardless, I'm not sure I'm up for dinner," she said turning to Fili.

"Okay," he said drawing her into a one-armed hug and placing a kiss on her temple. "Want us to come visit you after we eat?" She looked at her bed and stifled a yawn.

"No that's okay. I'll probably be asleep"

"I'm sorry sis," said Kili hugging her.

"It's alright kiwi," she said winking at him. "I'll be okay. You two go to dinner and I'll see you tomorrow. We still need to talk," she said giving them a pointed look.

"Alright, till tomorrow," said Fili and with that they were gone. She had come to the doorway to see them off and found Nori leaning against the wall outside her door.

"What's up Nori? Back on guard duty? I thought we were done with that." He just looked at her. The expression on his face reminded her of a cat that had a particularly juicy bird in its mouth and it unnerved her a bit. She had a sneaking suspicion that the proverbial bird was her. Seeing the princes were gone she turned to him folding her arms. "Alright, Nori spill it. You look like you've seen the newest episode of your favorite TV show and can't wait to spoil it for everyone else." He raised his eyebrows at her questioningly. She still could not quite fathom how he managed to braid them into his hair. "Just what are you dying to tell me? Spit it out so I can go back to sleep."

"How much of last night you recall?" he asked.

"Some. Why? she replied. Something told her she was about to wish she could remember more.

"I saw your visitor last night," he said.

"A visitor?" He nodded. "Who?" she asked.

"Thorin, sneaking out of your room carrying his boots," he said with a smug expression on his face, but before she could respond he was gone. Sara stood there in the doorway racking her brain trying to remember all she could about last night but still nothing came. One thing was for sure, she was not about to go to dinner and face Thorin.

It was well past midnight as Sara walked through the quiet halls. She had taken her last Tylenol pm and surrendered to the bed, trying not to think of what Nori had told her. She had woken much later ravenous, so here she was sneaking through the halls trying to find the kitchen. She had not come across anyone thus far, but she also had no idea where she was or how to return to her room. She came around a corner and just about jumped out of her skin.

"Hello Ms. Sara. Are you well?" Lord Elrond stood looking down at her and eyebrow raised.

"Oh thank goodness. It's just you," she said clutching at her shirt front. Up went his other eyebrow. "I mean, yes well, I think so. I was trying to find the kitchen. I seem to have slept through dinner, but I have no idea where I am."

He was quiet for a moment. "The kitchen is back that way," he said kindly. "Down the short hallway on the right. Are you quite recovered from last night? I should have warned you about elvish wine, it can be quite powerful for the inexperienced." She flushed slightly.

"Yes thank you. None the worse for the wear. Just hungry."

"Shall I have someone prepare food for you?" he asked beginning to lead her down the hall.

"No. I wouldn't want to wake someone up just so I can eat. I'm sure I can find something." He stopped and pointing down the hall. "Just down there Ms. Sara. Are you sure you don't prefer to have someone fix you something?" he asked eyeing her.

"No thank you. I can manage." she replied.

"Very well, till tomorrow then," and he slipped off into the night.

Thorin could not sleep. He had been jarred awake by an ill dream and could not could not find rest again and so he found himself wandering the halls of Elrond's home; that is until he heard noises coming from an open doorway. He crept along the hallway and cautiously looked around the corner expecting to see and elf. He was surprised, however, to find the girl elbow deep in dishwater in the elvish kitchen. What in Middle Earth was she doing awake scrubbing dishes at this hour? He watched her silently for a moment as she worked. Those strange things were on her ears again and he could hear her singing softly as she scrubbed. She had not an unpleasant voice, though hardly the best he had ever heard. She began to dance in place as she worked and Thorin turned away intent on leaving her to whatever madness had possessed her. He was at the end of the hallway when there was a tremendous commotion in the kitchen behind him and he heard Sara's cry of pain and uttered curse. He turned back to see what new trouble this otherworldly girl had gotten herself into. When he reached the doorway he saw her standing grasping her hand, a cookie sheet and fresh cookies scattered about the floor. She was in no immediate danger and thus assured he was about to turn and leave when she looked up and was startled by his presence in the hitherto for empty doorway. She jumped and took a step back placing her foot on a fallen cookie and down she crashed to the floor to join her scattered confections. She hissed in pain as she sat up rubbing at her elbow and before he could stop himself, he stood in front of her, hand outstretched.

"I've never known anyone who has as much a penchant for trouble as you," he said as she reached for his hand. "Whatever are you doing in the kitchens at this time of night?" He pulled her to her feet and released her hand.

"I could ask you the same question," she replied, still rubbing her arm. He remained silent waiting for her to reply. She sighed. "I slept through dinner and woke up hungry," she said, now stooping to pick up the cookies off the floor. "So I went looking for the kitchen. I was just cleaning up." She reached for the cookie sheet her hand wrapped in a towel but dropped it yanking her hand away gasping. She stood kicking the pan angrily and stalked to the sink. He followed her watching as she removed the glove on her right hand and revealed the mark of the Valar. She held her burned fingers under the water.

"So you were hungry and decided to make yourself cookies?" he asked his eyebrow raised in question. "One would think that after last night that you would have satiated your desire for sweets."

She flushed. "It's not like I jumped straight to cookies. I had a plate of bread cheese and fruit first," she said, nodding to a plate still set with the remnants of food on it.

"Rather a poor meal for a kitchen so well stocked," he commented.

"Yeah, well I'm no master wiz in the kitchen. That's Bilbo's specialty. I'm really only good at making these cookies. She peered at her fingers. "I slept so long today that I'm not really tired anymore, so when I found all the ingredients I needed, I decided to kill some time. Besides making these cookies comforts me. It reminds me of home." She pulled her hand from the water and unbidden he reached for her wrist and pulled her fingers closer to see for himself. They were minor burns that would be gone by morning he concluded releasing her. She pulled her glove back on and began to gather the cookies again but he beat her to the metal pan and picked it up himself; he also picked up her strange ear coverings which had fallen off her head when she fell. She returned to the counter, held a cookie aloft and gave a small sigh of frustration.

"What troubles you now?" he asked placing the pan on the counter beside her but examining her earmuffs. He could hear faint music coming from them and he held them to his ear.

"I keep burning them. I'm afraid I'm not used to cooking in a wood oven. Back at Bag End Bilbo had to adjust the temperature for me." She dumped the burnt cookies in the bin and moved to refill the sheet with the unbaked circles she had set to the side. Thorin set down the musical contraption, strode to the oven and picked up the poker rearranging the coals inside. She appeared by his side and he took the sheet from her placing it inside and retreated around the counters other side. Wiping her forehead with the back of a hand she came to stand in front of him picking at the remaining grapes on her forgotten plate. He smiled a bit at the flour on her brow but she had a definite frown on her face as she idly rolled a grape between her thumb and forefinger.

"Is that frown to be in a permanent denizen of your features?" he asked wearily. She raised her vibrant green eyes to meet his gaze but then looked away.

"I don't want Fili to have to fight you or his mother," she said quietly placing the grape down and turning to lean back against the counter her arms folded across her chest.

"I take it Fili discussed his offer with you." he said.

"Well not exactly. Bofur told me what a heart sister is," she confessed. "To be honest, I haven't had the chance to talk to Fili about it, stuff keeps happening, but from what Bofur says there's not much to be done anyway. I never would have agreed if I understood." Thorin was watching her and she looked up at him. "I mean, that's not to say I don't think of them like brothers, in a way, but I had no idea it was so formal." She looked rather dejected.

"The fault lies with Fili for making the offer to begin with," he said. "He is still young and impetuous, much like yourself."

She wrinkled her nose looking at him again but conceded the point. "I suppose you're right. At any rate I'm sorry to cause more trouble." He snorted. "Seems to be what I'm best at," she said. They were quiet for a few minutes before she moved to the oven and was pleased to see the cookies were baked. She was about to reach into the oven the towel wrapped around her hand again when he stopped her.

"Ms. Sara," he said stepping up beside her. "Use this." He held a large flat paddle out to her but she just looked at him confused. Sighing he pulled her away by the elbow and used the paddle to remove the baking sheet and slid it onto the counter.

"Is that what that is used for?" she asked. He didn't bother to answer her as she gingerly picked up a cookie and turned it over in her hands smiling at the unburned bottom. "How did you know how to fix the temperature?" she asked as she consciously bit into the hot pastry. "You don't strike me as a baker."

"I should hope not," he said. " I know my way well around a fire and I've often worked as a blacksmith in the past, but any dwarf worth his metal could have fixed it for you."

"Hummm," she hummed scrutinizing him. He was still under her examination unsure of her. He watched as her cheeks pinked slightly and she shook her head and moved the rest of the finished confections to a plate. Her own cookie was held between her teeth as she refilled the sheet and returned it to the oven using a paddle and disappeared around a corner. She returned with two glasses and several filled jugs, clearly uncertain as to which one to drink from. She sniffed at them in turn and he watched carefully as she picked one up. He reached out a hand touching her wrist lightly.

"I would not recommend that one for you," he said amused. "Unless you wish to repeat last night and I prefer my boots not be subjected to that again." He reached across the counter and pushed a jug toward her. "That one would be better suited for you." She flushed pink again but took the one he suggested.

"What exactly happened last night?" she asked hesitantly not meeting his eyes. "I remember dinner well enough, though the end is hazy but I don't remember much after leaving the table."

He stood straight folding his arms over his chest. "You remember nothing?" he asked a bit irritable but not surprised. She shrugged still finding the counter top to be of vast interest.

"Was there something of importance that I should remember?" she asked tracing the grain in the wood of the counter with a finger tip. "Because it's all hazy to me." He grunted noncommittally reaching for a jug himself. She was silent as he drank. "Nori seems to think there was." she said quietly. Her ears were now burning.

"Nori?" asked Thorin sharply. "What exactly did Nori say?"

She still would not meet his gaze. "He said he saw you leaving my room late last night carrying your boots." Her voice was almost too quiet to hear. He realized what she must be thinking and swore to sting up the thief the first chance he got. He looked down at Sara and sighed heavily before he spoke.

"Ms. Sara," he said gently. She remained still. "Ms. Sara," he tried again. He reached out and lifted her chin so she was looking him in the eyes. "Nothing happened that you need regret," he assured. She searched his eyes for a lie but found none and he released her chin.

"Then what did happen?" she asked letting her head drop again.

"I would guess that my nephew's did not show you all the way to your room last night," He said softly, reaching for a jug again.

"Why is that?" she asked hesitantly.

"Because," he said pouring himself another glass and then meeting her gaze. "When I returned to my room I found my door ajar and you asleep in my bed."

"In your bed?" she asked mortified. He nodded and she ducked her head lower her ears glowing red again.

"You must have wandered," he continued determined to convince her of the evenings events. "When I tried to wake you, you seemed to think I was Kili and you were determined to sleep on. I tried several times to rouse you, but you clung to my pillow and would not be moved." He smiled faintly thinking of her stubbornness and was reminded of many a morning in Fili and Kili's youth. "I picked you up to take you to your room but you must have felt threatened for you began to struggle. You caught me a rather good blow to the jaw with one of your elbows and our tussle ended with you kneeing…. Well let's just say I was caught off guard in a very painful way," he said ruefully rubbing at his jaw.

She looked up at him mortified. "I'm so sorry Mr. Thorin,"she said earnestly.

He waved her off. "It matters little now Ms. Sara, I recovered. You were calm after that and I was able to carry you to your room for you could not have walked, that was certain." She picked at her cookie listening to him now and he was gratified to see her cheeks had cooled. "As for why I then left your room clad in my socks," he said smiling wryly at her before continuing. "You emptied your stomach on my boots and then promptly fell asleep." She moaned lowly her head in her hands now.

"I am so sorry," she said. "I can't believe it happened again."

"Again?" he asked his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean again, do you make it a habit to wander into other's rooms?"

She did not look up from behind her curtain of hair as she answered him. "It's the same thing that happened when I got drunk on my twenty first birthday. I wandered into a stranger's apartment. Luckily no one was home that night and I got out the next day without it trouble; but I have avoided alcohol ever since."

"Probably for the best," he said. He had to admit he found her story humorous. Sara, however, seemed quite upset about their encounter the night before, though he found it didn't bother him as much now as it had then. He had found Fili and Kili in enough odd places after one of their nights of drinking, including a quite memorable time he found the pair perched in a tall pine in their undergarments. They had never been able to properly explain that one. He had to admit that he himself had had more than his fair share of interesting encounters while drunk. Bofur who had been missing most of the day had finally been located by Nori face down in a flower bed in Elrond's Gardens; though no one had questioned Dwalin about his whereabouts when he had stomped into his room well past noon holding his head. There had been more than one empty seat at dinner that night.

Thorin was jared from his thoughts as a clattering reached his ears and his hand fell to the hilt of Orcrist. Sara looked up searching for the source of the sound which had to come from one of the attached pantries. He motioned for Sara to stay where she was as he approached, but to his annoyance she rose to follow him. The disturbance, as it turned out, was a small boy. Thorin released his grip on his weapon as Sara came to stand beside him.

Sara looked down at the boy sprawled among the mops and brooms, a chunk of bread clutched in his fist. She guessed he was maybe nine or ten. He was slim though not particularly gangly yet and had dark shoulder length hair that fell in waves around his face. His wide gray eyes stared up at them, though Sara noticed that they tended to linger longer on Thorin.

"What are you doing out of bed young one?" asked Thorin his voice gruff as he stepped back allowing the boy to sit up. The boy scrambled to his feet and hid his hands behind his back staring up at the dwarf who was a good foot and a half taller than him. "Well?" pressed Thorin.

"I was hungry," said the boy simply, bring his hand from behind his back to show them the bread.

"What's your name?" asked Sara gently.

"My name is Estel," he said looking quickly to Sara. "I'm the adopted son of Lord Elrond."

"You are no Elf," said Thorin skeptically. "Why would Elrond take you in?"

The boy shrugged. "I have lived here for as long as I can remember," he said taking a small bite of the bread. "Mother said we came to live with Elrond to after father's death." His mouth was now full of bread.

"Would you like a cookie Estel," asked Sara gesturing towards the kitchen.

"What kind of cookie?" he asked cautiously as he swallowed his mouthful of bread.

"Why don't you come find out," she said turning. "No one here seems to have had a gingerbread before." She led him past Thorin who looked down at the boy who gazed right back up at him. She sat the boy at the table and handed him a cookie and went to retrieve the others from the oven. Estel ate quietly scarcely taking his eyes from Thorin who stood leaning against a large cabinet watching the boy just as intently. Sara cleaned the last of the dishes and brought the plate of cookies and another cup over to the table. She took a seat across from the small delinquent who looked at her and poured him a drink being careful not to grab the jug Thorin had been pouring from.

"Who are you?" Estel asked taking the cup from her. "I hardly ever see other humans here."

"My name is Sara," she said grabbing a cookie for herself. "And he is Thorin Oakenshield." She nodded to Thorin.

The boy glanced back at Thorin before whispering quietly to her, "Is he really a dwarf?"

"Yes I am," said Thorin. "And dwarves have keener senses than a human so you may as well not whisper."

"Sorry," muttered Estel sheepishly. "It's just I've never seen a dwarf before. I have always wanted to meet on though."

"Yes, I can imagine there has not been a dwarf here in Imladris for quite some time." said Thorin his gaze fixed on a point on the far wall.

"Well it's your lucky day Estel," said Sara sipping at her glass. "Thorin is a dwarf king." The boy looked at her surprised and left his seat coming to stand in front of the dwarf who shouldered off the cabinet and stood looking down at the boy.

"Why do you carry an elvish sword if you're a dwarf king?" asked Estel pointing at Orcrist. Sara answered first.

"He found it in a troll hoard on our journey," she said, watching the two study each other.

"You saw trolls?" asked the boy excitedly looking to Sara now.

"Yep three big ugly trolls."

"Did you do battle with them and take their treasure?" he asked Thorin.

"Well actually," said Sara smiling at the memory of the sacked dwarves. "What happened was…" but when she looked to Thorin she changed her mind. "That's exactly what happened. Well at least the dwarves did battle. I was with Gandalf." Thorin raised an eyebrow at her but seemed pleased.

"You know Gandalf the wandering wizard?" Estel asked eyes wide.

"We do," said Sara smiling at the inquisitive boy. "He's been wondering with us since we left the Shire with Mr. Bilbo Baggins. He has seen us through all our adventures with trolls, orcs, and wargs."

"You fought wargs and orcs to?" exclaimed the boy, awe written plainly across his face. Thorin's only answer was nod. "You must be a great warrior," said the boy reverently.

"Well of course he is," assured Sara. "He's a dwarf. There's not a dwarf in all Mr. Thorin's company that isn't; though I would bet that he and Dwalin are the most fearsome of the group. Thorin stood a bit straighter at her words. Estel looked up at him moving from one side to the other as he appraised the dwarf king.

"You must also be very strong," said the boy reaching up to touch one of Thorin's bare forearms, for the dwarf was clad in a simple tunic and pants.

"He's a Dwarf," said Sara simply reaching across the table for another cookie.

"Are you stronger than an elf?" asked the boy tugging one of Thorin's hands free and placing his own palm against the larger one.

"Probably," said Sara.

"Definitely," said Thorin almost at the same time. Sara looked to see a smug look on his face. Estel gripped Thorin's hand with his and squeezed, grunting slightly. To the boys surprise Thorin's hand quickly closed around both of his and in a moment Estel was dangling in the air feet kicking. Thorin had lifted him effortlessly with one arm and held him at eye level.

"Whoa! Whoa!" cried Estel giggling. "Let me down. Let me down." Thorin held him aloft studding the boy who tried to pull himself up to Thorin's hand but fell back looking chagrined. Estel stilled under the dwarf's scrutiny and relaxed returning his gaze for a moment before a grin split his young face. "I like you!" pronounce the boy. Thorin snorted.

"And why is that young Estel," asked Thorin a faint smile on his lips. The boy in his grip began to struggle again trying to free his captured hands.

"I don't know," he said, finally getting a hand free. "I just do." With his hand free he grasped Thorin's forearm and pulled himself up so his chin was a top the dwarf's wrist.

"Isn't it about time you returned to bed." said Thorin.

"Probably," said Estel his head bobbing up and down on Thorin's arm as he spoke. "Mother and the twins will notice that I'm gone if I don't get back soon." Thorin lowed him to the floor and released him. "Will I get to meet the rest of the dwarves?" asked the boy as he stuffed cookies in his pocket.

"Perhaps," said Thorin coming to slide the plate of cookies out of the boys reach. "Now off to bed before your missed."

"Okay," sighed Estelle before cramming a cookie into his mouth and turning to leave, waving goodbye as he rounded the corner out of sight. Sara took the last of the dishes and set them by the sink. She frowned at the plate with five remaining cookies, but placed it on the counter and grabbed her headphones.

"I think I will head back to bed as well," said Sara, but Thorin saw her pause in the doorway looking left and right biting her lip. He watched her struggle to decide which way to go.

"You're lost aren't you."

Her head drooped. "Yes," she confessed. He came to the door leaving an empty cookie plate behind him.

"Come, I will see you back." said Thorin gently, leading the way.

She followed him quietly for a while before she spoke. "You know you surprised me," she said walking beside him now, her hands in her jean pockets.

"How's that?" he asked not looking to her.

"You're surprisingly good with kids. Estel was quite taken with you." she said smiling at him.

"I've had some amount of practice," he replied. It was quiet for a few moments before Thorin broke the silence. "Fili and Kili's father perished in battle shortly before Kili was born and I have helped my sister raise them from a very young age."

"Were they difficult as boys?" she asked.

"They still are at times," he said affectionately. "Can you find your way from here," he asked wryly. She looked around and saw that they had arrived at the entrance of their hallway.

"Yes," she said sheepishly. "Thank you."

"Second door on the left," he said smirking.

"I remember," she said smiling back at him. She walked to the door and waved. "Good night Mr. Thorin. Thank you for everything."

"Good night Ms. Sara" he said opening his own door. He closed his door behind him and pulled a cookie from his pocket.

Next chapter