

"Oh my gods," came a gasp, startling Cassia from her sleep. Her first instinct was to see if Huck was alright since he hadn't reacted. Seeing his golden green eyes open and alert, she realized he must have already been awake. She turned then and saw a surprised Agatha holding a tray of food for them. "Well then," she chuckled, "Since you've decided to join us as a human now I'll make you a human breakfast."

"Oh don't go to any trouble Agatha," Cassia sat up yawning and rubbing her eyes, "I can eat what ever you have there just fine." She reached up and took the tray from the older woman who was studying her seriously now.

"I suppose the rest of us aren't much for meat eating," she said absently, looking Cassia over, "How do you feel this morning?"

"Much better. We're so grateful for all your help and for giving us a place to stay."

"Of course," Agatha smiled, "You must be about Nico's age. He'll be happy to hear that. He gets tired of only his siblings for company.... He'll want to talk to you. So will Ivan. I'd better go get them."

With that, Agatha vanished back through the door. Cassia smiled down at Huck and gave him a hunk of the meat for himself and started in on her own piece. They had barely finished their breakfast when the door swung open and an excited, wind swept Nico came in. His eyes met Cassia's violet ones and he froze for a moment before a smile spread over his face. "Your hair is grey," he laughed nervously, "I thought maybe you were older because your bear was more grey but its your hair. It's just silver-grey." Cassia smiled, all too familiar with the attention her strange hair got her. "What are your names?"

Before she could answer, the door opened again and two golden brown wolf puppies came scrambling in yipping excitedly. Nico looked embarrassed and hurried to try to catch them. He managed to grab one squirming puppy but as soon as he had the other, the first would make an escape. Cassia laughed watching them run wild and even Huck raised his head to see what would happen. "Girls!" came a cry from Agatha as she rushed in and scooped them up quicker than their brother had managed. A skill you could only gain from being mother a long time. "Your father wants to talk to her. Get out of here now. Go play!" She dumped them unceremoniously on the other side of the door and closed it behind Ivan who had come in behind her. He looked Cassia over, his normal frown in place.

"Let's sit down," Ivan said to Agatha and took her hand to help her to the ground. He sat down beside her and Nico was quick to drop down on her other side. Agatha was wearing a light brown skirt she settled around her. Ivan was fully dressed but Nico must have been out because he was in only his breeches, tanned chest uncovered. Cassia looked at him and wondered again what his animal form was. He was old enough now to have a permanent one. She was the only person she knew who was as old as they were and still shifting between animals. This was a sign of a weak and unsettled soul as her parents had often reminded her.

"So now could you tell us your names?" Nico asked again, chocolate eyes on her.

"Of course, I'm sorry. I'm Cassia and this is Huck. We're from the forest lands of King Ferdinand."

"King Ferdinand?" Agatha repeated in surprise, "Did you wash down river all the way from his woods?" Cassia nodded. Beside her, Huck shifted, uneasy.

"Why were you in the river?" Ivan asked what they had no doubt been wondering since they first saw the pair.

Cassia hesitated, wondering how much to tell them, "I had thought I would be able to swim it as a polar bear and be alright. The current was much faster than I realized though and I was not as strong as I had so foolishly thought I was."

"You would have died if Nico hadn't seen you and gone for help," Ivan said bluntly, "That was more than foolish. It was stupid. You put you and your mate at risk. And why did he let you make such a deadly decision?"

Cassia felt her cheeks redden, properly chastised as her own father would have done. Ivan was actually more gentle she imagined. "He didn't want to do it," she answered, looking at a spot on the floor between them, "He tried to tell me not to but I had come up with the plan."

"What was the plan for?" Nico asked curiously, cutting off his father who probably had the same question, "Were you running away from old mates? Or was it a territory dispute? Or..."

"Are you criminals?" Ivan demanded, cutting off his son now and watching Cassia closely.

Cassia didn't answer, biting her lip and considering what she should say. "I suppose we are now," she said quietly, not meeting anyone's eyes.

"You're alright dear," Agatha assured her, taking her hand, "We've all done things we're not particularly happy with. Even Ivan if he thinks about it for a moment...Or I could remind him... But will you just answer this. Are either of you dangerous?" Ivan had reddened at his wife's words but now his attention went back to the silver haired girl.

"We would never hurt you or your family. I promise." Cassia looked at her seriously and squeezed her hand she was still holding, "You saved us and we owe you our lives. We both take that seriously." Agatha smiled, relived, and let go of her hand to take her mates.

"Is someone going to come looking for you?" Ivan asked, calmer now, "King Ferdinand's men?"

Cassia looked down, meeting Huck's eyes and wishing desperately he was well enough to shift back and help her with some of these questions. She didn't know how much to say. Ivan was very serious and she could tell he would not be happy to learn they had been harboring fugitives. She felt guilty at the idea of lying to Nico and Agatha though who were so sweet and wanting to help them. She wished now more than ever that Huck was well so he could shift back and tell her what to say.

"Someone may come looking for us," she answered quietly at last, "I really don't know. They may assume we drowned in the river."

"I suppose that depends on how much you'll be missed," Agatha looked at them with sad, motherly eyes.

"Or how bad their crime was," Ivan reminded her gruffly.

"If someone does come I promise we'll leave right away," Cassia assured them, "We wouldn't make any trouble for you. And we don't expect you to ever lie for us or try to hide us or anything like that. We understand your family would come first."

They all sat quietly as her words sunk in. At last it was Ivan who cleared his throat, "We won't lie for you but we also won't volunteer information. You seem honest and I do believe you that you're no threat to us. Right now your mate is still recovering so he's not much of a threat either but I will speak to him once he's well enough to shift." Cassia was surprised to hear this as she looked at his serious face. To make sure she hadn't misunderstood, she looked first to Agatha who was watching her mate lovingly and then to Nico who looked elated. "For now the two of you can stay here while he gets better. I will give you my trust but I warn you do not break it." With those words, Ivan stood and helped Agatha to her feet. Nico didn't move though and his father saw this. "Now, we'll leave Nico to talk to you. I imagine you must have many questions yourselves." Cassia thanked them and they left the room, closing the door behind them before the girls could sneak in. Once they were gone Cassia turned excitedly to Nico. "Settle in," she giggled, "I have a lot of questions."

"I will if you will," Nico grinned, "Because I have a lot more too."

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