
Washed Away

Slamming into the river floor, Cassia was lucky polar bears had sturdy skulls for her human skull would've surely been crushed against the rock. After that, things seemed to happen in flashes. There was a flash as her head broke the surface of the cold, choppy river and she gasped for air. Her lungs and head were aching. The starry night sky wavered in her vision. She swam as hard as she could in her groggy state but the darkness grew from the corners of her eyes until she closed them and sank back into the blackness. There was a flash and she was under the freezing cold water, feeling something pulling on her neck. She couldn't breathe and she kicked hard to try to ease the pressure of what ever was on her neck. She couldn't think straight and wasn't sure which way the air was. She tried to move in the direction she thought was up. There was a flash and she was above water again, coughing and trying to catch her breath. The pressure was back against her neck and she turned her pounding head enough to see a familiar black shape paddling in the icy water, fighting against the current. The sun was just breaking over the horizon. Somehow, through everything they're been through, Huck had managed to keep a hold on the bag. Almost as impressive, the straps on the bag had stayed in one piece. Somewhere in her mind Cassia knew she needed to help the wolf because he was just as weak as she was, if not more. But she couldn't make her frozen limbs do more than wave around. He was so tired with his drooping eyelids, he hadn't even noticed her attempts.

The light of the rising sun made Cassia open her eyes again a while later. She looked up at blurry trees she couldn't quite make out. Then, on the bank of the river Cassia's weary eyes made out a white-tailed buck standing alone in tall green grass waving in the breeze. The buck turned its head slowly, watching them float by in the river that was growing calmer. His tail flicked in the air, flashing it's white underside they were known for, as it considered them. Cassia knew she was hungry but also knew instinctively this deer was not prey for her. She kicked her legs a little, trying to help Huck as he fought to get them to the shore. Her head was still spinning from its knock though so it was only a moment before this flash ended and darkness covered her vision again.

The next time she opened her eyes, Cassia saw a group of men wading out into the river ahead of them. She didn't recognize them but they were soon reaching out for her. She panicked, thinking they might her Kings men. She kicked her stiff limbs, and felt herself hit something. Cassia looked over to see a black wolf floating half on an old broken branch, limp, bag straps still clenched in his teeth. Huck! His eyes were closed! He wasn't moving! Her panic increased and she tried to swim towards him but she was too weak. All she succeeded at doing, was make herself splash around and drop her head under the cold water again. She got a mouthful of water and felt herself choking. Strong arms suddenly locked around her neck and heaved her up out of the water. Her bear form coughed madly which only made her head hurt more. She heard the men talking as they dragged her out of the water but she couldn't make out what they were saying. A thought came into her head then. Huck! She fought to open her eyes and thrashed around trying to see him. Where was he? He had been so hurt. How had she been so stupid to drag him out into the freezing river? Then everything had gone wrong and he was left to save her again. This time though saving her might have finally killed him.

"Calm down now," a voice said, grunting as he fought to control her wait, "We got you out of the water now jut calm down." More arms locked around her chest and pulled. She felt her lower half being dragged across the sandy bank of the river.

"Who is this?" Another voice asked, "Where did they come from?"

Her arms swung around but were useless, just heavy cold weights. Opening her mouth, she forgot her current state and tried to ask them about Huck. What came out was something like a hoarse roar that made the people carrying her jump away, startled. She crashed to the ground and tried to stand on her unsteady. She only managed to prop up her front before her shaking legs collapsed and she fell to the cold sand again. Cassia tried to keep her eyes open but her head was throbbing and she was so cold and tired. She looked up through drooping lids as her head rolled back. High above her, she could see trees slowly waiving in the breeze. The leaves were not the same as any she could remember seeing in her forest home. The sun shown down through the strange leaves and she closed her eyes against the light. All around her she could hear men and now women talking but she was too tired to care what they were saying. All she cared about was finding out where Huck was and if he was alright. She felt a pain in her heart. He had been so weak before her stupid plan. Tears slipped from her violet bear eyes. She loved him with all her heart. She prayed that she had not killed him even faster. She lost consciousness again as the men hefted her up and continued on with her. For Cassia and Huck, these people were now their only hope.

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