
Shinobi Potential(Part Three)

The spikes littering the ground began to crumble and fall, making the two ninja fall with them. In the blink of an eye: Skye was next to the first ninja. He tried to twist away from her, but it was already too late. She swung down on him with force, and knocked the wind out of him as he hit the ground.

 The second ninja tried to jump away, but Skye stomped her foot, and sent a blunted spike right at him. He pushed off of it with his hands, sending him toppling to the side. A patch of smaller, but sharper spikes laid at the bottom, reaching out to him.

 Seeing the bed of spikes, the third ninja yanked him back, which was what Skye had wanted..

 She had jumped up onto the blunted spike as the ninja had started to fall by the wayside. When the third ninja had pulled him back, Skye lept from her perch, and hit the second shinobi from above. He slammed into the ground as the other was still pulling him backwards, causing him to drag slightly.

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