
Her Fall(Part Three)


 Skye grimaced at Karena; "Eew, no thank you. Ima perfectly happy wit the husband I have."

 "Maybe that was it all along: getting Tidas the crown.. You convinced those barbaric idiots in the Highlands that you were their 'rightful Queen'. Guess you'll have the whole of Alcon when you're finally done. Or are your sights higher than that?"

 Skye stared at Karena blankly, then asked; "So where do ya come up wit this stuff? Do ya read books? Or is this really what's goin' on inside that noggin of yers? Cause those be somethin' ta talk to yer doctor about.."

 Karena scoffed; "Of course you would deny it. You're 'the Goddess Eir sent to save the less-fortunate'. You would never admit to wanting the crown for yourself, but everything you do reeks of overreaching. You'll never replace me. Magnus will 'make an example of me', but in reality: my time spent in that god-forsaken cell will be good enough.."

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