

Third week of July last year, Twice was in the US leg of the Twicelights Tour. It was evening in their spare time when Sana and Jihyo went to the beach along with Nayeon and Momo, as seen in their Youtube Documentary.

Mina wasn't able to join due to health. Yet, the Jjakkungs were happily addressing her as if worries were settled. It's weeks after—August 5, 2019 that they worried of another problem; the Dispatch report full of errors.

Despite it being untrue, Jihyo couldn't sue even for False Information. And of course, JYPE wouldn't because they were one of the accomplices to the setup dating.

Although it's a distant memory now, Sana knows how horrible it was for her partner. Add to that, Kang Daniel will be having a comeback this time in the same week.

Knowing the babo fans would celebrate, the Japanese cooks up something to mute such noise. Thus, on practices for their upcoming online concert, Sana gives a heads up to Jihyo.

"What's it about?" The leader asks.

"I'm catching up with friends", Sana is about to do it again. That thing.

Jihyo can't help the jealousy creeping. But she's learning. In doing her best not to overreact, she scratches head massaging her temple. Sana notices and so, to reassure the other, she pats Jihyo and kisses her before leaving.

She has to do what she gotta do.

Midnight of July 24th—Sana turns the Vlive on, audio only. She tells listeners, "I'm only here for a bit. I dropped by 'cause I haven't been uploading on Insta." Sana, along with the girls, has been busy.

Sana even shared she ate dinner while in the van. To be more specific, Sana reveals what the girls have been doing:

"Since the ads are up, we can finally say that we're practicing a lot for the concert. Lots of performance we haven't shown before."

Later then, upon reading a striking comment, Sana responds with "Me too." It's about having more tears nowadays. She adds, "It's not that I'm facing difficulties. Don't worry. But it just feels like my tears have become more."

"I hope Sana doesn't cry. You have to always be happy", Sana reads a comment. In response to this, she says "I hope the Once saying this are always happy too. The people around me have to be happy too."

HAVE TO. Sana may not always be right but she does whatever it takes for the people around her. And so, another practice day begun—Jihyo thought that Sana's thing would be just one time. Yet, Sana will be heading out again.

The leader attempts to make the Japanese stay by asking to teach her more Japanese. Sana notices this too. This time, she teases her.

"You're dating me. You already speak well enough", Sana says as she pertains to one of the jokes from the Knowing Brothers show. That in order to learn a foreign language faster, one must date a local speaker.

Well, according to Japanese fan-translators, Jihyo indeed speaks good Japanese. She's even the easiest to understand among Twice for having conversant vocab, enunciation, and in moderate speed.

Yet, this is Jihyo who is competitive and greedy to be better. She retorts, "Yea but since we'll live together for a long time, I should learn more to be fluent."

Sana giggles at a happy thought. One of the reasons why her requirement for marriage proposal is sincerity is because, Jihyo has set the standards THIS high. Nonetheless, the Japanese still has to make it to her appointment.

"Ittekimasu~ ", Sana says. The Japanese phrase uttered when leaving the house and means to come back later.

Jihyo can only sigh and answer, "Itterasshai." Being this good can have a drawback.

July 28th—the girls turn to Vlive one after the other until they are eight. Only eight, Jeong isn't around. Minutes before practice starts, they take this chance in inviting fans to watch the online concert.

Since fans can come from all over the world, members try to speak in foreign phrases. Dahyun, who is still lacking in her Japanese, relies on Sana. As in also leaning her entire body ON Sana.

The leader is just a Mina away from the royal ship SaiDa. Not to mention, Jihyo would definitely look towards Sana's way, as the Japanese has gone back to that dark hair she finds extra pretty.

She would want Sana's attention. Well, Jihyo was able to get some when she talked about retouching her hair's blonde base by using light tint. She told Nayeon, beside her, of how it seems a failure.

Sana has been taking notice and thought otherwise. She wouldn't let Jihyo feel bad. So, the Japanese made a side comment, "It's pretty."

Even so, would a competitive Jihyo be satisfied with it? Seeing Dahyun on Sana like that, Jihyo couldn't help commenting "Dahyun why do you look so relaxed?"

Dahyun wiggles out of Sana a bit as she responds to the leader. Unfortunately, the space is cramped. No better spot to go. Dahyun chuckles it out, remaining there. The Vlive would end in minutes anyway. Jihyo chuckles with her.

July 29th—Jihyo got Sana's attention full-time. Sana couldn't post much on Twicetagram. But she's able to post today. Instead of her own, however, it's a photo sequence of Jihyo deliciously eating a corndog.

Jihyo knows first-hand that people form unwholesome thoughts. Just a week ago, she and Mina along with other girl idols were to join a women's soccer team. The intention was to promote that women can play it too.

Unfortunately, netizens fed the fire that sparked from some reports. The write-ups portrayed such gathering as a debauchery party, where these women find dates from the men's team.

Somehow, the public knowledge of Jihyo having a boyfriend also served as a fuel to criticize these girls saying:

[Leader-nim, please don't bother Mina to go dating]

[just because you have bf doesn't mean Mina should too]

Now, imagine the wake of Dispatch report. The owners of the names involved must've had their own worries. Konnect even stated that they'll sue sexual comments about their artist.

Still, for today, Jihyo poses in this manner. People's thoughts aren't her concern right now. Well if this is what it takes to hold Sana's gaze and be proudly called pretty by her partner once again, it's a risk Jihyo is willing to take.

Seems Jihyo succeeded as Sana captions, "#OnceIAteToo #AnggeuliIsPretty #AnggeuliIsTalented #TheseAreTakenByShaShang".

Anggeuli means cute baby smile. It's also the nickname Jihyo wanted to hear. She mentioned this in one of the Feel Special fanmeet.

Then again, that Sana's thing, there's a third time. And a fourth, and a fifth… Sana is about to leave when Jihyo grabs on the other's shirt and confronts her.

"Of all times, why now? Why not- I don't know- once a month in the past months? You're tiring yourself out! Who are you gonna meet anyway? Is it Yeonjung again? If she's truly a friend, she would understand you need rest!"

Sana is the one and only extrovert in Twice alright, as revealed in their MBTI test. Being outdoorsy is a given. But to this extent, the leader is baffled.

The Japanese utters, "The impact would be underwhelming if I'd do it like that. I'm sorry. But to beat the noise, I just really have to."

"Noise? Have to?! Are you going for trouble again? Sanaaa~ ", Jihyo calls yet her girl has to go.

First week of August, the time to drop bombs arrives. Sana and friends do so one day after the other as if countering the noise of Kang Daniel's comeback on August 3 and the remembrance of Dispatch report on August 5.

One, WJSN Yeonjung shared on her Instagram some photobooth pics she took with Sana from July 30th. Two, Sana went to play an Escape Room with GFriend Eunha in August 1st. Three, (G)I-DLE Miyeon mentioned in her Vlive that she met Sana for the second time in August 2nd.

Moreover, it's August 3rd when Yeonjung shared the pics and talked about the details of how they hangout. "It's usually spontaneous, no specific reason. Sana sent me a list of places though."

THREE different women all in a short span. Knowing how busy Sana is for the concert, such behavior is worth attention. So instead of hyping in support of Daniel and/or celebrating what transpired last year, Once gush over Sana interactions.

As Sana succeeds muting noises, she rests for now. Sooner, Jihyo comes by the bedside quietly. She strokes the other's hair and whispers, "Yah~ What do I do with you? I'm angry. But also, thankful."

Sana turns, snatching her onto bed. Arms and legs all over Jihyo. The Japanese then showers her with smooches. Jihyo giggles, although drowning, and says "Yah, you're awake?! Did you hear? I said, I'm angry."

"Hmm~ Too angry that you changed hair color?" Sana smiles at a now red-haired Jihyo. Softly, she says "Pretty."

"Am I still you're favorite?" Jihyo pouts asking, as the color isn't pink anymore which is Sana's favorite. Not even purple, the officially designated.

Sana closes eyes, pretending to go back to sleep. This time, it's Jihyo who tickles her with kisses as she wants answers. "Am I?? Yah~ Sana-yah?"

"Mada anatagasuki."

August 9th—D-day of TWICE World In A Day online concert, Jihyo posts some wide-angled solos by the beach on Twicetagram. With a crying emoji and a shocked head exploding emoji, she captions "ONCE let's just remember my pink hair."

Although Jeongyeon had been advised to sit out the choreographies, Twice was able to finish the concert as nine. Jeong herself likes interacting with the fans anyway. So she joined, as she wouldn't want to miss this for anything.

Most importantly for the girls, they have achieved making good memories. They met fans from all over the world and even communicated with some. When they encountered a Japanese fan, Jihyo's fluency was tested.

She didn't shy away from conversing in foreign tongue. Well, there was the Japanese members beside her; roommate Mina on her left and partner Sana on her right. Yet, the leader chose leaning on her right to verify the language.

Jihyo once again got Sana's approval.

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