
No Other Date

"Go with Jeongyeonie."

"Wae?! Shironde!!"

Sana tells her partner as she hints at Jeongyeon to take Jihyo away. "Yah~ S- Sana-yah? Sana-yah?!"

The blonde Japanese intends to protect her precious person especially since Jihyo is the main vocalist. And that they still have ABU Song Festival taping tomorrow. She's fully aware how her partner is suffering in the mind right now. She doesn't want to affect her body too.

As it seems, sleeping on exposed back in this cold weather must have gotten to Sana. Her voice is thicker than usual. She coughs and sniffs often barely making it to the second show of Twicelights in Miyagi.

Jeong pushes the leader into the van. Jihyo asks in doubt, "What are you two plotting behind my back?"

"It's for your own good, idiot. Get in."

Sensing how stern Jeong is, Jihyo conforms. The van is already occupied by Momo and Dahyun at the back, Nayeon is in the middle. She sat and mutes herself beside the unnie.

Momo the vlogger goes Live again. She sets it up with Dahyun beside her. However, they had to halt 5 minutes into the broadcast as they are being followed.

"Maybe because our lights are on."

"Really? We have to stop then. Bye bye!" The two are prematurely ending the Live. Momo cuts it with while still donning a kind smile, "Don't follow us."

Momo reaches her hand out in front where Nayeon is. The unnie just pats her and glances for a bit assuring that she's okay. Jihyo takes notice and looks over to Momo. The leader's puberty twin pops her eyes and mouths "What?" at her.

Jihyo mayhaps have just found out something. She then proceeds asking their manager unnie, "Any updates on this situation?"


"It's okay! I'll protect Nayeon-ie", says Momo.

"Why? What can you do?" Jihyo mocks her.

"Yeah, what you gonna do? Leave it to me", Jeong butts in. Nayeon on the receiving end of these cool regards enjoying, "Oh~ Fight! Fight!"

Jeong laughs it off.

"Eyy, Jeongyeon-ie~ Don't be shy. Just say it", Nayeon cutely prods. "I'll protect Nayeon-ie. C'mon, you'd probably look really cool."

Jihyo is stuck between the unnies. She finds herself giving that disgusted crumpled face as per usual. Her thought for a comrade who could be hurting adds to it. Though they are rarely in truce, she feels empathy.

"I- am sleepy", Jeong ends up just crossing her arms and faces the window.

"Ehh~" Nayeon pouts. Yet, her hand goes over Jihyo and finds Jeong's arms. She keeps nudging. The latter grabs it shutting the unnie. Since Nayeon is one Jihyo apart from Jeong, she just rests her contentment on the 3-mix maknae's shoulder.

Jihyo catches herself breathing in. She looks over again to Momo and sees her pouting. Dahyun has an arm patting her puberty twin. The leader sighs. Her supposed desire to confront her hunch is answered right then and there—it's Nayeon whom Momo is loyal to.

Each of us has their own hardships. Though we often talk back at each other, this time I give you my understanding. But since you are Momo, the positive Momo, I know you wouldn't think much of it. That is the very reason you'd do just fine.

Twice has arrived in their hotel. As Jeong closely check on Jihyo, the leader could only wish Sana good dreams from the hallway. To which Sana responds with a smirk, "I'll do that past midnight."

"No fair! Rest early, Sana!" Jeong then opens door and shoves Jihyo in to the room. Door shuts. Nonetheless, the leader's call can still be heard through it.

"This is Japan, Jihyo-yah. Sana leads", Jeong makes a point. She receives another cue from Sana, which she delivers "The leader says good dreams to you as well."

"Yah, where is your loyalty?"

"It's with Once and Twice."

Jihyo sighs, "Just- make sure she gets rest. Please." Jeong eases when Jihyo with a short request finally gives in.

Sana wouldn't rest at this moment. Knowing the recent Vlive suddenly ended, she feels the need to continue and hopefully make a better concluding broadcast for the night. She invites Jeong to accompany her.

"I'll follow", Jeong tells her.

Sana has also extended the invite to her best friend. But Momo firstly shook off her unrequited attention through a steaming half bath. She followed 30 minutes later while Jeong, with some food and drinks, arrived with only 20 minutes left into the broadcast.

The phone died, to Sana's relief. 'Cause their conversations were getting worse by the minute the Live had gone longer. Sana is wide-eyed in disbelief, "Jeong-ie talked about shit. Literally."

"Well it's truth", Jeong shrugs and reverts the focus to the snacks she brought. "Who's hungry?"

"Since you brought it, I don't have other choice but to help you" Momo responds.

"I'll just take a bite", Sana says. Jeong makes a face.

"Not that you're disgusting. Just~ If I eat a lot, I can't go to sleep right away. And I have to rest asap" Sana explains herself.

"Oh~ Love really does things to people huh?" Jeong utters. "But like I said in the Live, getting a few hours of sleep is okay. Death has eternity anyway."

Sana couldn't fathom as to where this dark humor is coming from. With brows arching, she asks "mwoyah? What has gotten on to her?"

"What has gotten on to YOU? You're doing this for Jihyo?" puberty Momo shakes head.

"Well, to be exact… I'm doing this for myself so that we could go out without coughing on her." She raises a fist and says, "I only have tomorrow left to do that."

To think, she can't even rest for the whole day due to the song festival. For her, there can be no other day. Sana has a deadline. She wants to make it. Because the day after tomorrow is a time with Jihyo. It's an official schedule, Twice films at Disney Sea Tokyo. But what better way to make the most out of it by a fun date.

The weather has been freezing. Thus unfortunately, Sana remains with colds. Nonetheless, Jihyo tells her "The song festival is done. So, let's be happy today", and takes Sana by the hand.

Time is precious. When else could they be together like this? This day, November 20th, Jihyo chooses happiness that she also chats with Once.

[Today we had Disney Sea filming. Can't upload photo here it's a shame TT TT TT. There isn't any pretty photo worth to be posted on Twicetagram but Once are curious so I'll post it heh.

I want to do a vlive but manager will have to come over. Everyone is tired today I'm sorry. But I came here to chat hehe. To me, this is more interesting. It's really like we are friends keke]

[There's something I want to eat so badly recently. Mild spicy rice cake with cheese, sausage, and glass noodle. Grabbing all together with chopsticks woowahh and put in mouth. You know what I'm saying right. It's the feeling of owning everything in the world.

That fulfillment. I'll get to eat after going back to Korea hehe. But after coming to Japan, I kept eating supper at night. I gain weight. I gained weightttt. But I want to eat. So what if I gained weight. You already seen it kekeke]

[I'm enjoying Youtube nowadays. I think Youtubers are amazing. There are so many fun things in this world kekeke but above all, Teudoongie is the funniest.]

[Our Japanese full album was released yesterday you know right!! If I were to tell you about the recording behind the scene. I can't remember the song title suddenly kekeke Now I listen to it I think Sana caught a cold. Her voice, I think she caught a cold during the recording]

[Once do you like winter or summer? I like summer. Winter it's so cold. Doesn't it make you feel sad? Really, tears flow. Once, what are your dreams? You want to be our manager? Keke It's too late.

Once but really, when we get wrinkles will you still like us? Wrinkles are not bad, just if we get older. Of course? Thank you. Sometimes I think about it a lot, that's why]

[I'm starting to get sleepy. If you don't see a reply, please assume I fell asleep. I already washed up and prepared to sleep heh. Since I can wake up late tomorrow, I think I can sleep a lot more hehe

Alright Once, you've done a good job today. Thank you for playing with me. Everyone, have a dream of eating rice cake with me. Good night]

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