
We Meet....Again???

Kai felt his stomach aching in his sleep, it waking him, "ugh…" he groaned, his eyes still closed, not ready to greet the morning sunlight just yet. After about a good five minutes of feeling nothing, but pure regret, Kai opened his eyes and sat up, only to be met with a splitting headache, "Fuck...", he groaned, placing his palm over his forehead and squinting his eyes from the light of the sun.

"Ahh, you're awake. Good morning." said an unfamiliar male voice coming from behind him. Kai's eyes widened, nervous to turn around, "this shit again?" he thought. What desperate soul had he gotten himself entangled with this time? Kai took a deep breath and turned around to see someone other than what he expected. There stood a tall and handsome man in nothing but a towel, his body slightly wet from the shower that he had just taken. This man was muscular, but slim, his hair strawberry blonde, his eyes a piercing blue, and God did those eyes feel like they were staring straight through you. Kai relaxed his face, feeling awkward and turned his back to this man. Although he was pleasant to look at this was still a bad situation, one that he was all too familiar with.

The guy walked around the side of the bed to where Kai was sitting and kneeled down in front of him, surprised, Kai turned his head away.

"How are you feeling? Should I get you anything? Water? Tylenol? Some ginger tea perhaps?" said the guy.

Kai slowly turned his head back to the guy, a compassionate look on his face. Most of the guys were either gone before he woke up or wanted to spend the day with him and plan their first date together. He even had guys lie to him at first telling him nothing happened the night before so he wouldn't feel bad about himself. Honestly, what man in their right mind wanted anything to do with him after how he had sloppily made a fool of himself the night before anyway?

Kai eyed this man for a moment before speaking, "You can go, I'm sure you have somewhere better to be."

"Not exactly." The man responded with a smile on his face, perfect teeth and dimples to match.

Kai took his eyes off the man, staring at his own lap, "You don't need to get me anything, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? It's no trou…" said the man before Kai cut him off.

"I said I'm fine." Kai said rudely.

"Well, okay then." said the man getting up off of the floor and sitting beside Kai and sticking his hand out, "My names Jinn."

Kai turned back toward the man, ignoring his hand, "Listen, we had sex, no need for formalities, you can finish getting dressed and I'll be out of your hair."

Jinn pulled his hand back and raised an eyebrow, "Well, for starters, we didn't have sex."

Kai rolled his eyes, "there's no need to try and make me feel better." He said standing up and putting his shoes on.

"All I did was take care of you after you got thrown out of the bar, you could at least tell me who I spent my evening with."

Kai pushed his foot in his shoe, tied it and looked up at the guy, exhaling with annoyance, "My names Kai."

Jinn smirked, happy that he finally had a name to address this man by, "Nice to meet you Kai, please shower and join me for breakfast? I ordered room service, you're going to need something in your stomach to help cure that hangover."

Kai sighed; Jinn was stubborn to say the least. "Sure, and I guess I could use that Tylenol.", said Kai walking toward the bathroom.

"Great! I'll throw on my clothes and get you some right away." Said Jinn smiling, those adorable dimples appearing once again.

Kai walked in the bathroom, closed the door, put the lid on the toilet seat down, sat on it and brought his knees up to his chest. His eyes began to water, and the tears streamed down his face, "I really need to get myself together." He thought. Every weekend it was the same thing since his wife had left him for another man, he didn't know how to exist in this world without feeling out of place and his wife knew that. She knew that Kai loved her, but he could never love her the way she needed to be loved. Kai married her knowing that his affections would never fully be for a woman and his wife had come to grips with it, but Kai had not.

Kai sobbed quietly taking a deep breath and exhaling softly when he heard the door close. Kai left the bathroom, closing the door so that Jinn would think he was still in there when he returned. Kai decided to wait two minutes to give Jinn time enough to be on the elevator already so the chances of them running into each other would be slim. When two minutes were up, Kai grabbed his cellphone, his keys, the bottle of water Jinn had left for him and exited the room. Kai power walked down the hall to the elevator, looking around, making sure Jinn was nowhere in sight. Anxiously, he tapped the elevator button multiple times, hoping it would make it come faster. When it finally opened, Kai stepped on and exhaled heavily, "yes, I'm an asshole for waiting until he was gone to leave, but I'm not wrong for not wanting to be reminded of the mistake I made the night before." Kai thought. When the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, Kai brushed past the few people stepping off the elevator with him and made a dash for the front door of the hotel. "At least that was behind him." He thought.

Kai caught the bus, resting his pounding head on the window. He was making his way back to the bar where his car was, hopefully it was still there. Kai rang the bell, when he neared the bar and stepped off when the bus stopped, thank God his car was still there in one piece. He walked up to his car, unlocking it, opened the door and got in. Glancing at the bar that wasn't open yet, Kai closed his eyes, letting out a sigh remembering that Jinn had said he got "thrown out.", which meant he probably wasn't going to be allowed back in there for a while. What a pity, that was his favorite bar too. Thinking no more of it, Kai put his key in the ignition, started the car and drove home.

After what felt like the longest fifteen-minute drive, Kai finally made it home to his apartment. Going straight to his medicine cabinet, Kai swallowed two extra strength Tylenol, downing the bottle of water he had brought home with him, tossing it on the floor and collapsing onto his bed. Kai closed his eyes, not wanting to do anything but sleep and the moment he did Jinn's face flashed into his head. He quickly opened his eyes, sighing and flipping over onto his back. He was pretty sure that Jinn had made it back to the hotel by now and realized that he was gone. "Did he honestly want to have a sit-down breakfast with this drunken mess of a man?" Kai thought. "I hate to break it to ya Jinn, but you dodged a bullet with this one." he said shaking his head.

"Brrring, brrrring,….brrrrrring brrrring!" Kai's phone clamored, scaring him out of his sleep.

"Hello?" Kai answered in a lethargic voice.

"Heya stranger! I've been calling you, are still meeting me for breakfast?" said Kai's best friend Saya on the other line. "I called you last night to make sure, but you didn't answer and never called me back."

"Wait, it's Sunday?" Kai said, confused sitting up and leaning on his side.

"Uh yeah? Are you okay?" said Saya a bit worried.

"...….Yeah, just loosing track of my days. I'm just getting up so I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Okay, I'll be here." Saya said and hung up the phone.

Kai connected his phone to the charger, seeing that the time was 10:17am. He had indeed slept for almost sixteen hours and all the messages and texts proved it. He had three missed calls plus texts from Saya, and to his surprise, one missed call with a voicemail from his wife Dana that he was separated from. Kai dialed his voicemail and listened to the message, "…uh hey Kai it's me. I know I shouldn't be calling you, but I was just thinking about you, hoping that you're okay. I…I miss you..." Dana said with a pause, sniffling and then the message ended. She had talked low in the voicemail and Kai realized that her new boyfriend was probably nearby while she was in the bathroom leaving a message like she use to when she was cheating on Kai. Kai hung up the phone, purposely letting it slip out of his hand and onto the nightstand with an awkward, "plunk!" Kai hadn't blamed Dana for leaving him, because in the end she needed a man that could love her with all of him, but he didn't exactly know how to exist without her. They had been together for four years before they finally married so Dana was all he knew, and Kai was all she knew. All though separated, Kai would always have love for her and she for him, he just wished she wouldn't call. Dana had made the decision to leave Kai and she needed to stand by it. Kai exhaled heavily, got up and made his way to the shower, at least Saya would be able to distract him with her crazy stories.

After about a half hour, Kai was showered and dressed looking like a presentable human being again. He wore a fitted black v neck t-shirt, his light blue jeans and sneakers. Throwing his damp, dark and curly hair into a topknot, he grabbed his keys, his phone off the charger and made his way to the restaurant where Saya was waiting for him.

Kai walked into the restaurant and saw Saya taking selfies on her phone, turning every which way possible. When she noticed her best friend had come in, she stood up and squealed, stretching her arms out toward Kai. Saya was petite, but hippy and had big breast for her little body. She jumped for joy as Kai got closer to her and her dark hair parted on the left side bounced, almost as if she were in slow motion. Truth be told Saya made Kai feel good, she took his mind off the things that were driving him crazy and that was exactly what he needed right now. The only thing that kept them from ever dating was the fact the Saya knew that Kai liked men, he had never told her, but she figured it out and loved him anyway.

Kai reached out and squeezed Saya tight as she did the same, "I missed you soooo much, we're gonna have to get together more. I'm gonna take a vacation real soon, I promise!" Said Saya as she sat down, and Kai did the same.

"We'll make do. How are ya beautiful?" Kai responded, Saya's marketing business kept her traveling a lot, but Kai was used to it.

"I'm doing great, just tired. I'll be in town for two weeks this time. What about you? How have you been? I feel like you've been dodging my calls, my best friend isn't becoming a hermit crab, is he?" Saya said pouting.

Kai allowed a smirk onto his face, "no I promise. I just had one too many the other night and I've been dead to the world for quite some time." Saya frowned at Kai's response.

"Believe me I paid for it, even woke up in a hotel room with some strange prince charming.", Kai added.

"Do tell, do tell!" Saya giggled.

"His name was Jinn, he had pretty blue eyes, dimples and an amazing body, he even tried to have breakfast. I left before that though."

"Ohhhhhh, you should've stayed! He sounds like quite the gentleman." Saya teased.

"Believe me, I wanted nothing more than to stay and sleep, but I was so embarrassed I rushed outta there the moment he left the room."

"Sounds like my good old college days." Said Saya, the two friends busting out into laughter. Kai continued laughing trailing off in his mind, little did Saya know, this was a regular occurrence for him, but he unfortunately had to keep that to himself or she would for sure make him go to an AA meeting.

Kai had spent the better half of his day with Saya, the two of them having breakfast and Kai accompanying Saya while she shopped for the perfect pair of shoes. Since time had gotten away from them, they had also decided to sit down for dinner at another restaurant as well. Kai was feeling somewhat good until they parted ways because when Saya left, that good feeling went with her.

The time was about 6:30pm when Kai got home. Pulling out his dress shirt and slacks for tomorrow, he ironed them and decided he would call it a night since he had work in the morning.

"Ant! Ant! Ant! Kai's alarm clock sounded, scaring him out of his sleep. He quickly jumped up and turned it off, flopping back down on his bed, awkwardly stretching his sleepiness away. Deciding he had stretched enough, Kai got up and showered.

After Kai showered, he toweled off and left the bathroom to get dressed. Soon twenty minutes flew by Kai was ready for work. Dressed in his slim fitting white dress shirt, his slim black slacks, he pulled his damp hair back into a low slick ponytail and threw on his dress shoes. Kai grabbed his phone, keys and was on his way out of the door.


When Kai got to work, the time was 8:45am, which meant he had fifteen more minutes until he needed to clock in so he decided to make his way to the break room for some coffee. Kai popped a Keurig into the machine and waited for his coffee to brew.

"Hey Kai, how was your weekend?" said his coworker Eric coming in.

"It was fine, and yourself?" Kai responded nonchalantly, trying to give off the vibe that he didn't really want to talk. Eric had a bad habit of talking nonsense whenever he got the chance.

"It was grand, that's all I can say, I'll keep the rest to myself." Eric chuckled. Kai widened his eyes for a second, smirking then turning his back to Eric and rolling his eyes.

"Did you hear? The new manager starts today." Said Eric.

"Oh yeah? Have you met them yet?" Kai asked, now interested in what Eric had to say.

"I have, he's quite the charmer. A really nice guy if I do say so myself." Eric responded.

"Well, I do appreciate that." Said a familiar voice entering the room.

"Oh, speak of the devil." Eric chuckled.

Kai stood with his back to Eric and the new person that had entered the room while he filled his cup of coffee. He knew he had heard that voice before, but he could not remember where. Deciding it was pointless to wreck his brain any further Kai turned around and his heart nearly fell out of his chest. It was Jinn, the guy he had abandoned at the hotel two days ago.

Kai stood there, absolutely mortified, unable to say anything when Jinn suddenly walked over to Kai. With a smile on his face, Jinn stuck out his hand and said, "We meet again."

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