
XCV. Custos Piscis.

Vanilla and Rowie hunched their backs and stepped back. The stinky body of the skeletal siren hovered with shrieks and flinches as green electricity enveloped her skeletal, scaly body. Her deformed jaw of crooked, piano-key-like teeth unlocked, and let out a gargling, blood-spilling scream.

Vanilla covered her ears and Rowie howled.

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity of getting poked with nails on your ear channels, the monster's scream halted, and her blank, popped-up eyes dazzled with the green light of sparks and fume. 

The wrapping of lime around her dissipated. The humanoid-fish hybrid flinched her spiked back for the last time before straightening and coming back to life once again.

Although her eyeballs were covered by sparking green, Vanilla could swear that they stared at her with hatred and hunger for soft, human flesh.

"W-what happened?" Rowie's voice wailed. He hid behind her legs.

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