
#76 Rules

"Well, don't be so hasty to agree on your strategy because there are other rules you should know about before you make any kind of decision." Chabashira said and interrupted at the right moment when everyone was getting tense due to what kind of lifestyle they want to choose for the next week.

'Did she perhaps interrupt right at this moment because she doesn't want us to slack off?' "Hee?" Yuichi thought before he released an amused smile while glancing at his homeroom teacher with folded arms. He is actually on the girls' side since he doesn't want to live like a hobo for the next week, especially when they were supposed to have summer vacation right now. However, he was also aware that there must exist other ways how to gain those points and also how to lose them, and on top of that, there should also be some kind of competition between classes but if they are just to survive, there is no competition in it.

"I will hand out these smart wristwatches and everyone is obligated to wear them during their stay on this island. Taking them off is strictly forbidden since they will monitor your location and also check your temperature and pulse. There is also a specific button to notify the school in case something bad happens."

"W-Wait a minute! What do you mean by "something bad"?! Like...in a case a bear shows up or something like that?" Ike immediately questioned with a freaked-out expression.

"It is not in my power to answer your question even if it was a serious one since the test has already begun and I am to only explain the rest of the rules to you." Chabashira replied with closed eyes and a completely composed expression which scared Ike even more.

"There are no aggressive animals on this island, well, maybe except for snakes but I doubt they are poisonous kind." Yuichi finally opened his mouth and reassured Ike, however, the second part immediately scared most girls.

"Iwamura-kun?! W-What do you mean by that? Y-You are joking...like Ike-kun, right?" Some girls immediately questioned with wide-open eyes.

"Oho? You are quite confident in your claim..." Chabashira folded her arms and looked at Yuichi with an amused smile.

"Just think about it...This island isn't extremely large but it isn't small either so the school can't control anything happening here...Do you think if there were any life-threatening aspects on this private island, would they have the same reputation they have right now? The most life-threatening aspects of this island are us." Yuichi said with a lazy expression as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I completely agree with Iwamura-kun, let's calm down, everyone" Hirata also nodded his head and reassured everyone, well, mostly girls.

Hearing his explanation, Chabashira just faintly smiled as she closed her eyes, refusing to reply to it.

"Anyway, I should explain the rest of the rules..." Chabashira said as she began reading from the clipboard in her hands.


[Those unable to continue the test due to poor health or injury will result in a 30-point penalty and retirement.

Pollution of the environment will result in a 20-point penalty.

Each absence at 8 AM and 8 PM daily roll call will result in a 5-point penalty.

Violence, theft, or destruction of property against another class will result in immediate failure for the class to whom the offending student belongs and the forfeiture of all that students' private points.]

[In case the class's points budget is already at 0, the point penalties will be nullified. There are designated spots on the island where a class can have the right to 'occupy' them and use the area as they wish.

A special key card is required to occupy a spot.

The key card can only be used by the person designated as "leader". The leader cannot be changed without suitable justification.

Each occupation of a spot grants one bonus point to the occupying class.

Occupation rights expire every eight hours, and each renewal grants another bonus point to the class in question.

The bonus points cannot be used to spend during the test but will be added later to the class points total.

Using another class's occupied spot without permission will result in a 50-point penalty.]


"There sure is a lot of rules...By the way, what about the toilet? Will there be any portable toilets stationed on the beach?" Ike muttered before asking with a curious expression

"Ah, about that..." Chabashira quickly set up a basic toilet from a cardboard box which caused all girls to have a horrified expression on their faces.

"T-That's not a toilet!!!" Some girls shrieked out.

"One more reason to thank my parents for being born as a male..." Yuichi lowly muttered while looking at the endless sea with a small smile.

"Meanie" Mei who heard his comment replied while glaring at him which only made him whistle while ignoring her.

'No...For real, I pity you, Mii-chan. But I also respect you, I can't even imagine how hard it is to be a girl...and I definitely don't even want to know. Having your periods, having to be the one giving birth, phew, too many things to count' Yuichi silently prayed for Mei's fortune.

"You are thinking something stupid, aren't you?" Horikita suddenly woke him up from his thoughts as she said in a low voice while giving him a glare but it wasn't as strong as usual.

"Me? How could I?" Yuichi replied with a composed expression.

"Hmm..." Horikita just observed his expression for a while before returning her sight to Chabashira-sensei.

"Also, there is another aspect to this special test, on the last day of the test, each class can declare who they think is the leader of the other classes. For each leader guessed correctly, that class will receive 50 bonus points while the class whose leader is guessed correctly loses 50 points as a penalty and losses all bonus points gained during the test. If the leader is guessed incorrectly, the class loses 50 points as a penalty. Therefore, I recommend you to be careful while choosing your leader since you can't just change them without a good reason. Anyway, that should be everything, if you have any ques-!" Chabashira explained further but when she wanted to ask if anyone has any questions, she was suddenly hugged from behind by none other than Hoshinomiya, homeroom teacher of Class B.

"Yoo-hoo!" She greeted her friend while stroking her hair and teasing her a bit about her smooth hair. This would have definitely garnered the attention of all students if they wouldn't have already started another heated discussion regarding the toilet and other things as tents. Since Hirata was the first person to try to calm everyone down, Yuichi didn't join the heated discussion and it seemed like a few other students didn't feel like arguing. For example, Ayanokoji, Horikita or Sakura.

"What are you doing here?" Chabashira asked with not a very welcoming tone, indicating that she is not welcomed here.

"Come on! Don't be like that, Sae-chan."

Chabashira tried to get rid of her by mentioning the rules but she decided to stay for a little bit longer just to start teasing students who were actually paying attention to two of them.

When she first started teasing Ayanokoji, mentioning that summer is the season of love and other bullshit, Yuichi immediately started acting as if he was busy with something but unfortunately he didn't have anything in his hands so he started fiddling with his wristwatch on his right hand, making focused expression as if he was trying to figure out how it works.



He heard her voice calling him but he was trying his best to ignore her, making it look like he was truly focused on figuring something out on these wristwatches.

*smack* "Ow...What the hell?" Yuichi was suddenly punched in his shoulder so he instinctively groaned in pain but even his groan sounded very forced, when he turned to the culprit, he found Horikita glaring at him while massaging her knuckles as if that punch hurt her more than him.

"What was with that robotic groan? Anyway, Hoshinomiya-sensei is calling your name for some time already, can't you at least show a bit of courtesy?" Horikita said.

'Why do you even care? They can't remove our points for such a trivial thing and at most I would be scolded...' Yuichi thought of Horikita's motives why would she involve herself in this.

"Tch! Really? I apologize for my manners, Hoshinomiya-sensei. I hope you can find it in your kind heart to forgive petty me." Yuichi clicked his tongue and threw at Horikita the last glare before he turned to both teachers and said with a charming polite smile while politely bowing down.

'Wha-?!' Horikita was dumbfounded by his strange reaction.

"Eh? ...Pfff, ha-ha-ha! Nothing serious happened so no need to apologize but you two sure are close! Maybe you should make your move while you are still beside such a beautiful ocean." Hoshinomiya laughed after seeing the chain of reactions before she suggested with a teasing smile which made Horikita walk to the side, ignoring her words since she wasn't talking to her.

"I agree with sensei, the ocean is truly beautiful." Yuichi nodded his head with a smile while glancing at the ocean.

"...Is that all? *sigh* This is the biggest mystery for me, Iwamura-kun, you look like the type of guy who is popular with the girls but you have zero romance in your mind whatsoever. You don't even act embarrassed like Ayanokoji-kun! This is scandalous! Oh! Maybe you are just like me! Now I finally understand!" Hoshinomiya said with a thoughtful expression while holding her chin and also childishly stomping the ground before a bright smile appeared on her face as if she finally discovered Yuichi's secret.

"What do you mean by 'like you'?" Yuichi couldn't help but ask as he was slightly curious but before she could reply to him Chabashira interrupted their conversation.

"All right, that's enough. Don't go corrupting my students, do it with your own students, or I will be forced to report you."

"Fine, fine...don't glare at me like that, I just thought that I found someone similar to me. Well, see you later!" She said while faking tears before taking her leave while waving to everyone.

--------END OF CHAPTER--------

Guys, I am the bearer of pretty bad news.

I am currently renovating my apartment so I will be very busy and even though I will have some free time in the evening, I am not sure if I will be in the mood to write anything since I am really exhausted. But hey, this was the 1st day so maybe I will get accustomed to it after a few days. I will be honest, I am a big idiot and I usually go to sleep at 4-5 AM, and then I wake up 4-5 hours later so my energy levels are quite low but this is all my own fault. Maybe this 1st day will force me to go to sleep sooner and I will fix my system. (I would still force myself to at least write a few hundred words but I am having a headache, most likely due to lack of sleep.) I know it's kinda petty, this kind of announcement since I have already had a week without writing anything.

Anyway, enough of whining, I hope you don't mind this slow development. I would like to involve more character interaction, including teachers but that would mean quite a slow development.

Next chapter