
Fire hazard

A teen was driving home with his twin, they got out of the car and got out a red pepper from the grocery bag.

Percy: Are you ready?!

Mercy: Throw it in my mouth!

Percy managed to throw the red pepper in Mercy's mouth in one shot.

Mercy swallows the pepper, turns red and puffs up his cheeks.

Percy: Uh oh, this was a bad idea!

Percy got on the ground.

Fire came out of Mercy's mouth and he accidentally set the garage on fire.

Percy: Oh no!

Mercy quickly went inside the house to find his wife and kid.

Mercy found them in the kitchen.

Mercy: The garage is on fire, don't ask any questions just go!

They ran to the door, Mercy grabbed his wife's waist when a piece of wood fell and blocked the door.

Mercy: Upstairs to the window!

They followed Mercy to the window, Mercy broke the glass with his bare fist.

Mercy held his family tightly, Jumped with his back facing the window then landed on his back with his family safe before the fire came through the window.

Mercy: Are you guys ok?!

His family nodded.

Percy came in the backyard.

Percy: I tried my best, but I think I made it worse.

Mercy: You think?


Everyone was training in the training dojo.

(I forgot to tell you guys, they have a downstairs and downstairs is a training dojo)

John came downstairs.

John: Ally detected a emergency!

Everyone rushed upstairs to the computer.

Ally: There is a fire on Sicklerville road!

Luke: Where is the firefighters when we need them?!

Ally: Apparently, there on vacation in Malibu.

Max: Ooh Malibu! I heard many movie stars live there!

Luke: Good thing that we have a teammate who has water manipulation!!

Elijah: Let's go!!!


Amelia saw smoke.

Amelia: This way!

They followed Amelia until they saw the burning house.

They saw Mercy with his family and Percy making mini tornadoes with his arms.


Percy stopped.

Percy: I'm sorry!!

Max: What's up guys?

Mercy, his family and Percy turned around to see the heroes.

Elijah lifted his hands making some water from a pond float in mid air.

Elijah has his arms towards the house making a bunch of water splash everywhere, eventually getting rid of the fire.

Everyone except Elijah was soaked wet.

Elijah: Oops hehe my bad, at least I got rid of the fire!

Mercy: Thank you!

Percy: How can we ever repay you!

Luke: I have an idea!

Luke pointed at Mercy and Percy.

Amelia: Do you know what you're doing?!

Luke: I know what I'm doing just trust me!

Luke: You two are coming with me.

Back at HQ—-

Percy: So this is like your secret base of operation?

John: Yea.

Luke: So, how did the fire start?

Percy: Do you want to tell him?

Mercy: Why not?

Mercy: I had a pepper in my mouth and I— burned my house by accident.

Mercy: I saved my wife and kid.

Luke: Ok, so what should we call you two? I was thinking the wonder twins but that's already taken.

Elijah: Oh yea haha, how about the amazo twins!

Percy snaps his fingers.

Percy: That could work!

Mercy: Woah, woah! I didn't get a say in this!

Max: Ok, what do you say?

Mercy: I don't want to join your team, come on Percy!

Percy: I'm staying here.

Mercy: Fine.

Elijah: Why?

Mercy: I will be a liability.

John: That's crazy talk!

Mercy: But it's true, can you show me the way out?

Everyone except Mercy sighed.

Amelia: I will.

Next chapter