
The shapeshifter

Luke: I saw the news.

John: I think he's dead, how's your leg?

Luke: Better.

John: Want some pizza?

Luke: You know it.

John was calling the pizza guy, he heard static until someone answered.

Pizza guy: I'm sorry sir we ran out of pizza.

John: Are you serious?!?

Pizza guy: I'm serious.

John: Ok, bye.

John hung up.

John: Ok, so apparently the pizza place ran out of pizza!!

Luke: You got to be kidding me!

John: No I'm not, do you want Chinese food instead?

Luke: Sure, why not?

John: I'm going to the Chinese place.

Luke: And I will go get my kids.


John orders their food and waits on one of the chairs.

The bell on top of the door rang and John widened his eyes when he saw who it was.

She ordered her food and sat patiently next to John.

John: Darla??

She turned her head and smirked.

Darla: Hey Johnny boy, you haven't changed a bit.

John: How are you alive? That doesn't make sense, I saw you die 5 years ago in that explosion!

Darla: I found a shovel and I had enough time to dig my way out.

Owner: I don't mean to interfere but your food is ready.

They got their food.


Jack: I saw you and mom fighting!

Jill: Wait what—-!

Luke: Whatever you heard doesn't concern you.

Jack: But are you coming back to the house?

Luke: Hopefully soon buddy.


John: I can't believe you managed to escape!

Darla: Me neither...Heh heh.

John: Come with me, I need to show you something.

Darla : Where are we going?

John: Someplace private, my friend and his kids know about it.


Jill: Why can't I be a superhero?!

Luke: Because you're too young and it's far to dangerous!

Jill: But Blue Beetle became a well known hero when he was 18!

Luke: Well HE can risk his life if he wants to, i am not having my DAUGHTER risk her's

Jill: You risk your life everyday! You need a team!

Luke: I have a team! I have John, Ratchet and Clank.

Jill: That's not a team, those are partners. You need more people to make a team.

Luke: Ok, if it makes my daughter happy I'll hire a team.

The intruder alarm went off, seconds later John and Darla entered.

Jack: Do people just drop by on their free time or something?!?

Luke: John, why the hell did you bring a complete stranger down here?!

John: She's not a complete stranger Luke!

Luke: Oh my god you said my name—

John: Listen to me, her name is Darla she was my wife who I thought died 5 years ago in a explosion while we were at war.

Luke: Then why would she show up now all of a sudden??

John: I don't know.

Luke sighed, shook his head then put his hand on John's shoulder.

Luke: Oh John, John, John, John, my poor, GULLIBLE friend.

John: I'm not gullible—

Darla: Actually you're friend Luke is one smart cookie.

Everybody turned to Darla, they watched her transform into a white chick.

Their mouths were wide open.

Martha: Clothes your mouths, i already know I'm good looking.

Luke glared at John then looked at Martha.

Luke: What's you're name?

Martha: Martha.

Jack: And you're a shapeshifter?

Martha: That's correct!

Jill: How would you like to be apart of our team?

Martha: What do you mean team?

Jill: Well, my dad's a superhero who needs help fighting crime! Right dad?

Luke: Right, so what do you say?

Martha: I'm in

Jack: This is the start of awesome superhero team!!


They'll be many more heroes to complete the team! What should our team name be? I'm open to suggestions!

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