
The trials of Luke part 1

John made it to Luke's house and knocked on the door.

Lucy: Who are you?

John: I'm your husband's friend.

Lucy: Oh Luke never told me about you.

John: That's because I wanted to keep my name a secret.

Lucy: Where is my husband anyway?

John: He's at his mom's.

Lucy: I'm going there! How dare he doesn't tell me!

John: You don't want to do that.

Lucy: Why not?!

John: Because his mother is VERY sick and he doesn't want you guys to catch it.

Lucy: What about himself??

John: He's wearing a mask.

Lucy: O...k well, come in.

Lucy: Kids! This is Mr. John you're father's friend, be nice!

Kids: K mom!

Lucy: Sit, please while I go make some snacks

John sat on the couch while Lucy is preparing the snacks in the kitchen.

Jack turned the tv on and they was watching the news.

The news showed two criminals laying on the floor with swords in them then it switched to a guy in a yellow jumpsuit in court.

John:(Whispers) Oh my god!

Cop: Remove the hood!

The guy removed the hood.

Cop: What is your name?

Luke: Lucas Jr.

Cop: Did you kill those men?

Luke: Yes, yes I did.

John: (Whispers) Oh my god Luke! What did you do?

The kids had their mouths open.

Jill: Is that dad?!?

Jack: Why would he kill those men?

Jill covered her face and shook her head in embarrassment.

Jill: I am so embarrassed!

Jack: Why?

Jill: I just called my dad hot!

John quickly changed the channel when he saw Lucy walking out the kitchen with some baked cookies.

Lucy: Who's hungry?

Jack and Jill ran over to get a chocolate chip cookie.

Jack: Chocolate chip! My favorite!

Lucy: I'm going to tend to the flowers in the backyard.

Jack: Ok.

Once Lucy got out of sight, John was about to say something.

John: Hey kids! Your father would want you guys to keep his identity a secret.

Jack: Yeah I don't think that would be possible now because well you know, he's on the news.

Jill: Yea bro, but people don't watch the news anymore but we do.

John: Oh thank the heavens!

John: You two stay here while I go to the news station.

Jill: Can we come with you?

John: No! That's not an option!

Jack: Why not?

John: Do you really need me to answer that question? Both your father and mother will tag team me if I lose one of you!

Jill: We'll be subtle, you won't even know we were there!

John: Ok how about this, I will go to the news station by myself while you two keep your mother away from the tv.

Jill groans.

Jill: Fime.

Jack: Got it!

Next chapter