
Yellow warp

Lucy was grocery shopping.

Luke turned on the tv and watched The Flash with his kids.

Barry: Iris West-Allen—

The news interrupted the show.

Jack: Dang it!

News lady: A pyromaniac set this building behind me on fire! Someone please help!

Luke: I'm sorry guys, I have to go!

Jill: Where are you going?

Luke: I need to handle some business... Look after you're brother!

The kids shrugged then turned back to the news.

10 minutes later, Luke went to the alleyway, he made sure no one was spying and he was alone then he hopped in the sewer.

He saw someone on a chair typing on a computer.

He slowly tiptoes Behind him/her.

Luke tapped the person's shoulder and he/she squeezed his hand, Luke hit his arm to let him go.

Luke: Ow! Gah!— What was that about!?

John: I'm sorry sir, that was just my reflexes.

Luke: Who are you? And what did you do with Chan?

John: There's no time to explain! You act like that there's no pyromaniac on the streets! Put this fire proof suit on and go!

Luke: Where should I put on the suit??

John: Put it on in a dark nearby alleyway where no one can see you, now go!

Luke: Seriously??

John: Yes seriously, now go!!

Luke: Ok!!... So strict.

Luke climbed out of the sewer, took his clothes off and put on the suit.

Coincidentally, Luke found a grocery bag on the ground and put his clothes in the bag and he tied the bag.

Before he went, he dropped the bag in the sewer.

He walked downtown with swag, his suit was yellow with fire on it.


Jack: How come the news is this dang long!

Jill: I'll change it.

Jill changed the channel but then she realized that the news was on every channel.

Jill: Sorry bud, no cigar but that lady looks like a teen.

Jack: A hot one!

News lady: Oh thank god! I see a superhero! At least, I think he's a superhero.

Camera guy: Why do you assume it's a he? That person might be a she!

The news lady rolled her eyes.

News lady: Whateves.

The news lady told the camera guy to point the camera at the hero walking in slow motion, he did that.

News lady: Why is he walking in slow motion?

Jack: Maybe he's trying to act cool?

Jill snickers.

Camera guy: I don't know but he seems as if he doesn't care about the burning building or the psychopath setting everything on fire, plus he doesn't have a weapon.

News lady: Some heroes doesn't need weapons numbskull!

Camera guy: You're always so mean!

News lady: That's one of my unique traits.

Jack: This is funny!

Jill: Yeah,yeah... This is interesting, I'm intrigued!

The camera guy looked at the hero.


Luke: Right sorry.

The criminal had his back turned while Luke rushed towards him, put his hands on the criminal's shoulders and tossed him making him throw the fire gun and falling face first on the ground.

Luke grabbed his gun and stood over top of the criminal.

The criminal looked at Luke with his bloody face and tried to grab his gun but he was to weak to grab it so he smacked his face on the ground again.

The police came, a cop ran over to them and grabbed the criminal by the collar.

The cop smacked the criminal's cheek on the trunk of his police car and let a female cop put handcuffs on him.

Cop: You're under arrest.

The criminal hit his head on top of the car while the cop tried to shove him in there.

Cop: Get in the danm car!!

Once he got him in the car, the cop slammed the door, got in the driver's seat and headed to the police station.

Meanwhile Luke saw a fire hydrant, walked over to it and ripped it out of the concrete with his super strength making water splash everywhere and killing the fires.


News lady: Woah! Tell me you got that on camera!?

Camera guy: You bet I did!

News lady: Hey you hero! Yes you, come over hear!

Luke rushed over to the news lady.

Luke: What lady??

Jill: He's hot.

News lady: Tell the people you're superhero name.

The news lady points the microphone at Luke.

Luke put his hands on his hips, took a deep breath in a out and Jill rolled her eyes.

Luke: Hello everyone! All of you can call me... Yellow warp!

News lady: And why's that?

Camera guy: Is it because of your yellow suit?

Luke: Yes and also because, my body glows a bright yellow whenever I feel a strong emotion...or when I'm calm.

Jill: So cool!

Jack: I know right?!

Camera guy: Where did you get that costume?! It's sick!

Jack: So sick!

Luke: Actually my tailor made it for me.

News lady: That is sharp!

Luke: Thank you very much!

News lady: Can you take your mask off so you can reveal your secret identity.

Jack and Jill widened their eyes.

Luke: Heck no!

News lady: Why not?

Luke: Because I don't want villains to find out where I live so they could hurt my love ones!

Luke: Welp, this has been a blast but I have to go.

Camera guy: Ok bye!


Luke: I'm back!

John: I saw everything on the news sir.

Luke: How did you hook up a tv in a sewer?!

John: I have my ways...

Luke: ok, anyway... We didn't get a chance to know each other better.

John: Oh, right.

John walked up to Luke and shook his hand.

John: The names John sir, John Smith.

Luke: My name is Luke, Luke Jr.

John: Chan told me all about you.

Luke: Where IS Chan anyway?

John: He says that he's staying with some heroes.

Luke: For how long??

John: I'm not sure.

Luke: Oh...

John: Let me show you a couple things.

John pushed a button on the wall that was camouflaged revealing a big room.

Luke walked around the room.

Luke: This is amazing! You did all this by yourself?

John: Nope, Chan helped!

Luke: You guys did a awesome job!

John: There's even a bathroom!

Luke: Cool.

Luke: About this suit, how did you that know I needed it fireproof?

John hopped on his computer and Luke was behind him looking at the screen.

John looked up the criminal's status.

John: You see that guy right there? His name is Moose but everyone calls him fire hazard and /or fire starter. Me and Chan been trying to track him down for months but no such luck... Not until today.

Luke: Well, it's good that he's in prison now.

John: Yeah, take off your suit and put on your normal clothes.

Luke put on his normal clothes in the bathroom and got out.

John: Put you're suit in this closet on this hook.

Luke did as he was told and he saw a lot of weapons and a lot more hooks that was empty.

He saw shurikens, swords guns, grenades, every weapon you can think of.

John: You know how to use any of these weapons??

Luke: No because just a couple days ago I wasn't really a fighter.

John: Ok well I'm going to teach you how to use EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Luke: That's awesome! Thanks.

They shook on it.

Luke: One more thing... What are those empty hooks for?

John: Each one is for a different type of suit.

Luke: Awesome!

Luke: I should get going, I have work tomorrow.

John: Same, wanna pick up a bite to eat?

Luke: Sure!

The two new friends walked out together.


Phew 1303 Words! I made it! Lol. Tell me what you guys think!

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