

Evelyn already ordered Gil to use his powers to help Silvester arrive a little earlier than planned and preferably at night where people won't see him and his sudden arrival in the Levingstone Kingdom.

Sir George, Sir Erich were the last to walk in after Silvester. Sir George greeted Evelyn and bowed lightly as a sign of respect.

"Don't worry about formalities, just act like how you usually are around me…" Evelyn said as she shortly glanced to Sir George before she looked towards Sir Erich.

Sir Erich blushed as he saw the beautiful lady who leisurely greeted them with her alluring cat-like eyes.

However, he started to think about their agenda with this trip.

'Aren't we supposed to meet that A-rank adventurer that was left here in the Levingstone Kingdom?' Sir Erich thought.

The itinerary was supposed to start two days from now but because Gil, who he knows as Adelyn's subordinate, the trip became three days earlier than planned.

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