
New Powers?

Jonathan found himself sitting in his old worn down chair staring blankly at a pencil in his hand. The last few pencils he held haven't had anything happen to them but he knew something was up. He went back to writing his story about the superhero couple. Derpo and wonder female. The two duo fights together to stop major crimes and save cities from troubles. The story had progressed from complete strangers to supercouple. The two had their ups and downs but right now Jonathan had been writing about them saving Paradise Ohio from some aliens. Except Jonathan was stuck at a certain point he had been there for several days without signs of that ending. " Argh why can't I do this! I'm stuck and it should be easy to get past!" He said out loud to no one in particular. Jonathan got up and walked outside to sit on his front step. Being outside feeling the light breeze felt relaxing. Leaning on his forearms he found himself lost in pointless thought. His head shot up and he felt the presence of his crush. Smacking his head he whispers,''John you can't have a crush that sounds so middle schoolish." But he found himself staring at this beautiful woman. She had long legs and a nice figure a little on the bigger side. Her hair flowed into her face. The brown semi curly hair seemed to not want to let her face go. Getting stuck between her glasses she almost looked frustrated with the wind. She always walks across two intersections either his block or the one opposite of him. This time she walked towards him.

 Today was the day he was gonna ask her out. He stood up and his pencil started to dissolve. He panicked, dropping the pencil it rolled to her feet. "Uhh hello Mary my name is Jonathan." He instantly regretted opening his mouth. Smiling Mary said," um hello Jonathan. I know your name. We have met before." " Sorry I was practicing for a job interview for today and in case you didn't guess that was a line in my introduction. So would you like to accompany me on a date?" In his mind Jonathan thought," no no no this isn't how I was supposed to ask her out. Nooooo." 

Mary smiled replying," sorry but my kid is going through a lot in school and with his extracurricular activities I stay very busy. I can't say yes now but maybe later okay?" Jonathan's heart sank and his body felt numb. He kept smiling and said," oh of course maybe you could let me know when you're free next time and we'll schedule something?" " I'm sorry but that's gonna be a long time. Have a nice day." She said with a smile. While walking away Jonathan watched her for a few seconds then went back inside. He didn't spend much time outside but he felt as though he couldn't stay outside. Back in his apartment he got lost in thought yet again. She definitely did not like him. He knew he should move on but there's always been this draw to her. While lost in that thought process he found himself holding a spoon eating his dinner of cereal. Looking at his reflection Jonathan reflected on his life. 

His life was doing great with his books that were sold by the hundreds making him a lot of money. He quit his job to write full time. Jonathan feared the lack of physical activity caused his series to start dying. Or he's just not putting his heart into the story line. Either way he had to find a job. Which hopefully Cyrus gives him a chance. His spoon began to get hot, dropping onto the table. He began to watch it dissolve. Confused, he just watched the spoon dissolve. Going to his silverware drawer he grabbed another spoon. Every single spoon that he accidentally touched began to dissolve as well. While watching this happen he wanted to panic and scream. But he didn't, it wasn't scary. The melting doesn't hurt him or anything around it? Jonathan felt distant from the scene like it wasn't happening to him. He did notice that the spoons that touched the dissolving ones started to dissolve as well. After what felt like hours past, all his spoons were gone. Except for a plastic metal looking spoon. Out of curiosity Jonathan touched the knives and forks. Those too began to dissolve. Watching those dissolves Jonathan looked at the clock; it had only been three minutes! Jonathan looked at his hands and wondered how whatever happens happens. He had no clue. "This isn't normal should I tell someone. The cops or someone. But if I do, who knows what scientists would do to me? Maybe I'll just keep this a secret and dissolve stuff from people I don't like?' Jonathan took a shot of whiskey to calm any thoughts that would end with him on a table to be studied. Having the burn down to his gut got his mind off of his new powers. 

The next day he went to a junkyard to check out his powers. In his head he couldn't help but think," haha what if this power shows up with other stuff like super strength. Maybe a melty vision? That would dissolve stuff like my hands? Maybe x-ray vision! What about flight? Nah probably not flight that wouldn't seem like a good combination." He ended up walking into the junkyard and it was filled with a bunch of different materials! He spent the whole day testing what he can dissolve. There were bathtubs he had found a few dissolved while others didn't. Most made the sound that comes from the dissolving process but didn't dissolve. 

While walking through he found a pile of junk but at the top looked like brass water piping. The stuff was jutting out of a garbage bag on the top. Climbing to it he felt an overwhelming sense that he needed to touch the piping. When he did he mentally imagined the dissolve to happen slower. He watched it slowly dissolve. Unlike his silverware the brass took seven minutes to dissolve. Jonathan wondered how long it could make things dissolve. While shuffling down the ten foot pile of junk his foot slipped and he began to fall. His heart raced as he turned his body towards the ground. He instinctively put his hands in front of him. He saw a thin line trace the air and before he knew it his back was on the ground." Owwww what in the world happened?"

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