
The Battle of Wit

"Claudine, Go!"

"Alakazam, Go!"

The two trainers sent their Pokemon into battle. Claudine teleported to her place in the battlefield while Sabrina threw a Pokeball to reveal a golden fox-like Pokemon with a twig-like body, holding spoons in each hand while having a long beard coming out from its nose. The fastest, strongest and hard-hitting yet frail Pokemon has entered the battle, Claudine knows damn well that she cannot counter this monstrous Pokemon.

"Defeat me, and you'll not only get the Marsh badge but you'll also know how connected your father is in the grand scheme of things." Sabrina coldly seduced the trainer. She knows that she has the high ground on this battle.

"If I don't?" Yoake curiously asked the specialist.

"Well. I will be needing you for an entire day. You may like it or not." Sabrina stated as she grins with a menacing look. Yoake clenched his fist as he began to worry whether or not if the specialist has something malicious behind her, he has to win.

'If it's the cost of wanting to know the truth, I have to take the risk.' Yoake prepares himself as he wants to be sure that he has the courage to spark the battle.

"Claudine, use Shadow Ball!"

"Alakazam, Teleport!"

Claudine quickly formed a ball from the palm of her hand. She knows that Alakazam is faster and stronger so she decided to lock her target, she wants to do a rapid fire against it. She threw the Shadow Ball towards Alakazam but knowing that it would just dodge it, she made another one and threw it as well. Alakazam teleported throughout the battle, dodging every piece of Shadow Ball that Claudine threw at it.

"Hmp, My tum. Alakazam, use Psychic!"

"Claudine, dodge it!"

Alakazam began concentrating its power, forming a ball of some sort near its abdomen. The ball has a color that of a Bounsweet, a combination of Pink, Red, and a slight Purple. The ball is a concentrated mass of Psychokinetic energy that is roaming across the room and this room is abundant with it.

Meanwhile, Gengar slowly fades into the scenery. He saw the two battling on the battlefield, observing how things would go. Even though he was grinning, he was curious about Claudine's moves as he knew that this would help him to improve far better than her. He pulls out a camera from his hand and begins to do a Live recording of the battle with Ren on the other side, watching the entire thing as well.

"Okay, we need to watch Yoake and Claudine, we really need to know their strategy," Ren said as she pulled out her notes, clicked her pen, and began writing. She was on a park bench nearby, writing and watching the entire thing through the camera.

"Make sure that you won't get caught." Ren told her Pokemon. He nodded as he fixed his position in the scenery and watched the entire thing go.

"Alakazam, now!"

"Claudine, Block it!"

Alakazam releases all of the psychokinetic energy to Claudine. It was a power laser, so much so that when Claudine tried to block it with her arms, she was being pushed backwards. The light from the beam slowly outluminated the lights of the room and it didn't take long for Claudine to slowly absorb the energy as the battle bond culminated and activated without any further notice.

"Claudine, use Psycho cut!"

The knight sliced the beam in half and charged towards Alakazam. This shocked both Gengar and Ren as Battle Bond quickly activated, something that is very unpresidented for them.

"It activated far earlier than what I imagined." Ren said in a state of shock. She quickly wrote it down and made an assurance to herself that she has to find a way to counter it.

Sabrina growled as she realized that this kid is gonna be a shitfest for her today.

"Alakazam, dodge it."

As the point of the blade was about to hit the Psi Pokemon, it dodged it by teleporting behind Claudine and tried to hit her with its Psychic but it was blocked by Claudine's arm shield. Claudine tried to strike once more but Alakazam dodges it, this was repeated until Claudine was tired from swinging her sword and trying to hit the Psi Pokemon

Sabrina fixed her composure as she now has to deal with the most powerful thing that is known in this very room. She took a deep breath and began to hint some details about her connections to the trainer's father.

"You know, your father is a good man, a good leader at that." Sabrina coldly told the trainer. Yoake raises his suspicion to the specialist, not only that she knows his father but she might also be an affiliate to him. He was curious about the many things about his father and Sabrina might be an option for answers despite knowing her affiliation with Team Rocket.

"A Good leader?" Yoake raised his eyebrow.

"Indeed. He's a good leader, courageous, wise and very powerful. He's a Pokemon trainer, just like you. Better in many ways in fact." Sabrina stated as a form of mockery.

Yoake began to connect the clues and with every point that is slowly beginning to connect to one another. His heart sank as he realized that his father might be a member of Team Rocket.

He began to see flashbacks from the black man that keeps on stalking him in the early days of his battle. He hypothesized that the man was his father.

"The black man… Is he my father?" Yoake asked the specialist. Sabrina maliciously gave a small smile as she managed to catch the trainer in her trap.

"Well, do you want to know? Come on, strike down Alakazam and I'll tell you." With curiosity pushing him to find answers, he decided to tell Claudine to strike but before doing that, he asked one last time.

"Tell me, Does my father work for Team Rocket?" Yoake asked the specialist.

"Would you believe me that he's also the co-founder?"


"You heard it loud and clear, he's the co-founder of Team Rocket. Your family has a massive role in the creation, formation and development of Team Rocket. There was even talk of you becoming an executive if you become Kanto's Pokemon Champion." Sabrina dropped every info that could shatter the young trainer's reality.

"No, you're lying." Yoake argued as he was in denial. Claudine looked at her trainer and saw his grief slowly enter his head, she had to comfort him but she felt like something was stopping her.

"Accept the truth boy. Your family has a history of abusing Pokemon for power. I'm not surprised if you're planning to abuse your Gardevoir's battle bond to become the champion." Sabrina fueled the fire even more by telling her knowledge about Yoake's family's history. He shook his head as he tried to find a coping mechanism for his breaking reality.

"No, No NO! Claudine, use Psycho cut!" Yoake shouted to his Pokemon. Claudine was shocked to see the amount of denial and anger being released by her trainer, so much so, she stood firm in her position, didn't bother to move an inch as her horrors were brewing.

"CLAUDINE! PSYCHO CUT!!" Yoake shouted once more as he noticed Claudine ignored his command. She looked at him with concern. Yoake was mad at the entire situation and Sabrina decided to add the salt in this flesh wound.

"The people who are very close to you know about this. Your parents, your sister, all of the specialists you have fought against, and of course, Leaf." Sabrina dictated all of the people who currently know about this classified information, and gave a massive emphasis on Leaf.

"Leaf?" Yoake pauses his anger for a moment as he looks at the specialist with a mixture of grief, betrayal, anger, and a weird way, comfort.

"As much as I hate that bitch, I have to give credit. She knows how to lie to a child knowing damn well that the kid she's protecting in her arms is a snowflake." Sabrina insulted the trainer. This baffled Yoake after hearing the revelation, giving more appreciation to the person he used to despise the most all the while trading it for disgust to the person he calls 'father'.

"Alakazam. now!" Sabrina said. Both Yoake and Claudine looked around and noticed that Alakazam is nowhere to be seen, they glanced from right to left until they looked above them and saw the Pokemon floating through the mid air with its spoons pointing towards them.

Yoake slowly becomes dizzy until he passes out and falls to the ground, unconscious. Claudine also falls to the ground with Battle Bond deactivated. Sabrina clapped her hands as the door, where Yoake and Claudine originated from, opened, revealing a group of Team Rocket Grunts marching towards Yoake and Claudine's body.

These grunts were wearing full black armor. A black neck mask, a bernard hat, vests and stomp boots.

"Bring them to HQ, notify the commander that we finally got them." Sabrina told one of the grunts as they carried them with an Ambulance Stretcher Trolley and then left the gym immediately.

Gengar left as he quickly alerted Ren about it. Sabrina brings Alakazam back to its Pokeball and looks at the place where Gengar used to stand. She gave a nod as if she knew the camera was there, she walks away and leaves the room alongside the grunts.

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