

"I see. Well then, Greetings Claudine, my name is Leaf. I am 18 years old as of today, I am from Viridian City. I am a Pokemon trainer. My birthday is on June 1. Nice to meet you."

Leaf introduced herself to Claudine. Yoake was very confused about Leaf's sudden action. Leaf scoffed as she bothers his shoulder, a hint that he should do the same thing she did.

"Oh. Greetings Claudine, my name is Yoake Katsuragi from Pallet City. I am 12 years old. I am a Pokemon trainer, well, your trainer. My birthday is on January 1. Nice to meet you."

"From now on, you'll be called Claudine. Forget the name Gardevoir and address yourself like that."

"Don't worry Claudine, we're here to stick with you until the end. Don't ever believe in Sabrina's lies okay?" Leaf assured Claudine.


"Good. Yoake, consulate Claudine. I'll go to the nearest Pokemon center to withdraw Kubfu." Leaf stood as she was about to leave the two in the room.

"Okay. Take care." The trainer said. She nodded as she walks out of the room and headed to the nearby exit as she heads to the Pokemon center.

"Yoake…" Claudine whispered.


"How often do you think of the girl you met four years ago?" Claudine asked Yoake in muttered curiosity. Throughout their adventure in Kanto, she was always curious about how significant the scarf is to him. Always wear it daily, and only remove it when taking a shower.

"Well, probably when I have a clear space after training. Why?"

"Do you remember what she looks like?" Claudine asked as she wants to picture who the girl was. She took a glance at her newly bought book, inspecting it while asking some questions to her trainer.

Yoake begins to think, the memory was very vivid but he can still create an image of what she looks like. The facial feature might be inaccurate but the simple things make her unique in his eyes.

"She has a brown twin ponytail, blue crystal eyes, a warm smile. She wore a blue shirt and brown pants that day. I can still remember what she sounds like." Yoake said as he describes what the girl looked like when they met.

"I'm guessing it was a hot summer back then?" Claudine asked.

"Yeah, It was Professor Oakido's summer camp after all." Yoake opened the near fridge, grabbed a bottle of water, opens it, and began to drink the clear, sparkly, and tasty water from the cold fridge.

"Do you remember her farewells?"

"Well, we just made a promise together. She wants to become a star while I want to become the world champion." Yoake said after drinking the bottle of water. He threw the container to the nearby bin and walks back to Claudine's sitting.

"Do you ever thought that someday when you two meet up, she might not even remember you or was with another guy?"

This question stops Yoake for a brief moment as he realizes that these two things might be a possibility. They haven't talked or met for a long time, and the fact that she was from somewhere else, she might've met a lot of faces, some she might find attractive enough to forget about him. He looked at Claudine and saw how her eyes were heavily locked on to the book yet she manages to have a decent conversation with her trainer.

"Tsk. I'll try not to think about it. You two enjoy the book while I train Victreebel and Fearow for our tomorrow's gym battle against Sabrina." Yoake said as he turns around, and headed to the open area, where he, Claudine, and Nidoking trained earlier on the day. Which leaves Claudine in the room, alone, reading her boy, and was enjoying every second of it. The drama, the thrill, and plot twists that were happening in the book made her hook onto this series in the first place, all of these are tingling her human-like brain.

It is still unknown how Claudine gained human-like attributes, the ability to quickly know how to communicate, read, emotions, and such.

Meanwhile, Leaf was walking through an avenue, it was said to be the shortcut for Celadon's city Pokecenter. The avenue was divided by a riverbank, to allow Pokemon from the nearby lake to cross to the sea and to ensure that the city was environmentally friendly. The avenue was filled with stores, fast food chains, and small carts, it is safe to say that this is a food hub avenue.

While walking through the avenue, she saw a girl, standing near the concrete barrier, eating pink cotton candy as she observes the school of Magikarps swimming through the river, it was Ren. Stoically eating her tasty treat.

"Ren? What are you doing here?" Leaf asked the trainer as she approaches her. Ren noticed her and answered her question.

"Oh. Gengar and I decided to take a break from training. So we took a train from lavender town and went here to eat." Ren stated.

"I see. Well, I gotta go. Take care." Leaf said as her farewell to the trainer. Ren looked at Leaf as she disappears into the crowd of the avenue. She continued eating her treat as Gengar pops out behind her with a burger and soda in his hands.

"I should've taught you how to have a healthy diet." Ren sighed as her Pokemon eats the unhealthy food to its mouth.

Leaf finally reaches the Pokemon center. There were people in there, talking, having fun with their Pokemon, and some are waiting for their Pokemon to be healthy. She headed to the PC nearby logged in to her account and withdrew the spare Kubfu in her PC. She places her hand near the dispenser of the PC as a Pokeball fell from the hole and grabbed it with her hand.

'Well, time to go then.' Leaf thought as she places the Pokeball in her belt. She logged off from the PC and headed to the exit of the Pokemon center until her phone began to ring. She sighed as she walks to a nearby seat and looked at her phone to see who was calling her and to her surprise, it was Professor Oakido. She answered the professor's call and greeted.

"Hello, professor." Leaf greeted.

"Hello Leaf, is Yoake with you right now?" the professor asked.

"Not at the moment, why?"

"Okay. I got exciting news. The results from Kalos are here, and they're planning to return the starters by tomorrow. They're fully evolved now but it seems that they want to have a Pokemon trainer to make themselves stronger. Tell Yoake to visit my office tomorrow morning so he can get his starters alongside Ren."

"And they have the capability to mega evolve, right?"

"Yes. They're also planning to send two mega stones, one for each trainer, alongside the mega stones to evolve the three starters."

"Great, I'll make sure we're there as soon as possible."

"Okay. Bye-bye now, I have to go." The professor ended the call with exciting news. Leaf knows that Yoake is going to be happy for this, having to rely on wild Pokemon that aren't as good to compare to starters can be very painful but with this, it was a big boost for him.

She left the Pokemon center and headed back to Erika's house. As she ran her way back, she saw a silhouette, standing on top of the buildings. It was bipedal, has a scarf on its kneck, its fingers are conjoined, and it has a frog-like appearance. She ignored it as she was busy thinking about the amount of joy that both Yoake and Claudine might get from the starters.

"It's the Pokemon champion!" a male voice shouted as crowds turns and looked at where the voice originated from. It was the Kanto champion, standing and eating her ice cream after having a rough day.

She has long silver-blue hair that reaches her chest, silver-blue eyes, she wore a cleavage cutout top with golden yellow lines near the waist and formed a Pokeball-like drawing in the center. She wore a black jacket with golden strips near the cuffs, pockets, and lapels. She has a matching bracelet on each of her hands, and finally, she has thigh-high boots with a yellow stripe on the center of each boot.

"Karen?" Leaf said as she saw the pokemon champion approaches her.

"Leaf? Oh my. Long time no see. How have you been?" Karen asked the trainer.

"Good. How about you?"

"Tired, as the usuals. Kanto's parliament is very jiffy nowadays."

"Yeah, being the champion is very frustrating now huh? Well, you beat Lance, after all, you're a strong woman, you can handle it."

"Tsk. As if, Lance is very easy compared to how difficult the parliament is. It's a good thing I've pulled it through." Karen sighed.

"Well, that happens if Kanto hasn't had a trainer for years huh." Leaf said.

"Yeah, I wish Kanto stayed the same six years ago. Pokemon trainers are filled in Kanto everywhere, and now, it's just a barren progressive wasteland." both trainers agreed that Kanto was better off six years ago compared to now but they have no choice but to accept it instead.

"Well, love to have a long chit chat but I have to go now. Nice meeting ya Karen." Leaf said as she was about in a hurry.

"Okay. Take care then."

Leaf continued as she headed back to Erika's house to inform the two about the upcoming news.

A/N: This is a short chapter not gonna lie. It is just an extension from the chapter before but I can assure you, the next one might be longer than this.

Oh yeah, this is the concept art that I used for Karen's appearance:


Give the guy an upvote for his amazing artwork.

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