
[Side Stories] Chapter 55 [Well-Played]


Archdemon Empress Luna


Luna grew cold and it wasn't just the physical sort. 

Never mind that Ravin's solid frame felt so secure and warm as though she was huddled close to the furnace. 

The strong arms that carried her as if she weighed nothing brought her legs closer to her core and her shoulders to curl over her chest, closing her like a book.

  She turned her ugly, crying face towards his chest so that no one else in this castle could see her so broken especially her Archdemon Familiars.

Also, she didn't want to miss the chance to wipe her snot on Ravin's rain and leather-scented shirt. 

Another thing that brought her a bit of calm was to clench and unclench her fist on his shoulder as if she was a cat kneading its paws.

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