
Imagination run wild

The brigade has reached the outpost sword. But when they reached the outpost sword and got some fine rest then came 3 banners of Coalition forces that were seen in the open. The cadets were startled to see that many soldiers facing them.

Some were nervous but Artirian was relaxed and collected; he then looked at Arthur who was beside him. And then said "Prepare the cadets for another battle, And they need a lot of confidence so I want you to lead the middle put your forces at the middle"

After Artiran was done talking Arthur saluted and moves towards the middle he called out his Lead cadet and said "Move the platoon to the middle" then the Lead cadet said "Yes, Sir it will be done"

After a few minutes, Arthurs platoon was now in the middle Shanks platoon was at the back and then Lelucard on the right flank and Rommel is at the Left.

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