

Opening his eyes Hiko saw Nami's sleeping face less than an inch from his, smiling Hiko kissed her forehead before removing extracting himself from the sheets. Getting dressed Hiko closed the door behind him letting Nami sleep some more, Hiko was surprised to hear metal clashing above him. On the deck, Tashigi and Alvida were fighting Alvida using her club while Tashigi used her sword. He could see that Alvida was holding back but Tashigi was still on the defensive, " Well you two are up early. "

Alvida stopped her strike as she smiled, " It's actually closer to midday master. " Stopping in his tracks Hiko looked up at the sky to see that the sun was near its apex, content with doing nothing Hiko watched as Alvida resumed their spar but her attacks seemed more viscous forcing Tashigi to doge rather than block.

As he watched he felt a spray of water hit his back, looking over Hiko saw Lapis disappear beneath the water. Sighing Hiko took off his shirt as it was already drenched before vaulting over the ship's railing, when the water cleared Hiko saw Lapis swimming around him before swimming away.

Clearly, the dragon had found something worthwhile, as he was still far faster than the Levithan Hiko caught up to her before grabbing onto one of the spines along her back. Using Lapis as a mount was somehow different from swimming on his own, enjoying the ride Lapis stopped as the object of her curiosity came into view.

A decrepit shipwreck laid on the ocean floor as sea life teemed within its many crevices, moving forward on his own Hiko saw a flag on what used to be the crow's nest, ' The Marines, this must be one of their bigger ships it might be worth exploring. ' With a simple flex of will, Hiko summoned four of his ants but they were different this time. Hiko had been developing his Nen ability, by increasing the amount of Nen or using different aspects of Nen he created different types of ants.

The ones he created were called Brutes as all he did was buff them up by forcing more Nen into their constructs, the only change in form was a large set of mandibles and the brutes were nearly four feet long and they could grow as they devoured Nen. Without verbal command, the brutes swam forward dispersing the fish nearly as long as them and clearing a path for him.

Moving behind his ants Hiko looked at the husk of what used to be a ship touching the wood Hiko felt it crumble as he exerted 5 pounds of force, ' this thing must have been down here for decades. ' Hiko couldn't tell where he was on the ship as most of it had errored over time, as his ant cleared one especially large rock they revealed a door made out of solid stone.

As he got closer to the door he felt it trying to sap away at his energy. The door was made out of solid seastone, pointing a finger at the door Hiko traced a circle in the middle of the stone. After making one rotation a perfect circle fell out of the door Hiko watched as the ocean poured into the new space, ' that was easier than I expected, but I am in water so my techniques would be more powerful. ' Swimming through the hole Hiko let his eyes adjust to the darkness, when they did he saw that he was in a holding cell not larger than a closet.

The only piece of furniture in the room was a stone shelf that could be used as a bed, chained to the shelf was a skeleton it's bones yellowed with age but otherwise untouched. The man was probably a pirate, and a dangerous one so far this was the only cell on board, ' to have a marine ship dedicated to guarding you, and a seastone cell you were obviously a devil fruit user, if there were any fruit on board during the time of your death I might be in luck. '

Creating a few normal ants Hiko sent them to explore the ship and to come back if they found any treasure. Taking one last look at the corpse Hiko left the cell behind, mounting Lapis once again Hiko scratched under her chin before climbing on board.

The scene hadn't changed much but Hiko could sense Nojiko using her nen in the garden to grow her plants, " Master what happened we saw you drop into the water. " Hiko waved off Alvida's concern, " Lapis found a shipwreck so I went to check it out. " Alvida eyes lost their worry as she smiled, " Oh and Nami just woke up she says I can take you tonight. " Nodding Hiko looked over to see Tashigi's cheeks bright red but he couldn't tell if it was from the sparring or Alvida's remark.

" Alvida I don't think Nami's going to be up any time soon so I guess you can go ahead and teach her the basics. " Cracking her fist Alvida nodded her Nen stirring ready to show off, continuing to make the rounds Hiko walked up the set of stairs leading to the platform where Nojiko's garden was. Moving past the first row of orange trees a paradise was revealed the different crops flowering created a mirage of colors, but Hiko was able to pick out Nojiko's periwinkle hair. Nojiko was on her hands and knees in the dirt wearing a crop top and a pair of short jean shirts the dug into her ass. Feeling his eyes on her Nojiko looked over her shoulder, standing up Nojiko walked over hips swaying pulling Hiko into a kiss. Not stopping her Hiko slipped his hands under her shorts as he started to grope her taut ass.

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