

With her long legs, Nami kicked Arlong in the face sending him flying once again laughing maniacally Nami released all her pent up frustration on Arlong. Getting to his feet Arlong was able to block Nami's follow-up strike, lunging forward Arlong tried to bite into Nami only to find a bar of solid metal in between his mouth. Jumping off Arlongs body Nami took her staff back along with Arlongs entire set of teeth.

Landing on her feet Nami slammed her staff against the wall shattering the teeth on the stone, going on the attack this time Arlong tried to punch Nami only to hit thin air as her staff slammed into his elbow. Grunting in pain Arlong jumped back, ' How did she become so strong, I can't win like this. ' Jumping out the window Arlong dived into the ocean, running after him Nami looked at Hiko who was lounging on a sun chair, " Watch out he's about to come up. " Turning back to the ocean Nami dodged to the side avoiding the speeding bullet that was Arlong, before she could stop him Arlong shot back into the water. Staring into the ocean Nami was ready when Arlong shot out of the water, sliding to the side Nami struck overhead forcing Arlong into the ground. Groaning Arlong went to push himself to his feet when another strike from Nami sent him back into the ground. Not letting up, Nami continued to beat Arlong again and again as Nami continued to beat Arlong, a mob of villagers appeared armed with makeshift weapons.

Hiko had to knock out two of the villagers when they attacked him thinking he was one of Arlongs, by the end of his long beating Arlong was badly bruised both his legs and arms were bent at different angles. Standing over him Nami was panting her clothes in shambles, her hands were bloodied, not able to stand the vibration from her strikes, with mechanical motions Nami raised her staff overhead ready to crack Arlongs head open.

Just as she brought down her staff Hiko appeared in front of her letting the strike fall on his shoulder, stepping forwards Hiko embraced Nami. Unclenching her hands, Nami let her weapon fall to the ground as tears streamed from her eyes, holding her tightly Hiko didn't mind the wetness on his shoulder.

Over the course of the battle, Hiko had been closely watching Nami's mental state. While the battle wasn't hard physically Nami had been mentally scarred by Arlong, there was a risk she could ' break ' either losing herself permanently or parts of her psyche.

" T-thank you. " Smiling Hiko smoothed back Nami's somewhat ruffled hair, " I can't have you breaking on me. " Letting out a sad chuckle Nami lifted her head up from Hiko's chest, " I guess I can't keep everybody waiting. " Turning around, Nami looked at the people she had grown up with cheering her name as they celebrated the defeat of their tormentor.

" Nami !!! " Looking up, Hiko was greeted by the view of a woman with periwinkle hair running around the pieces of rubble while waving her hands. A smile split Nami's face as she rushed down to meet her sister, the two embraced tightly for the first time in years.

After a long hug, Nojiko held Nami at arm's length as a tear ran down her face, " I have so many questions, how are you so strong, and who is that guy behind you. " Even though Nojiko leaned in to ask the last question Hiko could hear her and gave her a wink making the purple-haired beauty blush. Nami's smile tightened but she didn't know the exact status of her and Hiko's relationship, the part eventually moved towards the village where the new of Arlongs downfall quickly spread. Before he left Hiko stored Arlong and his crew inside his storage ring, one of the reasons why it was so expensive.

In a few minutes, the village streets were crowded with large tables as smells of food cooking floated through the air invisible steam trails. While this was all happening Hiko, Nojiko and Nami were back at Nojiko's tangerine farm, Nami spent the next hour telling her sister what had happened in the past two months. Excusing himself as he had to tell Alvida Hiko left the room leaving the two girls alone, exactly five minutes after he left Nojiko leaned forward and raised an eyebrow, " So did anything happened besides training. "

Blushing Nami smiled, "No we said we're going to wait until Arlong was defeated " Laughing loudly Nojiko slapped the table they were sitting at, " That's good to hear It's about time something good happened, I just wished I got to him first. " Nami froze for a second as she processed her sister's words, " What if I told you he was willing to take another partner. "

Smiling Nojiko leaned back in her chair, " I would gladly agree while I love the farm. It holds too many bad memories. I want to start something new, besides if the way he looks at you goes for me I don't see why not. " Falling silent Nami gained a pensive look in her eyes before she forced a smile on her face as Hiko walked back into the room.

The three were soon sought out as the party truly started. Nami and Hiko were treated as the heroes of the decade. Hiko was surrounded by women and men, mostly women who wanted to thank him for defeating Arlong's crew.

While Hiko was popular Nami was absolutely surrounded by people who practically drowned her in their thanks, after the sun had long gone down the village was still in the mists of a party. Hiko found himself in an alleyway with Nami after she had scared off the five women pandering to him, looking over the redhead her cheeks were flushed, and she had a slight sway, " There is a reason why you wanted to talk to me. " Smiling drunkenly Nami crossed her arms, " We need to do it. I've waited too long. Now take off your pants. "

Intercepting Nami's hand Hiko grinned, " While I love the thought of playing around in the sheets with you. I want to make sure you remember every second of it " Frowning Nami grumbled, " I want it so bad though. " Turning around Nami stumbled back into the street looking around for someone. The rest of the night cheers and laughter rang through the air as people revealed their newly found freedom, when the part finally died down Nami and Hiko found themselves embracing each other on a grass hill.

At some point, Hiko had lost his shirt somehow much to the joy of Nami who traced her fingers along Hiko's clearly defined muscles. Letting out a sigh Nami looked up and Hiko, " What are we going to do now? " Smiling Hiko shrugged, " We can take a little trip before we go and find other crewmates. I think the clam belt would be a good place to go. " Nami had a horrified look on her face before she remembered who she was talking to, " Only you would want to take a vacation in one of the most dangerous places on the planet, and only I would follow that person. " Nodding like it was perfectly natural, Hiko reached down and twisted one of Nami's nipples, after letting out a not so subtle moan. That was the start of a long battle that should only be done in private.

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