
First Commission

The later hours came. It was time for our small team of 4 to enter the Orso d'oro building. Unlike Kaiser's building, this was not a crappy housing building. It was a nice apartment and office building with a clean lobby and overall good atmosphere.

Well, that was a lie, Termina doesn't have nice atmospheres. The building's color were not bright, those colors might create a lively atmosphere. Instead, the colors were either a bland white or a mix of dull grays.

As all the buildings shared this dull theme, the real first impression had to be formed from the building's lobby which we just entered. Here, there were no potted plants to give the place a breath of fresh air. Though there were potted metal strands which actually looked kinda nice. But they also highlighted the decay of nature in this apocalyptic city.

Adding to the apocalyptic feel, the lighting was bleak, uninspiring. Though it perhaps might help invoke a sense of mystery and suspense. Not that it mattered to me, I was more concerned about the wary glances of the lobby personnel.

Yes, this place which could be described as having the same aesthetics as my dirty bedroom was the place I would be boss over. But that was something for the future, for now I need to act as a hired hand.

"Hello" I said with a casual wave as I came to confront a desk clerk. Believe it or not, the lab experience did not traumatize me into distrusting desk lobby clerks.

"Hi, how may I help you?" There were two people, a man and a woman. The man was the one that spoke to me.

"Me and the boys have a meeting with the big boss" I said pointing at my teammates. The clerk scrutinized them but an expression of disgust did not appear on their face, it was one of approval. Further evidence that there was something wrong with the people of Termina who showed no reaction to Seamus' choice of costumes.

"Very well, you all must be the special guests I was informed about." The clerk tapped the lady next to him on a shoulder.

"Hm?" She was not paying much attention but the two sorted it out and she ended up pressing a button on her end of the desk. Finally, the clerk stood up and addressed us.

"Do you know the way? Should I escort you?" That was when it struck me… Why did a gang-run institution have better customer service than a cell phone store? I had yet to forget the d*ck at grounded mobile!

"Sir?" The man said.

"Ah, yes" I replied.

"Yes you know the way or yes I should escort you?" They shot back with a serviceable and professional smile.

God-damn it! This clerk had no tact, just escort me if you don't know the answer! Why shame my inattentiveness? I mean, why ask two questions back to back anyway?! I had to play it off...

"I know the way, please don't mind me" I said with an amicable smile, but I hid knives behind that smile. The clerk nodded awkwardly and sat down before appearing happy to leave me to my own devices.

But I was the one truly happy to leave, I guided the team towards a hallway and eventually made my way towards a stairwell. I did know the way, and lots of ways. I didn't sneak in the first time without doing some exploration, which for the record does not translate to getting lost.

"You handled that well, as expected of our boss!" Hawk said sarcastically. Why did Kaiser give me this *sshole again? Maybe the clerk just put me in a bad mood is all...

Clap clap clap

Colt clapped awkwardly clearly misreading the atmosphere. My eyes twitched, it was not a result of my photophobia. There was some irritation but certainly not on my eyes.

Fortunately, we entered the stairwell at that very moment shifting me back to our objective.

"So you are the mercenary huh" A man with grizzled beard said to me while rubbing his chin.

The building had like 5 floors, Enzo's office was in the 5th where we currently were all gathered. As for who the man was, he was obviously Russo, Enzo's contact.

"Hahaha, he is. Thanks for coming on short notice Signore Russo" Enzo said with a submissive smile.

"What would I not do for my buddy of wine blood eh? Hahahaah!" Russo said before bursting into a loud laughter. He was the only one though, not even Seamus and the others let out a single chortle.

"We are both crazy alcoholics when it comes to wine, get it? That forms a natural bond!" Russo had to explain himself.

"Yeah no, I think most of us got it" I replied. Russo who was laughing suddenly stopped. He looked at me with a scrutinizing glare.

"Oh well, let's get into the purpose of my visit" But for some reason he changed the topic. He was sitting at Enzo's desk so he looked very serious.

Seamus and I as well as the others were sitting across him on a wide couch. We prepared ourselves and also maintained solemn expressions.

"You want a stealthy mission yes? Let's start with something easy. Enzo, the files" Russo commanded Enzo who sat next to him on a simple chair.

The old man hastened up from his seat and went to fetch a file. He then quickly provided it for Russo. After my bonding session with Enzo earlier, I would have never guessed he had such a passive side.

"Kill this man" Russo said as he tossed the file over to me.

The man was a gang leader, he was at grade 3, the gang he ran was nearby. Based on what was written, this man sent some of his subordinates to infiltrate and attack the library. Simply put, the man and his gang were now traitors to Russo.

"Seems easy enough, payment?" I asked Russo.

"I'll give you 100 green vases" Russo responded.

"Green vases?" I asked obviously not in need of any green vases.

"Grade one crystals, some people call it that since they are basically decoration" Seamus interjected and explained. It was needlessly confusing but I supposed it was all in favor of being demeaning against an object.

"That's a little low, what about if I exterminate the whole gang?" The effort was small but that was the problem. I hated going to places for small stuff. It would be such a waste of time, I needed a bigger incentive.

"That's a bit over the top, but… I'll give you 2000 in that case" Russo's deal now sounded much more enticing. This was the equivalent of two grade four crystals.

"Consider it done!" I said with a happy-go-lucky attitude. From the corner of my eyes I could see my teammates giving each other side glances. Judging by their level of trust in my words, we might need some team building exercises.

Seamus suddenly shivered likely after remembering his spars against me. The reason for this sudden recollection was unknown.

This isn't tomorrow, but it isn't too late either now is it? Anyway, looks like Dan is becoming mighty arrogant. Then again... Killing the boss would be far too easy really.

Thanks for reading~!

Pwnzercreators' thoughts
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