
I am here to eat you

In the grey world of the Dark ones, I could not help but to slowly shake my head. 

It had no colour, was basic, and should be destroyed.

This would only be one of many, but really, destroying this one eyesore would be worth both my effort and time. Right?


Anyway, the other reason is that; Mother had made these beings and deemed them the dark guardians. 

They were supposed to guard both her and her domain as she rested, but alas. 

I suppose my mother back then had been too young; they had a flaw and had betrayed her. 

Not all but enough that they served another master. 

Willing or not, they should have died, right? 

Mother had been upset but her main duty was somewhere else and so had left the task to us, her children. 

These dark guardians breed so damn much though, they put the parasites to shame. 

Who would have thought those damn things would multiply so fast?

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