

"I.. Must... Have... Tasty... Hunger... Hungry!!" I roared again. It was so loud that the prison shook, gathering strength I had no idea I possessed. I then pulled free rising to my full height.

Stepping forward the wall crumbled before me and I stepped onto air.

I neither fell nor flew but floated for a moment taking my time to sniff the air.

I smelled my tasty and I must have it, I also felt the pain-



My husband was hurt, fear overtaking me and the need to protect rising. I pushed myself to shift to my Lyrical form fully and flew where my husband was, ignoring how weak I felt and the constant gnawing.

Thereupon arrival I saw a strange scene.

I felt my form crumble collapsing suddenly, wings shrinking along with my limbs, painful so painful.

I yawned emitting a cry of pain.



Is it that I'm too hungry to focus?

To even think?

Blood gathered in my chest forcing its way upward and I spat it out suddenly.

Next chapter