
The meting with a dumb ogre

Feng Dingbang


The ogre brought him here. 

To a place Feng Dingbang normally would never be caught dead in, a dragon of his standing where most humans were gathered in a large group? Insulting! 

He was a Prince, the next in line to rule over all dragons and become a mate consort to the next grand matriarch. 

As one of the immortal races humans to them were nothing but cannon fodder there for entertainment and food.. They had been taught since birth that they were like prey or rather lost children who were to be raised, either slaughtered or just guided as pure entertainment. 

Of course Satrya Bennett was different, she was nowhere near them more like high up sitting on a throne to be praised and worshipped as the goddess she really was. 

Feng Dingbang knew that if she told him to jump, he would not even ask how high but try as high as he could just for her to smile and nod at him saying; 'you did well,' afterwards offering him a reward.

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