
The Hive 1

With a little bit of help from Rick, I managed to drag my tired body out of the cellblock. By the time we arrived in the courtyard, all of the people in the prison were near the fence looking at something that would remain imprinted in their minds for the rest of their lives.

Three to six kilometers away from our current location, a huge balloon-like monster was standing while looking at the sky.

At first, I couldn't believe what I saw, but then it hit me: Of course there would be more dangerous things than a volatile or a horde as if the world wasn't already fucked by the normal zombies.

While this monster could still be killed by the right amount of firepower, the height of the monster was enough of a reason to scare away most living things from its surroundings.

Looking at the creature, I could presume that it has somewhere between 15 to 25 meters in height and this thing is scaring me. From what I can see through the binoculars given by Maxson to me, the upper part of the creature looks to be armored or at least bulletproof. Unfortunately for us, the only thing we can see was a huge mass of armor forming a spherical head of some sort while the bottom part of the creature couldn't be seen from this far away.

"What in the name of God is that thing?"

"I don't know, but whatever that thing is, it ain't good news for us. Just imagine what that thing could do this place, heck it may even destroy a military base from what little do we know."

"That may be true, but I hope you are making a mistake here by thinking that thing can be that dangerous."

"Believe me, Rick, even I want to say that, but the truth is that we don't know anything about it. These things are just my assumptions."

"We can only hope that this thing won't come towards us or we will have to flee from this place."

"I hope so t…"


I was interrupted by one of my men. I turned my head towards the man the yelled and I saw him pointing towards the west side of the creature.

Maxson took the binoculars from my hand as he was a soldier with knowledge of military vehicles and air vehicles.

"It's true, that's a transport helicopter, but it should be impossible for that helicopter to be from somewhere close to us. Besides the loud noises that the chopper will make the amount of fuel, it will take to run that thing. Also, why would a helicopter appear now after this long in the apocalypse? Something doesn't add up."

"Hmm, what do you think about it, Maxson? Also what helicopter is that?"

"That's a Boeing CH-46, the standard aerial transport for marines'.As for the whole situation, it seems quite strange, but the chopper is most likely here to deal with the creature from what I can see."

"Maxson, Rick, prepare all capable fighters, we may have some trouble coming towards us and I want to be prepared. I'm sorry for taking the command here, but I don't like to have casualties and with just my group we won't be able to fight against a chopper."

"Right away sir! "

'No problem Eric. We will be ready."

<Alex Piercer POV – the soldier dude from some chapters ago>

"That's our target?"

"Yeah, that's the second hive, the scouts found. Unfortunately, I can't contact the HQ for instructions so we will continue with our mission. Private Piercer, take your group and be ready for deployment. Kyle will drop the c4 over the head of the hive and you will enter through the breach. You guys will have a fifteen-minute breach to find the hearth and blow it up or this mission will fail. Take care and good luck."

"Thank you, sir! "

With confirmation from the pilot, I left the cockpit and looked at my squad. Six men and four women voluntarily joined this suicidal mission, at least that's what the official reason says. Doctor Jarl told me that this group was made of people that don't agree with the views of the high command. Even the helicopter crew was made in for the same reason which means that we are the only survivors of our base. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell them just yet that Doctor Jarl will end the horrors our leaders have done or would do in the future by blowing up the entire aircraft carrier. Too many good men and women died for a sick cause of so-called greater peace.

While I was in my thoughts, my step-brother Nicolas was cleaning his gun while talking with Kara, a new addition to our squad. We found her while scavenging for weapons and ammo near Charlestown Shipyard. Poor girl lost all of her squadmates and had to survive on her own. She managed to drive there and survive thanks to her knowledge of wild plants. From what she told us, she had quite a journey till we found her. From Atlanta to Charlestown, she managed to stay safe and most of her time she was walking through forests or secondary roads. She and my brother become friends immediately as he was quite the easy-going dude while she was the wild one as, for the rest of the squad, she slowly integrated and befriends them. (A/N: I'm not gonna name the rest of the squad just yet, I still didn't decide how many will die or if someone will die just yet)

"Listen up people. We have five minutes till we have to drop so prepare yourselves and be ready for combat as soon as we drop! On the double people !"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts
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