

(Some events won't happen at the same time like in the games or the TV show so please don't jump on me for creating my own story)

Greene's family owns a big piece of land that over the course of 160 years it becomes the farm that Eric saw today.

Eric: It's beautiful; it helps you forget about the whole apocalypse.

Brian: That's why I'm the guy that comes here for the supplies. Dad doesn't like the calm atmosphere that this place creates.

Eric: I can see why. He's too focused on his tasks.

Brian: That's true. Let's go inside, but before we enter, don't mention anything about killing zombies.

Hershel is a bit of a god believer and he thinks that the whole zombie things are just sick people.

Eric: Roger that.

When Brian and Eric arrived in front of the house, an old man opened the door to greet them.

Hershel: Welcome back, Brian. Who's your new friend?

Brian: Hello, Mr. Greene, he's my friend Eric.

Hershel: Welcome to my farm, young man.

Eric: Hello there sir.

Hershel: Don't tell me he's like your father?

Brian: No, he's not like my father, he's like my uncle.

Hershel: War Dog?

Brian: War Dog.

Eric: I'm still here…

Brian: Sorry Eric, but that the truth. You are like my uncle. You look and move like a soldier. The only thing that you need is a gun and we have a war dog here.

Eric: I'm not going to comment on that.

After they had made fun of Eric, Hershel took them inside his house. There, his wife, Annette, and their daughters were waiting for them alongside a middle-aged couple, which Eric found that were named Otis and Patricia, to join them at the table to eat.

Seeing that Shawn wasn't there, Brian decides to ask Hershel were his friend was.

Brian: Mr. Greene where is Shawn?

Hershel: He's in the town with his friend Chet. They should be back by now, but there may be some troubles in town

Eric: You should force him from going into the town.

Hershel: Why?

Eric: The infected sir. They would attack any person they see and it would be safer here.

Otis: Hershel , you should listen to the boy, he knows how bad the situation is.

Hershel: I saw some of them on TV, but I didn't know that the situation was that bad. You are right. I'll force him to stay home. It would be safer for all of us.

After I gave Hershel my opinion on what to do with his son, we resumed the meal. Beth, Hershel's younger daughter was the closed person to me to not get bored, I decided to speak with her.

Eric: Hello, the name's Eric Jarl.

Beth: Beth Greene, nice to meet you.

Eric: That's a beautiful name.

Beth: Thank you.

Eric: Beth, what do you usually do here on the farm?

Beth: Not much, helping around, taking care of the horses, and getting into fights with my sister.

Eric: Horses? I love horses. Well, my obsession with bikes may be the cause of that, but still. Riding a horse is awesome.

Beth: You love horses? That's so unusual for a city boy to like a farm animal.

Eric: Ah, come. I'm not like that. You should know that I'm one of the best riders of King County.

Beth; Really? Hmmm

Eric: What?

Beth: Let's ride a horse.

Without waiting for me to respond, Beth grabbed my hand and dragged me to the stables.

At the table, all of the people look at Brian ready to attack him.

Brian: Not my fault. I didn't know that he would flirt with your daughter sir.

Maggie: At least he's sweet and handsome.

Brian: Strong too from what my uncle told me and a good leader.

Hershel: Can you elaborate?

Brian : ( I'm so fucked up) King County was hit badly by the virus. My uncle was sent there to control the situation with his unit. He's the only survivor of his unit from what he told us.

Hershel: I'm sorry, I didn't know that it was that bad, but how did he meet Eric?

Brian: Ellen, a nurse that managed to escape with them, told us that Eric was a patient. He got in an accident with his bike and was hurt quite badly. He got pierced by a tree branch. He was in a coma for almost four weeks. From King County to Senoia, they had to fight for their life almost every day.

Otis: My God. That cheerful boy almost died so many times and still keep his cheerful side. That's a strong boy if I ever saw one.

Hershel: He is. I don't know what he did to get over some things, but for a 16-year-old, he's like a soldier. Brian, do you know that from the first moment you arrived here, your friend looked for anything that may harm you two?

Brian: When? How did I didn't notice?

Hershel: He's a natural leader boy. He thinks for his people more than he cares for himself.

Back to Eric and Beth.

Beth: So… Eric …How's the King County?

Eric: Overturned by them. Barely any survivors.

Beth: Survivors? Isn't this just a virus?

Eric: It is. I meant people like me and you.

Beth: Oh.

After her last sentence, Beth didn't speak anymore. When we arrived at the stables, Beth brought a black horse outside of the stable.

Beth: Ghost, meet Eric. This is my best friend and the only horse that let me ride without fear of getting injured.

Eric: That's a good horse.

Beth: Do you want to try?

Eric: Sure.

As I got ready to jump on Ghost's back, the horse turned his head towards me and looked at me scared.

When I turned my head to look behind me, my heart almost stopped when I saw thirty zombies coming from the forest.

Without wasting any time,I picked Beth in a princess carry and tossed her on Ghost's back. I took his reins and looked at him.

Eric: Take her home buddy.

Ghost looked at me and I swear to God that the horse nodded, before he starts running towards the Greene house.

Now that I was alone, I could fight these zombies without any worry that Beth may get hurt, I could look around the stables for anything that could be used as a weapon.

One minute later, I found a steel pitchfork and without wasting any second, I grabbed it to use as my weapon. Looking around me I saw that the weather was really good.

Eric: This is a good day to die.

When the first zombie entered my range, I stabbed him in the head with the fork, killing the zombie instantly. After struggling with getting the fork out of the zombie's head for a second or two, another group of zombies entered my range. Four zombies were approaching me and I was sure that I couldn't handle four zombies with just a fork. Deciding that I may as well kill as many zombies as I can before I remain without a way of defending myself, I pierced a zombie's head with my fork, Without thinking about getting the fork out of the zombie's head, I push the zombie and the fork through another zombie's head killing two zombies and losing my weapon. Now that I don't have a weapon anymore, I could only run around the stables and hope for a miracle. And as if God heard me, when I was behind the stables I found a steel pipe that would have been used to change the old one.

With my new weapon in hand, I head around the stable and begin to attack the zombies.

The first two zombies were easily killed by me, but when the rest of the group turned around, I knew that I was fucked .My only thoughts were on how epic I would die and how many fuckers I may kill before I succumb to their attacks.

When Beth arrived at her house, she jumped off of Ghost back and rushed inside.

All of the people inside the house looked at her strangely, when she opened the door.

Hershel: What happened darling?

Beth: Eric…He's fighting the sick people.

Hearing her words, Brian runs out of the house to his car and grabbed his rifle, Hershel and Otis grabbed their rifles too and soon all of them run to the stables.

When they arrived there, they got shocked by the sight.

Zombie's bodies were everywhere while their blood was splatter in every direction. As they slowly advanced through the dead horde. When they arrived in the middle of the dead horde, they saw Eric or at least Eric's body. His body was covered in so much blood that someone couldn't tell if he was injured or not.

When she saw his body like that, Beth begins to cry. Meanwhile , Brian looked at his dead friend with a complicated gaze. He knew that Eric's death was on his hands as it was his fault for taking him here.

Hershel was grateful that Eric saved his daughter and fought for her, but he was also sad, as the boy was too young to die like this.

Hershel: We should get him out of there. He deserves a better resting place than a plain of bodies.

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