
Eric Jarl ( Rewritten)

King County, Georgia, a beautiful small town with not so many exciting things to do here for someone that's in high school and while it wasn't a place where thugs and gangs rule, it wasn't really a peaceful place either. One part-time job to another made me realize that more things are happening around these parts than I knew and that's how I got the chance to meet the famous god cop and bad cop duo.

As I was walking towards my house, I heard a car parking behind me. When I look behind me, I know that I may be in trouble. A cop car stopped and from it, two deputy officers approach me.

"What do we have here?"

"Hello there, officers. What can I do for you?"

"First things first, why aren't you at school? After all, it's barely 11 am and where did we found you?

"Well, I was doing some practicing at home…You know Officer Shane."

"Don't even try, we know that you were at Sarah's house. You are really a lucky bastard."

"Phew, and I thought, I would have to bullshit my way out once again."

"Eric, you know me, I'm the bad guy for this job, so I'll let Rick here do the speaking."

"Eric, you have been reported by Sarah's mom."

"Figure that she's the villain. So what now, Officer Grimes?"

"I don't want to charge you with anything. You are young and I don't like making you an outcast of society. So listen to me and just go home, but please don't make us find you again skipping school."

"Officers, thank you. See you later."

After I left, Shane turned towards Rick.

"He's quite the character, right? He's basically an orphan and he's living alone, that ain't that good for a young man like him."

"He takes it better than most would do. His mother was an excellent officer. As for his dad, I can't say much about him as he left the town after college and we barely even talked."

"Enough of the sad drama, do you want to eat some donuts?"

"Sure thing partner, lights?"

<Eric POV>

Arriving at my house, I went on a ride with my bike.

After I dressed up in my motorcycle suit, I looked in the mirror. I'm 16, almost 17 years old. I lived five years alone, in my mom's house, the same house that she gave to me before she died five years ago. She was a cop just like officer Grimes and Officer Walsh. She died on a mission, caught in the crossfire, she took a bullet in the neck, killing her. As for my father … I don't even remember his face. He left one year after I was born. From what my mother told me, he was from Sweden and that's why my name is Eric Jarl.

Back to me looking in the mirror. I'm tall for 16 years old boy. My height reaches 1.9 meters and while I'm not a bodybuilder, I'm slightly buff up. As for how I look, well you know Ragnar from Vikings? Well, just imagine him with my height and more muscle and no facial hair. So I'm a handsome Nordic guy.

My motorcycle is the only gift my asshole of a father gave me on my 16 birthday. Well, he gives me 1500 dollars every month as a pension or something like that and after I had enough money to buy a Low Rider Harley Davidson, I begin riding like crazy. Skipping classes, ignoring my girlfriend, ignoring the police officers, I have done all of them and I can't be sure when, but I got to hang out with some shady people. Well, it wasn't that bad if you consider the facts that they taught me how to defend myself or how to use a blade or an ax and when they felt like teaching me something more complex, I had lessons on gun shooting.

That got me in some trouble, heck I was about to get myself imprisoned as I beat that scum of a teacher how tried to rape my girlfriend, Sarah Hawk. Lucky for me, I guess, Officer Shane managed to save my ass from going to prison or disciplinary school. I know that he hit on my mom, but I don't know if they were a thing. Honestly, I don't care. She deserved some love from a man.

Back to me. I got on my bike and opened the garage. Ten minutes later I was riding out of the town where the cops wouldn't give me too many problems.

As I was driving, I begin to hear sirens. I was startled by the sudden appearance of the cops, so I decide to slow down and stop, as I didn't want a ticket.

When I stopped my bike, I managed to see from where the noises come. Two police cars were chasing a car.

I don't think they saw me, but I could swear that I saw a gun in the chased car aiming at the police cars.

Two minutes later, I heard a big wheel explosion and I decided to leave the place, who knows what could happen.

As I was riding my bike, I saw one ambulance coming towards me.

"Something must have happened there. Well, not my problem."

Half an hour later I arrived back in the town.

Random POV

I'm facing into the street, struggling to lock my bike to a lamp post. I wind the lock around the lamp post, through my bicycle, and back. Eventually, I succeed in wrangling the objects together.

As I straighten up, I find myself looking at the large traffic intersection. On the opposite side of the road, a man emerges from between two stationary cars. He pauses to assess the traffic, the lights are still red, and he gauges that he has enough time. He begins to cross. His suit flaps open around his belly as he attempts to hurry across the four lanes of empty tarmac.

Nearly in the middle of the road, the traffic lights change. The man hesitates. Internal combustion engines growl as taxis and buses lumber slowly into motion. One powerful bike, though, explodes out from the pack, its engine screaming a different high-pitched squeal.

The man sees this and starts to head back to the safety of the pavement. The bike rider, however, has guided his machine to pass behind him. The bike is flying through the air at escalating speed, only a few microseconds have passed since it leaped from the starting line. The rider now sees the man's change of direction and leans the other way, altering his path to pass in front of the hesitating man. But the man makes the same decision.

Two soft bodies and one lump of metal merge for a moment. The impact is strangely silent. There is no thunder-crack of metal and plastic ripping apart. No audible punctuation for the violent things that are unfolding in front of my eyes – except perhaps a dull thud like someone hitting a sofa.

Instantly, the three objects all have new trajectories. The motorbike continues its journey spinning across the tarmac on its side like a hockey-puck skimming over the ice. It is now heading almost straight towards me. The rider also glides across the tarmac moving impossibly fast but on a slightly different path. The bike skims past my lamp post on my right. And the rider, spinning on his back, flies past me on the left.

Finally, there is the noise. I don't see it but the bike crumples as it hits the front of a shop behind me and the rider impales himself into a tree branch. I don't see this because I am still looking in the same direction as I was a second ago when I first straightened up. Without thinking I run into the road, waving my hands above me. I reach the bundle. The traffic flows on either side of me and then stops. I look down. Everything is still. The man that was almost hit is laying on the ground while the rider fight for his life in the tree.

Suddenly there are lots of people. A man emerges who seems to be a doctor or at least acts like he knows what to do. I watch as other people do things. The body of the businessman still seems to be connected in all the right places. More people arrive on the scene, I can no longer see clearly through all of their legs, but the man seems to have regained consciousness. With help, he sits up. Sirens grow louder from the surrounding streets. Ambulances and police cars appear. Things are moved. Police take statements from three people who say they saw everything. I am still stood at the back. The time comes to leave the road and the people drift away.

As for the rider who was impaled in the tree, they tried to save him, but without the firefighters help the rider may die

Shortly after the police and the ambulances arrived, the firefighters come and managed to save the rider.

I was surprised when I saw that the rider was a teenager. Truth be told he was huge for a teenager. The paramedics managed to stabilize the boy, but unfortunately, he enters a coma, hopes he will survive.

Returning to the lamp post, I watch the vehicles and officials disperse. The traffic begins to flow again. For a long moment, I am at a loss. I unlock my bike and cycle slowly away.

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