
Follow the leader

A/N: when you see the word:(>play<). Hit the song ,watch the video and you'll know what the girls are doing. Thank for your time.


O (=•.•=) O


Recommended song: https://youtu.be/84pIavEbV94

My world POV:

"Psss! Hey! What are you doing the music about to start"

Slowly opening her eyes.

£" Eehh? Music? What's going on! Where I'm....i??"

"On a live stage behind the curtains"

Turns around and to the person talking to her.

£"What do you mean stage? I haven't been on a stage in-"

The person interrupted in a rush.

"Ohio stop talking and listen to me, you need to activate your system right now are your new programs will be deleted"

Looking all confused

£"System? Program? "

The curtain starts to pull and everyone else is place.

"What are you doing! Get in line newbie!"


Runs behind her

"Just follow our lead okay"

Everyone walks out together on a stage with billions of people cheering and looking back at them, the center of the group looks at the crowds and smiles.


The crowd starts screaming like crazy; randomly chanting their name. As the center and everyone else strikes a pose, she does the same a second after.

The center starts the count off by shouting.


Everyone else did the same.


All of sudden a cute cat avatar appears with flowing paws and sunglasses.

" Hi~ my I'm Carmel and I'm also- huh? What the heck are you doing on a stage?!Wait, don't answer that. Outfits, shoes, makeup, hair do, aaah what your stage name? Quickly!"

The cat starts freaking out to make her ready in the next 15 seconds.

£" Since your name is Carmel make mine cinnamon"

The cat avatar gets excited and spins around; a sudden burst of sparkling lights comes out of the cat with only 5 seconds remaining the little cat fly around cinnamon with ultra speed as if she's been wearing her outfit along cinnamon body strikes a pose natural like she as done this a hundred.

🐱 "Outfits complete! Kitty transform! MEOW"

The cat transforms into a headset with cat ears that matches the groups outfits.

The girls in front of cinnamon gives her thumbs up.

" this is as far as we can help you?"

£" Cinnamon "

"Cute~ but your on your own now "

With a single beat the crowd was silent and the center takes the lead singing the first line. >PLAY<

" 🎶Olé, olé🎶 "

As all the girls move in sync with each other, cinnamon just stands there looking at them in aw.


£" Carmel?! Where are you"

Cinnamon looks left then right.

"This is no the time! Okay you need to listen to me "

Carmel tries to explain everything as fast as it can for cinnamon's sake.

£" Okay "

"You see that rainbow looking thing that's slowly going up "

Cinnamon looks at the screen above crowd.

£"Yes "

"Good, now look at that blue one"

£"Okay "

Cinnamon looks back at the screen then at the blue colored rainbow and notices that it's going down than up like the rest of them .

£" It's going down Carmel! But why? "

"It's because your losing the crowds affection "

£" Affection? "

"Yes, and if that blue hits zero we'll bout be deleted! "

£"Deleted?! "

"Yes, into this world deleted means you and me will die! "

£" What?! Why? it's just some freaking rainbow and people and how is it where talking to which other in my head? I, I don't understand this-"

Carmel made some images of the dance routine that cinnamon should be doing.

"Suck it up and do something to catch back audiences attention"

All of a sudden cinnamon remembers the words of her mother.

"Stop wasting time thinking, just do! listen music and smile, don't care about anyone else! Just smile and steal the spotlight!"

Like at curse turns into a blessing her mother voice echoes in her head.

With her head held down. None of the other girls and even a few people from the crowd think she's gonna make it.

"It's been awhile, but I can still do it, yes all I need to do is SMILE "

The air around Cinnamon suddenly change; as if she became another person entirely hitting moves after move slowly catching back up with the group; cinnamon felt a charge of energy rushing through her body.

" Meow! This is it!"

Suddenly a star appears on her cheek. The more she dance the brighter she smiles, the more she moves the sharper she gets, stealing the stoplight and audience from the center who fights and get it back; the songs comes to end and the curtains closes; the center walks over to cinnamon.

"Don't get cocky just because you get a star"

And walks past her. The girl that helped cinnamon in the beginning walks over to her as well.

"That was a close one newbie"

£" I know, I was almost ready to give up "

"But you didn't right "

£"Right "

"Well, I help you this only because you suddenly appeared on stage and was new to the boot no less, but you need to remember that this won't happen again because those who are chosen to perform are rivals that's fighting to survive and surpass one another; with that said, you need to work on your stamina, singing, fighting skill and more! You got that?!"

£" Ye..yes ma'am!"

"Good and if you see a light shape box suddenly appears don't freak out like I and everyone else did, it's only gonna take you where you need to be okay "

"Huh? Light boxs? What's- woooaahh! "

"Wow right on cue, haha-"

"Why are you helping her kiya?"

Kiya turns around to person.

"Hey~! what's up Melli "

Melli dodge the her hug.

"Answer me"

"Well she a new one that suddenly appeared on stage and that shouldn't be possible when your new"

"Yeah I know that much, so it was okay to hint her in the beginning but I don't understand why your still helping her when she lucky enough to survive "

"Didn't you see it? That light shining around her body for split second?"

"So I wasn't imagining it then "

"Nope me, you and Bree was the only ones paying attention to her, that why when the that light-"

"Appeared so did the rainbow star on her back "

Another girl join the conversation.

"Bree?!" " Bree?"

"The one and only"

"So what you think about cinnamon "

" If she was able to steal the spotlight enough to make the miss center, dance with more spirit than she did in along time I think that girl will turn into a real monster "

" No kidding"

"Guess this means we better start shaping up before a cinnamon comes and steals our spot"

"That's only if! she makes it up to the Golden Wings"

" you think she'll make?"

" who knows "

" right"

A light shape box surrounding the girls one by one.

"woah; It looks like it's time to go girls"

"Bye Bye" " See ya" " later"

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