Blue Soul Vampire: A Light in the Abyss is a book of fiction written by redgefleming. The story revolves around a vampire named blue who wanted to torture himself to the point he challenged the human race to kill him. Unfortunately, he was sent to another world through a portal in which she met a woman who are tasked to stop a certain kind of demons from summoning the demon lord.
Although the grammar is great with minimal mistakes, there are slight errors when it comes to punctuation. Some involved commas which were not necessary, but then again, they were rare. Personally, what I love about the story is the contrast between Blue and Celina.
Next, the flaw of the book was that too much descriptions were being used. Too many alternatives for the dialogue tag "said" and "asked" as I would frequently see command, gasp, laugh, and if the author were to use said and asked, they'd be paired up with too much adverbs.
Keep things simple with the dialogue tags. Like what Stephen King says, "While to write adverbs is human, to write he said and she said is divine."
That's all I can say for now, good luck with your writing!