
Old Friends

If the emperor were to lay his hands on someone, then it would definitely be him.

The ties of trust between the emperor and the head of government had been broken, no doubt.

What caused this? When did this become a reality? No one really knows. Not even Abdullah, for he believes that something had changed in the heart and mind of the emperor for quite some time. It is just like the emperor at this age is totally different from what he used to be. And, Abdullah has every reason to believe that his liege no longer sees him as a brother, a buddy; instead, it is more likely that he sees him as a plain enemy.

Age has changed the emperor, and similarly for Abdullah as well, for he is still that Abdullah from years back when he was apprehended by the pirates on the Aegean. And right now, seeing the situation being like this, the old chancellor made up his mind: wherever he came from, he shall go back to that place.


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