
The Old Man's Adventure (6)

Ahmed Celebi has not slept for almost two days in a row, with little to no rest on a daily basis and limited appetite for dealing with state affairs. He rode there in a rush, after seating there for half a day, while he is already having a headache when riding here. It is only hereby now, only after everything was settled did the full brunt of exhaustion and weakness finally claim him. The sight of the man's head rolling before him exacerbated his agitation, leading to an overwhelming sense of physical collapse due to rest deprivation, poor circulation, and the day's exertions. Consequently, he blacked out.

For two entire days, the prince regent was lost to sleep, failing to wake up despite of all the commotions going on around him.

Upon awakening, his first inquiries were about the duration of his sleep and the whereabouts of the Roman delegates, to which the servants could not provide answers. "How long have I slept? Where are the Roman delegates?"


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