"Thus the hoary-headed mother Weeps and murmurs in her chambers: 'Where is now my son beloved, In the kingdom of Manala? Sow thy crops, thou dread Tuoni, Harrow well the fields of Kalma!"
- Kalevala, Elias Lönnrot (Finland)
Near the border between Bulgaria and Thrace, on a country road belonging the township of Krum, a caravan of carts meandered along the country roads. Families who are chosen by the local authorities to migrate to Constantinople were brimming with anticipation, their carts laden with household possessions. The air was filled with their songs of cheer, the women sat on the carts doing their chores, and the laughter of children playing tag infused the journey with an air of lightness. Fathers walked together, vigilant for any lurking dangers in the wilderness.
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