Therma Sphrantzes has never stepped foot in the city of Thessaloniki before, nor has she entered the palace of Thessaloniki where people address it as the government house before.
It is small, no doubt, as it was never designed to be the permanent home for a monarch before, it cannot be compared with the lavish palace of Blacknaraea, nor can it be compared with the palace of Porphyrogenitus, and of course it is nothing when compared with the majestic Great Palace of Constantinople, but still, despite being small it's got all the things that it needs to have, including a grand hall, a ball room, banquet room, waiting room, rooms for various government sectors, and even a forum and a bell tower. It is widely known that the owner of Thessaloniki does not have the habit of having concubines and mistress unlike the other monarchs in Europa, and thus this small palace is enough to house all the things that is required.
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