
The Stranded Admiral

You know, there are many ways for a person to become a hero, worshipped by his offspring, with his carcass being stored in a shrine or a temple that will become the monument of the city in the time to come, and be somehow turned into a tourist hotspot by the government in the future and used to gain some extra revenues for the city's failing finance. But the easiest way is always through dying in a battle, especially an outmatched battle.

Abraham has never ever thought of becoming a hero, at least not in this land far away from home.

"Admiral! Admiral!"

A lieutenant came running towards Abraham, almost tripping over the fallen mast in the process.

"Admiral! It is time to go! It is time to go! The ship is sinking!"

The lieutenant pulled Abraham by his elbow, wishing that he can stop just standing there and leave this cursed place, but it seems like Abraham has suddenly come back to realisation as he violently pushed his lieutenant back.

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