"Prestigious Caesar, please do bear with my behaviour, for I have absolutely no intention of being rude to you, everything that I have done and said so far is out of purely nothing but good intentions, and I am sure that this meeting between us shall be recorded down by historians as a monument in the timeline on the recovery and revival of the Roman empire. No, it is time to change to a happy occasion, and please allow me to tell you the good news that I have brought with me."
The royal ambassador took out another scroll in silk, leaned forward and passed it to Antonius.
"I bet that Constantinople can purchase their soldiers with much better gears with all these silk that are used for nothing but letters."
"Ah don't worry honourable Caesar, these silk are nothing but those cheap Athenian silk, of course we would not want to use those precious Seres silk."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: