"Only after Winter comes do we know that the pine and the cypress are the last to fade."
- Confucius
"Drop your blade! Our merciful Caesar does not kill those who surrenders willingly!"
One old man, one shivering blade, and twenty cavalries riding in circles around him.
"Drop your blade, old man. Your fight is now over." Julian said to the old Sanjek in a much gentler tone. "Your ruler's commanding flag has fallen and is nowhere to be found, your Sanjek has fled, there is no point in continuing your war here, surrender and we shall keep you alive."
"Oi! Old man!" The guard beside Julian who has slain the old Sanjek's horse yelled in a threatening tone. "Have you not heard of my general's order? Drop your blade! Surrender! And we shall pardon your life!"
"Drop your blade! Old man! Our Caesar shall give you mercy!"
A few more mounts came to the spot and stood watching the scene from a distance away.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: