
The Sanjek's Arrangements

"‎На берегу пустынных волн Стоял он, дум великих полн,"

"Upon the brink of the wild stream He stood, and dreamt a mighty dream."

-        Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin

"Sanjek! Honourable Sanjek!"

The old Sanjek Hüseyin Çelik slowly came awake and found out that almost every single Ottoman noble are here crowding around him. "How long have it been since I fell?" The Sanjek opened his mouth in a frail tone. "Have I wasted any time?"

"No honourable Sanjek, you have only f... rested for around two minutes, it is not a big deal, everything is still perfectly under control."

"Good… Good… Get me up."


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