
Elbelm of Rub el Hizb

Now, the site of trebuchets and catapults is broad open to the torches and blades of the ten men.

"How is it? How is it?" Semseddin met up with his men. "Have I not told you folks before that these Rumelians are nothing, but a fiddlestick disguised as a warrior, and it only takes one foot of us for them to come tumbling down!"

"Yes indeed your highness!" The guards answered excitedly, with blood covering the manes of their horses. "As long as we are united, the Ottomans can outmatch those infidels even if they out number us ten to one!"

"We got no more time to waste! Let us down! Burn down as many trebutchets as we can! Chop down as many technicians as we can! And make our run in ten minutes time!"


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