
The Crusade Is Over

"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."

-        The Iron Lady

Pál Kinizsi stopped crying and after trying for a long time, finally squeezed a smile on his full of tear marks face, though that smile literally looks nothing like a smile, instead it looks like even worse than crying. 

John Hunyadi grinned with Pál Kinizsi, tidied up his armour, picked up his helmet wearing it for him, then gave him a pat on the back and ordered softly. "Summon every one, I shall be waiting." 

A minute later, Pál Kinizsi sounded the horn calling out to all Hungarian Crusaders to gather around. Slowly every single survivor hearing this blew off the tiredness in their heads wiping the mixture of blood, sweat, tears and dirt off their faces and dragged their restless bodies here making this entire place a little crowdy, but they all kept silent, and eyed their general sitting in the middle eagerly anticipating what he have to say. 

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