
Hooves From the North

"You played us like a damn fiddle…" 

The Despot snarled at Zaganos Pasha nastily after every one's away. 

But Zaganos Pasha did not like seem he care by the single bit. He sat down beside the table and started eating rasp berries. "Well, it is a fair trade, you get what you want, I get what I want, I don't see a problem here."

"Hmph." The Despot refused to continue on this topic and continued his prayers. 

"I would like to say that we really, really had a good time cooperating with each other." Giggled Zaganos Pasha as he raised his cup and gave the Despot a toast. "As according to the deal, you shall now be independent, Edirne shall no longer send you any commands or instructions, the Ottomans and the Serbians shall have a mutual diplomatic relationship, although I find it bizarre why you do not want to be, you know, a part in our big family."


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