

"General everybody has gathered." Xiao Pei reported.

Si Ning opened his eyes, he was now fully dressed in his armour and had been in his room looking at the map Xiao Pei gave him but instead of him to study it, he closed his eyes to think because from all his imagination he never imagined the reserved army to be a hundred and fifty in number. It was a very small number so he was confused about how to proceed.

The rules of the world were to take a step at a time so Si Ning stood up and closed the map handing it over to Xiao Pei who was dressed in armour, he frowned because Xiao Pei would stay at the Si residence and not go to war yet he wore armour but Si Ning didn't say a word about that because all he could focus on was what he would say to get support for Si Nan because to leave a young girl like her was something he wasn't comfortable it, it was when he got to his room he realised that.

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